*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

My midwife said the same about the heartbeat, she said at 16 weeks you may not be able to hear itand women often go away worrying, it was only because I asked she did it, luckily we heard it straight away!
So I saw my consultant today, was a lovely man & he found babies heartbeat for me to listen to and I’m 14 weeks tomorrow was amazing and I really didn’t think I’d get the chance to listen so was a massive bonus.
As for delivery I will have to have assisted delivery, not sure how I feel about it to be fair two things I didn’t want last time were ventouse or forceps and now that’s my options (nervous)
Personally I think you need that reassurance around 16 weeks. It's that inbetween the 12 and 20 week scan that takes ages.
How comes you need assisted delivery? Sorry I'm nosey x
Glad the consultant was lovely Kerry,sorry you've not been given the options you waned but however baby makes their appearance it'll all be worth it in the end xx

Hows everyone doing? Im feeling slightly less sick today hurrah!! Looking forward to Halloween weekend,got plans to watch the new series of stranger things with hubs tonight and then were going to a Halloween event at a farm on Sunday with dd. Also fully stocked ob sweets for our trick or treaters tho i keep eating them haha. Whats everyone else Up to? Xx
I just got my Harmony Test results!!! Baby is absolutely fine (less than 1 in 10,000 chance of Downs), and add some more pink to that front page as we are having a girl!!!!!
That’s great muffinski.. been thinking about you today! What a relief for you x
That's great. Definitely a pink month here x
That's all! Am so relieved!! It's going to be such a great weekend!!!
Wow muffinski so so happy all is good and another girl in the April babies! Wow!!! My partner want a girl and so does my son, in fact he is set on it being a girl, he literally says to me every day, “mummy I kiss my sister, it’s a girl a pink one mum” and everyday I say “it could be a boy, a little brother we don’t know yet” and he says “no mum a sister” but although this pregnancies been very different I’ve always said I could have 5 kids and they’d all be boys lol so wouldn’t be surprised if we had another boy. Also kev (my partner) one of his brothers has two sons, his sister has 2 sons, and his other bother has 1 daughter, kevs cousin has just had the first girl born in 7 years on his side so the chances of me having a girl are probably pretty slim x

Did you have any preference on what gender you wanted?
Mrs_cookie we are tempted to just go with c-sec, I’m going to do some research this week, and speak to my midwife about it all in a couple of weeks when I see her at my 16 week appointment x

Loula, the reason for assisted delivery is because I had a brain hemmoraghe in December last year and I also have intracranial hypertension which is too much fluid around the brain and it causes high fluid pressure which results in me needing regular lumbar punctures to stop me going blind. He said pushing could cause another hemmoraghe or stroke so I fully understand why I can’t, and honestly I wouldn’t want to risk it either. But I am thinking I’d rather have c-sec than ventouse or forceps, I don’t like the idea of either, only because of the baby getting hurt in the process, I feel like I’d rather be the one left scarred and in pain, than the baby! But I’m going on friends that have had ventouse or forceps and the misshaped babies heads or cuts on their face and head from the forceps, just scares me big time, but I will 100% do my research first x
Oh I see. I would definitely research. People will also always tell you horror stories. I had an episiotomy with my daughter in an emergency situation and it was awful but at least you are going into it with knowledge x
Congratulations muffinski that’s fantastic news!! :D

I fell out of bed last night and on to my side. I called the midwives at 2am and she said to monitor pains and any bleeding but as I’ve been cramping all pregnancy I don’t know whether it’s going to be bad cramps or the same as I’ve always had. Also because movements aren’t regular or strong yet I can’t trust everything being ok based on movements. The thing is even if I call now there’ll be no one to scan until next week so won’t know for sure. Maybe I’m best off just monitoring and hoping for the best? Midwife said baby is really cushioned at the moment and things are more than likely absolutely fine. Anyone else had a fall at this sort of point?

Kerryjo, it’s good you’re doing research. I totally understand your inclination to go straight for a c section. Is this your first?
KerryJo, that is so cute what your son has been saying! How adorable!

Good idea about researching all options, c section does seem to be a good option given everything you've said.

I didn't mind either way on gender, it's our first (I'm not actually sure if we will end up having more than one!)- so I didn't mind which gender. My husband had a preference for a boy, but he says he's happy with the news.

Cossie - sorry to hear about your fall, they are really really cushioned though like the midwife said. Let us know how you get on xxx
feel like bump has grown loads today and I swear after running upstairs earlier I could feel my pulse like right behind my belly button which is where my anterior placenta would be. That might freak me out a little if it happens a lot!
I’ve felt really lucky today as I’ve felt 2 lots of movements. Was only for a minute or so each time if that but they were definite movements. I can’t wait for the bigger kicks. I might mention the fall at my consultant appointment next week as my letter says they’ll do any investigations they need to including ultrasounds and fetal heartbeat monitoring so maybe he’ll be able to do something to ease my mind just a little more

Lander my bump is huge! Can’t believe e how big I am at 16 weeks! Do you find it goes down a lot though when you lie down?
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So glad everything is OK Muffinski. Wow April really is a pink month!
Hope you are OK after your fall Cossie.
That sounds so frightening KerryJo you are def right to do all your research and then make your decision..

I feel like I must be the only 1 left in tried 1. Still getting a lot of discomfort down my left lower back and leg. Not sure if its too early to be pregnancy related though. Back at the hospital on Tues not sure what to expect since I'll only be 14+2.

Congratulations Muffinski! Great news! It's a girly month :)

Cossie, I hope you are OK. My friend fell down the stairs when she was pregnant, not sure how far exactly she was, she just said she was quite heavily pregnant then. She worried about the baby but luckily her little girl was fine. Hope all goes well for you too! Xx
Yes goes down plenty when lying down. Looks bigger after certain foods bloat me out as well though. Oh and because after all my loose bowels rather than morning sickness.... I'm now constipated.

Part of that is stress for this weekend though. In law's 40th anniversary do. Should be fun but lots to think about and we've got my mum, dad and step mum with us at varying points over the weekend.

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