*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

Meg it’s the most amazing thing ever. She’s going totally crackers in there tonight. I’m just lying in bed with the torch on my phone watching my belly haha!!
Enjoy it ladies because before long you'll be getting feet hooked under ribs and it can get quite uncomfortable later on in general.
I've had alot of bum in the air and bones picking through recently.
Anyone know what pram they are getting. I think we've picked well I have x
Yeah this one was leaning/ hanging out over to the left this morning and I could finally feel body along with the movement. So pleased.
Loving that some of you are feeling and seeing bigger movements, my little lad was wriggling away last night to the point I thought I’d feel it on the outside but couldn’t but our movements are getting much stronger here, I’m loving it!

Also best news ever i won’t be removed from the crèche!!!! Just got to get dr or midwife to sign a letter they wrote, I’m so over the moon! Means i will be working right up until I have baby, which means I will go back to work later to :)

Loula, we kept our sons silver cross wayfarer so will be using that again, may just buy a different colour pack for it to change it up a bit, we are thinking navy blue or vintage red, currently we have black and the black/sand seat liner as we were team yellow last time so had to keep everything nutural! Am well excited to get everything down from the loft after Christmas, especially the baby clothes, I was close to tears last time I sorted through them I was like omg how was Toby so teeny and then thought we&#8217;d never fall pregagnt again so was a little gutted to that we may never use them again. This time it&#8217;ll be like OMG we will soon have another teeny to put in them :) <3
So glad all had worked out for you. I need to sort out maternity leave but haven't got my matb1 until next week.
I'll have to finish early because of commuting to Kent and doing long days.
Yes I'm looking forward now to starting to get things for this little one after Xmas x
LOula, which pram are you getting? We haven&#8217;t bought one yet and I feel clueless about it.
At first I wanted the my babiie travel system in navy and rose gold or the grey stars but thought the grey would show all the dirt.
Oh talked me out of it as he didn't like it and thought it looked and felt cheap because he's such an expert expert.
At the moment I'm swaying towards the mamas and papas sola 2 travel system in maybe mulberry. I'm gutted as it's a very good price at the moment but OH won't do anything until after Xmas. We will probably get the nursery furniture there too.. I'm only worrying a little as some of them had a 7 to 10 weeks wait on then and I'm 25 weeks Saturday.
Best thing is to go and have a push and see what you like. I went cheap last time and within 6 months had a stroller that I used until my daughter was 3.5. Have you any ideas at all?
Everyone is very quiet. Hope everyone is ok xx
I was thinking the same thing! I&#8217;m all good, feeling extremely tired but I think it&#8217;s down to the excitement of Christmas coming up!

Is everyone ready for Christmas? X
Thankfully yes. Was all wrapped by last weekend .
I'm at work yesterday and today although today is an easy day.
Wrapping to do tonight and tomorrow but otherwise we're good.
Have a lovely Christmas everyone! We have everybody arriving tomorrow, just going to have a quiet night, perhaps with take away and a good film tonight :)

Does anyone know of ANY nice maternity swimwear? I&#8217;ve been google searching and everything I find is horrible...
I&#8217;ve not been on much as I&#8217;m so bloody ill! This cough is beating me, my whole body hurts, the antibiotics have helped my ears but my coughs just got worse and worse, I&#8217;d say in the last 48hrs the only time I haven&#8217;t been coughing non stop is during the 6hrs sleep I&#8217;ve just about managed to get, my heads pounding from the coughing, my whole tummy feels like it&#8217;s bruised and I&#8217;ve clearly pulled nearly every muscle in my body, it&#8217;s making me be so sick to where the constant coughing is making me gag! Keep worrying about my head and another bleed because the amount of pressure this coughs putting on my head is shocking :-( just want to feel better now, this has been going on since Monday! Could cry :-(
Aw no Kerryjo that sounds awful! I really hope you feel better soon.

We had our repeat 20 week scan yesterday, little lady still curled but they managed to get the measurements they needed. Placenta is still low lying at the front so back for another scan in 8 weeks.

Probably won't be in this much over the next few days so Merry Christmas ladies I hope you all have a lovely time with your loved ones. Won't be long until we can say our wee ones will be born this year.

I hope you feel better soon Kerryjo :(

Glad your 20 week Scan went well C! It&#8217;s cool you&#8217;ll get to see baby girl again before she&#8217;s born!!

I&#8217;ve had a busy few days as it&#8217;s my sisters 21st birthday today and she&#8217;s made it a Birthday weekend starting Friday! We went out for drinks (mocktails for me!), yesterday was just a chilled day with family visiting and today she&#8217;s off to a spa and we are going over in the afternoon and then out for a meal tonight before staying over at mum and dads ready for Christmas Day!! :D I&#8217;m so excited! I love this time of year!!

I hope you all have an amazing Christmas :D xxx
Oh and I was going to mention that sometime between Christmas and New Year I was going to set up our third trimester thread (aaaaahhh!!! It&#8217;s coming around so quickly!!) :D unless of course anyone else wants to set it up? :) I don&#8217;t mind either way!!
Happy V Day to me!

Hope you've all had a nice Xmas xx
Hope you all had a lovely Xmas .
I've had a mini break down about where to put everything haha

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