*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

my belly is always bigger at night, totally normal. Im feeling some kind of movment and then panic when i dont even though its normal x
My bump os huge already too! Last time i wasn't this big til the third trimester haha!

Hope youre OK cossie,they are really well cushioned so im sure all will be fine but hope you get some reassurance.

Well i finally told work,my boss was fine about it. She was actually relievd as she was planning on stopping opening on a night when i work after January so probably works out well for us both as that'll be close to when id be finishing anyways. Glad its done,just need a gender scan now and then we can announce our news!

Anyone else struggling with sleep? Never had this lasy time round til the later stages. I wake around 3 every night and toss and turn for hours. Have given up today and got up at 5. Dd wont be up til 8 but guna be a long day today for me! Xx
Thanks ladies. I’ve felt some movements since so that’s a bit more reassuring. Just hope they keep coming! I felt so guilty afterwards as it could have been avoided. I needed the loo and stepped over OH and he moved his legs so I stepped to the side to make sure I didn’t step on him and lost my footing and went flying. I don’t even know why I thought walking across the bed was a good idea to be honest. I spent hours crying just saying ‘please be ok baby girl’ - I feel really stupid now!

Glad everyone is doing ok! I panic when I don’t feel her move too Loula. I don’t expect to feel her regularly until about 18-20 weeks though anyway but still doesn’t make it any less nerve racking!

I’m struggling Mrs cookie! Not when all is quiet but OHs snoring is waking me up numerous times in the night and then because of his snoring I can’t get back to sleep :roll: he’s been sleeping at his mum and dads last night and tonight so we can both get a decent nights kip! :)
I love sleep I have no trouble sleeping at all.
I need a nap most days and even though I'm up 3 times a night I always go back to sleep x
I'd been sleeping better but DS has been up with 39°+ temps the last three nights. Ended up getting the sofa bed out in his room and he finally settled at 5.15am this morning sleeping on the floor.
I’ve got a bad feeling today ladies. Like somethings just not right. Don’t know whether to call midwives or not. Can you call if you’ve just got a bad feeling?
Decided to call anyway. She’s going to call me back after she’s spoken to triage at Telford hospital as I don’t think there’s much Shrewsbury can do at weekends
Was told to go out to Telford to the triage in the antenatal ward. I’ve arrived there and am now waiting. It’s quite busy in here :( got a feeling I’m in for a bit of a wait
Midwife couldn’t find heartbeat but she did find the placenta and the blood flow through that so she said she wasn’t worried. She got me a jug of water and said with a full bladder it should be easier to find HB. They did find protein in my wee whichcould explain the cramps. Just finishing my water so she can listen again in a bit.

Another thing she said is if the fall had done any damage I would have likely had some bleeding by yesterday so that’s another positive
You must be so worried. Fingers crossed for you that everything is OK. Keep us posted if you can.
Baby might be all curled up she is Still so small .
Hope they find her. Can they not scan you?
Found her heartbeat! :D on my way home now. There’s protein in my pee so they’re sending it off. Looks like a water infection *phew*
So glad they found her heartbeat! You must be so relieved
Cossie, very glad to hear all is ok! You must be relieved. Xx

Yesterday and today have been just a lovely couple of days telling family and friends our news. Everyone is so excited for us that we're having a girl! Looking forward to the next tine we can see her at the 20 week scan. It's not until early December, which feels so far away!

Is everyone having a good weekend?
Thanks ladies. I’m incredibly relieved. Both that they found a heartbeat and that the reason for cramps has nothing to do with my pregnancy. Just need to wait for test results now to see if I need antibiotics now :)

Aaaw muffinski that sounds amazing! Our 20 wk Scan is something like 15th November so only a few weeks away so that’s not too bad.

Weekend so far has been really good. DS has been such a little superstar with me not being myself and the migraines this weekend has been horrific. It was really bad when I woke this morning but it’s calmed down a lot now :) hope everyone else is doing ok!
Cossie I had a three day migraine at 16wks last time. I'm dreading it happening this time which will be from Tuesday onwards.
I had a headache for a few days but also had a cold around 16 weeks also had it with my daughter too.
OH got up with her this morning and let me have an extra hour even though I fell asleep at like 730 last night.
Our 20 week scan is 3 weeks Tuesday and I'm be 20+3 fees like ages but is also coming round quick.
I am so crampy but have also read it's normal and baby now starts to gain lots more weight etc
Cossie, that sounds awful about the migraines. I hope they stop soon!

So I've been reading up online about all the things we will need to buy for the baby and am feeling completely overwhelmed. There are so many things!! And I have no idea how to tell a good cot from a bad one - same with all the other stuff, like car seat, pram, etc! Do any of you that already have one or more children have any advice? Thanks in advance! Xx

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