*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

Nearly everyone is over here now. Yay x
Hi Lander, I am 14 weeks and was hoping so much that the whole sickness thing will be settling down. I do have days when I feel better but yesterday and today was pretty bad again(( I gag at everything at the moment! Just trying to stay hydrated to be honest..How are you doing? Can you eat/drink anything?x
KerryJo, I like Alice too and was considering it as a name for a girl until I realised that many girls will be called Alice now as it's the most popular name for William and Kate's third child!)))x
Hi Lander, I am 14 weeks and was hoping so much that the whole sickness thing will be settling down. I do have days when I feel better but yesterday and today was pretty bad again(( I gag at everything at the moment! Just trying to stay hydrated to be honest..How are you doing? Can you eat/drink anything?x

can of coke and a cup of Oxo (yes it's old school. Lol totally what mum would have made me have given how I feel). It's odd, I feel like I have trapped wind and upset tummy but if anything I feel mildly constipated.

Thankfully DH is working from home and sorting DS lunch and nappies etc.

We went for my quad blood test this morning. High risk will warrant a phone call tomorrow (our wedding anniversary, ideal) other wise it's a letter in a week. Nothing really expected, they just couldn't measure the neck fold properly at 12wk and want the test as back up due to me being 36 and overweight. Though I'm fitting into size 16 maternity jeans now so I'm losing weight overall again like I did with DS.
I'm still heaving as soon as I wake up and after my evening meal and during the day. I've actually started actual vomiting aswel on occasions and I'm over 16 weeks.
Hope you don't get that phone call, I totally understand how awful it is.
I feel queasy when I wake up and only the anti nausea tablets ease it but once it’s gone that’s it. I do have mornings when I don’t feel sick at all though!

I’m sure everything is fine Lander :) you’ll get past tomorrow and be expecting that letter in the post

DS has yet another cough which is resulting in bad nights sleep for us all.
Eee so exciting most people are in tri 2 now!! Were looking at booking a gender scan weekend of the 4th so not too long to wait i suppose!! Were nowhere with names too this time! Last time we were set from the start it was Isabella rose for a girl and Sebastian Sean for a boy but now im not sure im still 100% on seb and as for girls we have no front runners really! I like Emily and hubs likes Amelia but suppose we will see what were having then have a proper think!

Im still mega sick,i throw up about 6 times a day and my meds do sweet f a lol. Roll on the next few weeks,last time it eased around 20 weeks but hoping its earlier this time! I've lost a stone tho so that's something haha Xx
I feel we are never going to settle on a name. My daughter had 5 names and me and my mum picked it about 3 hours after she was born
I'm not a fan of popular names I like something a bit different x
So I popped Into work this morning to get my maternity uniform paperwork signed off as I don't normally see managers. Went to the linen room and they said 6 week wait. However she just rang and said she has some so someone has obviously returned some. My current uniform is fit to burst haha x
yeah last time things didn't entirely settle for me until after 16wk but that's this time next week so fingers crossed in nearly there.
Hi so long time stalker but hardly posting this time (I just don't get chance to keep up with messages this time round!!)
Hope everyone is doing well?
Can I can be changed to due date as 7th April and we are having a girl! :) thanks xx
We don't find out until December! Very excited! Are you having private scans to find out? Or getting your 20 week scan early? xx
We had the harmony test and cossie had a private scan.
My 20 weeks scan is 21st November so 4 weeks away
Hi so long time stalker but hardly posting this time (I just don't get chance to keep up with messages this time round!!)
Hope everyone is doing well?
Can I can be changed to due date as 7th April and we are having a girl! :) thanks xx

Eeeee of course Jenbob! Congratulations lovely! :D
Congratulations Jenbob! Lovely news! Xx

So we have 3 people from the Apr group who know the gender already. And all girls so far! Looks like April could be a "girly" month :) xx

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