*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

Congrats! So jealous of everyone finding out! I have to wait until the 20week scan as I couldn't bring myself to spend the money to find out early ahah! 3 weeks today until my 20 week scan, it can't come soon enough!
If it wasn't for the high risk of downs we wouldn't have found out until 4 weeks today. I feel like we know everything now and we don't get any surprises until labour day like knowing what she looks like x
Creeping over here a wee bit early. Lots of girls somehow I've got a feeling this is another boy but maybe that's because a boy is all I know.

We didn't find out the sex with A we wanted a surprise together, didn't work out that way and loads of people knew it was a boy before they stabilised me which still bugs me to this day.

So we are making a point of getting a private scan and the 3 of us finding out together. Mainly to prepare A but also because we have so much boys stuff it makes sense to know. If the 20 week scan wasn't as long as it is we would have just waited for that but A would be wrecking the place bored.

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We found out with DS so I could get clothing in before hand as I knew I'd not be fit to do it after the birth.

This time we want to know for similar reasons, to either re-prep the boys clothes or sell them and get some more girly ones etc
Thanks! We booked early scan as too impatient and didn't want to wait til 20 week scan :) was only £39 so not too bad!
I was feeling girl too and with DS I felt boy!
Congrats on other gender reveals could be a girly month then! Xx
Hope everyone is doing ok today? We've been having a major sort out of DS clothes and getting rid of things that no longer fit him. I also went through his baby clothes looking for the gender neutral stuff - and there are 5 items of clothing! I hardly kept any!!
Have I missed anyone on the front and am I up to date with genders? Baby brain is really kicking in and I'm reading things and forgetting to follow them up!
Have I missed anyone on the front and am I up to date with genders? Baby brain is really kicking in and I'm reading things and forgetting to follow them up!

I need to be moved to 17th please lovely x
We always bought one set of gender neutral in each size for dd knowing wed have a second quickish after so even if it is a boy well hopefully have a decent amount of stuff to reuse. Just think of all the cute little clithes you'll have to buy now cossie,girls clothes are just so adorable! Xx
Exciting that it's a girly month so far, looking forward to finding out what others are having! Is there anyone not planning to find out?

Today is one week since I had my Harmony Test... still waiting for results. Time is dragging.
Can't believe your results have taken so long. But i guess if yours have gone to the states then it take longer x
Have I missed anyone on the front and am I up to date with genders? Baby brain is really kicking in and I'm reading things and forgetting to follow them up!

I need to be moved to 17th please lovely x

All done Mrs cookie! My baby brain is just getting worse and worse. I literally need to write things down as I think of them because as soon as I stand up I’ve forgotten what I needed to do! :lol: is anyone else getting really bad at remembering things?

I had my 16 week midwife appointment yesterday. It was the quickest appointment I’ve ever had! Tested pee, took my blood pressure and added my blood results to my notes and that was that! No feeling of my tummy or anything! I can’t really remember what happened at my appointment with DS but I’m sure there was more than that! Maybe it’s because it’s my second?

I’m sure it won’t be much longer for your results muffinski :)
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I had a 30 min appointment she looked over all my blood results rtf
Did the sample and then felt my belly and hears the heartbeat. I don't see her now until 25 weeks x
Haha, I am just the same Cossie:))) sooo forgetful! And sometimes I don't even register what people say to me! I seem to forget things straight away, it's so funny :) xx
Woo hoo I'm finally in tri 2! Hope your all doing ok and feeling better. X
Thanks cossie! I thought you hear the heartbeat at the 16week,was looking forward to taking dd to listen in will be gutted if they don't do it lol. I don't think i ever lost baby brain from last time my brain is like a sieve haha!
Hope you get your results soon muffin!
Happy tri 2 day Aimee!
Yay happy Tri 2 Aimee!

I was gutted Mrs cookie. I think it depends on your area and your midwife. Mine said they don’t do it because it cause more anxiety than it does ease it. I do understand but having heard it only a couple of days before it can’t be that hard can it? Maybe I’m just being greedy! :lol:
I had my 16 week check at 15+5 there was no reluctance for her t do it. She offered. I wonder if you had asked if they would have x
Hey everyone hope your all doing well, I’m offically tri 2 tomorrow but beings tri 1 isn’t very active now I thought I’d post here, the tablets I’m on for sickness are helping but not for enough of the day, like by night time I’m up all night sick, hopefully it’ll all ease soon anyway. It’s crazy I’m starting to show already! Don’t think I’ll be able to hide it much longer at work lol, and there was me hoping I’d make it until December lmao! Planning to book a gender scan for November (likely 3rd Saturday in November which will make me 17 weeks so excited to find out this time.

Got my consultants appointment today at 9:50am nervous to know weather I’ll have to have a c-sec or not!

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