*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

Last shift at work done and I have been looking forward to this break! Then after half term I have only 3 weeks til I go on maternity :D I can’t wait!!

V day for me today ladies! *sigh of relief*
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Happy v day.
I need to sort out my may leave will probably leave middle of March because I probably shouldn't be driving that far by then. Got to hand all the form in in the next few weeks.
Happy v day such a relief isn't it to get this far. No more then 18 weeks until our babies are here x
So I’ve actually announced to the world that we are expecting today, how I’ve managed to keep it a secret at all is beyond me lol! But so glad it’s finally out there, had to share our little announcement with you all (mainly because I just love how excited Toby is).


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Aww look at him Kerryjo he looks so proud!

Happy V Day Cossie.
This is potentially a very silly question... but what is v day? X
This is potentially a very silly question... but what is v day? X

I have been wondering the same thing Meg and had to google it!! Turns out it's the date that the pregnancy could be viable if the baby is born (i.e. if baby born from that date he or she has a chance of survival).
V day is 24 weeks because studies have shown that there is a higher percentage of survival at this point. Also babies born after the point will get medical intervention where as before this it's very hit and miss as to what would happen
Ahhh ok that makes sense! So much to learn! :) - congratulations to those of you that are there already. X
It's not long til we are all past v day and then we'll all be starting to move across to tri 3!! :D I'm so excited for this baby it's unreal!
Have my VBAC clinic appointment this afternoon.

Should be relatively positive tbh but we'll see what they say.
A bit tmi but is anyone got alot going on down there? I feel wet loads x
Good luck with your appointment Lander.

I know what you mean loula, tbh there's too much going on everywhere! More discharge, crampy, bowels aren't great, excessively tired, hormonal, teary - to name just a few!! :lol:
Oh dear. I'm also going to add heavy nosebleeds to that list as I had one last night and just now.
Lander I hope your appointment went well!

I’m dying here with my throat! It’s so so sore, my head hurts, my ears a hurt, everything hurts and I can feel it going into my chest, so I called the Drs ask for an appointment they did a phone call, the dr literally diagnosed a viral infection over the phone! Like WTF!! How is that possible to diagnose anything without looking at a patient! I even explained what happened last time I was told it was nothing (2 weeks in hospital because the cough got so bad it caused my pressure to raise too high in my head, and needing antibiotics) I said I really don’t want to end up in that situation again and he said well fingers crossed! I’m fuming! I’ve just sat here in tears lol, stupid I know and I’m guessing it’s the hormones but seriously I’m so pissed off x

Sorry for the rant!
Basically keeping an eye on her growth and presentation. If induction is indicated they'll use balloon method rather than pessary etc.

75% chance of normal delivery.
KerryJo, that's awful. Can you call again and ask for an appointment with a different doctor?
Omg girls I have been sat tonight having a chin wag with my best friend and baby starting kicking quite strong so my friend (who has felt it before a week or so ago) started having a little feel, and she pointed out that you could actually see baby’s foot jabbing out my belly!! My belly was moving where she was kicking. I’m a FTM so it’s all totally new to me. It’s blown my mind!!! I didn’t think that would happen this early. Do yous think I’m having a huge baba? Haha. My mum reckons it’s because I’m slim it’s started this early. Anyone else experiencing this yet?? Most amazing thing ever xx
Omg girls I have been sat tonight having a chin wag with my best friend and baby starting kicking quite strong so my friend (who has felt it before a week or so ago) started having a little feel, and she pointed out that you could actually see baby’s foot jabbing out my belly!! My belly was moving where she was kicking. I’m a FTM so it’s all totally new to me. It’s blown my mind!!! I didn’t think that would happen this early. Do yous think I’m having a huge baba? Haha. My mum reckons it’s because I’m slim it’s started this early. Anyone else experiencing this yet?? Most amazing thing ever xx

It's so amazing isn't it?? I'm a ftm as well. I've been seeing mine kick for about 2 weeks now! It is the best feeling. Imagine how it'll feel as they get bigger! X

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