*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

Merry Christmas all! Hope everyone has had a good one!

I’ve set up our third trimester thread :) I know it’s a bit early but we’ll all be moving across slowly over the next month or so! :D it’s all very exciting!!

Hope you’re all doing well! X
Merry Christmas everyone, hope you all had a lovely time.
I’m still I’ll so plan to call Drs tomorrow to see if they’ll see me, but despite being ill I’ve managed to Carry on and have And alright time, my son enjoyed himself so that’s all that really mattered and I was just about able to taste my Christmas dinner lol which I’m glad about as I know I would have ended up crying over my dinner plate other wise lmao!

Loula I was the same lol I have no room for anything! So today I’ve been and brought 3 Kaplan units that fit 8 boxes and 1 that fits 4 boxes lol they are being delivered tomorrow so tomorrow shall be operation blitz in this flat lmao! All fun and games right lol keep thinking god knows what I’ll do when the baby comes to...... guess I’ll jump that hurdle when we get to it!

Had to go into my town on Boxing Day as Toby has conjunctivitis so needed some drops, decided whilst we were down there we would pop into next, and my god we got some the cutest baby boy bits <3 let&#8217;s hope he remains a he and we don&#8217;t get told she next week lmao, else I may cry!

Oooooo Cossie, I&#8217;m well excited for tri 3!!!!! Can&#8217;t believe how fast it&#8217;s going though.

Finally felt and saw baby fidgeting from the outside last night, forgot just how amazing it feels <3 keep looking back at the little video I took, in awe, it&#8217;s so amazing what our bodies are doing <3
I hope everyone had a lovely christmas! We did, despite my lack of mulled wine :).

Muffinski - I've just ordered this tankini-suit (http://www.next.co.uk/sale/684978) I think it's pretty but I guess it's all down to taste :) it'll take 6-7 weeks to arrive, but my normal suit still fits so that's probably ok for me.

Also - just in case anyone needs any... I finally gave in and braved mothercare on boxing day to buy new bras. I got £75 of bras for £22! They were brilliant with me as well, so helpful!

Cossie - can't believe we have a tri 3 thread! How did we get there so fast?!?!

I have absolutely no desire to go out to the shops until after the new year haha bit you have got some great bargains.
I have my 25 week check with the midwife today. I only have a week left on here as I got 26 weeks Saturday. I haven't seen her for 10 weeks.
Hope you get seen Kerryjo, it sucks being ill when pregnant as there&#8217;s very little you can take. I&#8217;m gaining a blocked nose and a bit of a cough and usually at this point I&#8217;d be drinking so many lemsips, taking sudofed and covonia! Instead I&#8217;m having to settle for honey and lemon and paracetamol!

Wow meg some fab bargains there!! I need to head to mothercare to hunt down a support belt for my hips. Might wait til the new year now though!

Ah! So exciting Loula! I&#8217;ll be 26 weeks on New Year&#8217;s Day! But first I have to deal with the dreaded GTT tomorrow morning :( and then I&#8217;ll be seeing my midwife again at 28 weeks and I think it&#8217;s ever other week from then for me :)
All is fine. Back in 2 weeks for my 28 week appt at 27+5 and my scan the next day. Baby doesn't like the Doppler kept moving away but found her straight away x
Do you have an anterior placenta? I can't see every movement from the outside but can feel loads. I wouldn't worry too much if you can feel movement from the inside. It'll come, also it depends on your size and shape
So I braved mothercare!! I bought a pair of jeans, a vest and a Jessie (toy story) sleepsuit. The jeans were marked as £18 down from £35, the best was £3.50 down from £5 and the sleepsuit £5 down from £12 (I think). When I got to the till everything was even cheaper still! Instead of spending £25+ I spent £13!! I&#8217;m so pleased!! :D they didn&#8217;t have any support belts in store though :( that was the only disappointment

I can feel most movements now from the outside but a fair few are still really low down. If I remember from DS it was around 30weeks that everything was really strong and my tummy looked like an alien :lol:
Sat in the waiting room for the GTT :( I hate needles and to have to have 2 blood tests within 2 hours of each other is just my worst nightmare
Hope everyone had a restful Christmas!!
Cossie - Amazing bargains!! Me and OH have just ordered our Moses basket from Mothercare. £60 down to £18. I&#8217;m in love with it. It&#8217;s adorable. Can anyone tell me - are Moses basket stands quite generic? Like could we buy a £5 stand from Argos for the Mothercare basket or would it have to be specifically from Mothercare?? I haven&#8217;t got a clue! X
I haven't been told about the gtt so assuming I've avoided it again this time thankfully it doesn't sound nice
Wow I will have to raid mothercare in the new year she my daughter goes back to school or over the weekend with OH I can't face it on my own yet haha my dad gave us some vouchers for there.
Is a Moses basket necessary? I never had one last time. I would maybe look at the specs re the stand as they may be different.
I've already booked myself in for my 28 week bloods can safely say after a the blood tests I've had in getting used to them. The worst one was the harmony one she went in so deep I bruised for over a week
No idea about placenta Loula... will have to ask next time.

Cossie, I feel for you! I have to have it at the end of January and I have a fear of needles too. How did it go? Xx
It should be in your notes from the 12 week scan if they have you a print out.
That is a nice swimsuit Meg. I needed one more quickly than that and ended up ordering this one, hoping it’s going to be nice:

I still cannot see/feel baby moving from the outside, only from the inside. Is this normal?? I’m 24 weeks now.

Ooo that is really pretty!! I really need to go swimming more! :).

I checked my midwife notes as well, and people feel internal movements between 16-24 weeks, so I wouldn't worry if you're not feeling her on the outside yet. But I guess you'll have your 25 week appointment soon? So you could mention it to the midwife if your still concerned?

Thanks muffinski! Mine went well, had the results back already and I don&#8217;t have GD! :D I hope yours goes well in January!
Saw small movements from the outside last night. 24+4. Within a week of when I saw with DS. Glad it seems to be proof that my placenta is really high as well as being anterior!

Need to book my GTT and whooping cough vaccine for the week beginning 22nd Jan once all the clinics open up again. Also applying for my maternity allowance from 9th Jan when I reach 26wks.

Hope you're all keeping well.

I was very lucky I had my whooping cough jab at my 20 week scan.
I put in my maternity forms Thursday so should hear what I'm entitled to in a few weeks im.s bit nervous as don't think it will be much but going back to work in july.
Eeek it's new year and in a round 3 months we will be having our babies x
Happy new year ladies! Can you believe we are having our babies this year??

Happy New year
Eeek 3 months and we will be having babies.
I best start getting prepared xxx

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