*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

glad baby has started moving stacey! Hubs has felt baby a couple times now,keep trying to get him to move for dd but so far he goes quiet when she puts her hand on bless.

Hope youre both feeling better,me and dd are finally starting to get over our cold. The pharmacy gave me a glycerine,lemon and honey cough syrup they said was safe for pregnancy cossie if it helps. I've been throwing up so much lately with coughing making me gag,wont harm me in the run up to christmas tho i suppose,i usually pile a few pounds on with all the xmas food haha.

Anyone else mega emotional? I was never like this with dd but literally seem to cry about 10 times a day at the min,at anything - TV adverts,songs,dd or just because i feel i need to cry. Feeling a right wimp lol xx

I’m sooooo emosh at the minute too. I was a total wreck today !! Cried my eyes out all the way home from work. And then I started crying all over again because my neck was all wet from crying. Haha. And then again because my OH gave me his advent choc as well as my own to try and cheer me up!! Those bloody hormones xx
Hope everyone is doing ok!

I’m super emotional too. I literally cry at everything. And I mean EVERYTHING!

I have just had the biggest kick from baby so far! I had my arm resting on my belly and she just kicked it right off! :D
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Glad its not just me whose emotions are all over the place haha.

Cossie I've had the same this morning! Dd accidentally kicked my tummy (not hard) and he didnt half boot her back,the foot practically came out!! A sign of things to come maybe :lol:
Hope you’ve all had a good week, my weeks been up and down but at a spa right now and seriously wishing I could end every week this way to be fair!
:lol: it does worry me Mrs cookie! She not booted DS yet but I’m sure she will soon. DS keeps using my tummy as something to push down on to help him sit up and it hurts like hell. We’ve tried telling him that he needs to be gentle or he’ll hurt his sister and although he’s apologetic and will say sorry and kiss my tummy better he doesn’t seem to remember!

Oooo nice Kerryjo! I had my nails done this afternoon for the first time in years! Really enjoyed it and might try and keep them nice :)
After a lovely time at the spa I’m now home, baby is kicking away at my bladder lol, but I have a super poorly Toby, guessing he has an ear infection, the poor thing is in bed with me and keeps waking up beside himself in agony, he is also roasting hot even though he’s had calpol and neurofen! Waiting for call back with a time to take him to see the out of hours gp, meanwhile I’m laid here next to him feeling pretty helpless, nothing worse than the little ones being poorly :-(
Happy V Day Loula!!! :D Mine is on Monday! I can't wait!

We took DS to see santa this morning, it was really nice but DS wouldn't stop talking long enough for santa to get a word in!! :lol:
Awww that's so cute. My 5 year old has a fear of people all dressed up so i gave it a mess this year. The stress is too much x
Awww that's so cute. My 5 year old has a fear of people all dressed up so i gave it a mess this year. The stress is too much x

Aaaw bless, there's no point if they're not going to enjoy it. DS doesn't like going near santa but he loves the concept and pictures of santa etc :lol:
Happy V Day Loula!

I've had the shittiest week this week. Been so poorly and still feel ill, think it's all in my sinuses and the only thing recommended is paracetamol which is doing nothing. OH has been working away so A went to my mums for a sleepover to get keep him away from the germs but too late he now has a fever and a bad cough.
Our boiler broke down and needed fully replaced.
My aunt (well my mum's aunt but we're a close family) passed away a week after being diagnosed with cancer. i don't think it's sunk in yet doesn't feel real at all. Especially after losing my mum's brother to cancer when I was pregnant with A, it's brought so many emotions back.
I really really REALLY want to feel better and have an ice cold glass of wine.

How are you all? All ready for Christmas?

Happy V Day Loula!

I've had the shittiest week this week. Been so poorly and still feel ill, think it's all in my sinuses and the only thing recommended is paracetamol which is doing nothing. OH has been working away so A went to my mums for a sleepover to get keep him away from the germs but too late he now has a fever and a bad cough.
Our boiler broke down and needed fully replaced.
My aunt (well my mum's aunt but we're a close family) passed away a week after being diagnosed with cancer. i don't think it's sunk in yet doesn't feel real at all. Especially after losing my mum's brother to cancer when I was pregnant with A, it's brought so many emotions back.
I really really REALLY want to feel better and have an ice cold glass of wine.

How are you all? All ready for Christmas?


Aw I really feel for you what an awful time so close to Christmas. Have you tried menthol crystals and boiled water for your sinuses? Put your head over a basin of it with a towel over your head. Works wonders!
I'm so sorry for your loss, worst time of the year for something like that to happen too. I'm sure your auntie will be looking over you and your little one making sure you are well. :(
After a week of just getting on with it whilst I was ill, DH now has it and has had a week off work just generally getting under my feet.
What a horrible time you have had. One glass of wine won't hurt I may have a spritzer Xmas day x
Thanks ladies only thing cheering me up just now is feeling my little girlies kicks getting stronger. A is lying head on my legs and it's like she's trying to kick him away.
I think if I had 1 glass of wine I'd want the whole bottle. Got some vockes and steamed with that which seems to have shifted some of the congestion. Will leave it by my bed tonight and hopefully it'll be even better by the morning.

Cdx so sorry for your loss, sending love and hugs

And hope all those that are feeling poorly feel better soon, sending well wishes x

I had a day of feeling drained yesterday was in town and felt like I was going to collapse, I find my whole body hurts (but especially my tummy, back and legs) when baby is having a growth spurt, literally felt my knees wanting to give way on me! How can babies growths spurts take it out of you so much :eh:

Babies not moved all day really, but this seems to happen the day after I get above aches and pains every time, so not too worried, however currently laid on me side drinking a cold drink and munching hoping baby will give me a wriggle to put my mind at ease, this baby loves food, goes crazy when I eat so hopefully they’ll wake up now lol

Anyone else excessively thirsty? Like I can’t seem to quench my first, I feel like if I could drink 24/7 I would :eh:

My boss is telling the top bosses tomorrow at the end of work that I’m pregnant so it’ll likely be my last shift in the crèche :shakehead: am so wanting to stand my ground and refuse to leave the crèche lol, fingers crossed they hear me or and agree for me to stay (wishful thinking)
Yes I feel awfully thirsty some days.
So today I have felt an actual bone of this baby wondering if it's a knee or an elbow as it's not very big but definately bony.
I always find this one goes quiet the beginning of the week maybe because I am more busy x
Ladies if you are worried about your thirst mention at your next midwife appointment. From about 30 weeks onwards with A I had this crazy thirst, mentioned it to my midwife who sent some bloods away but I never heard back so assumed all was fine. Forward to 38 weeks and I'm not joking I was drinking 3 glasses of milk and a glass of fruit juice before I could even get showered in the morning and constantly drinking throughout the day. Turned out I had a rare condition called Diabetes Insipidus which is my placenta was making an enzyme that was attacking part of my brain meaning it wasn't producing the correct hormones for my kidneys to control the water balance in my body. Basically I was drinking all of that but it was coming straight back out and my body was really dehydrated. It is very rare, even some midwives I'm seeing now don't know about it but I've def learnt that always mention anything that worries you and be persistent if you think something isn't right. I just accepted it was one of those pregnancy things and dealt with it but in reality a small nasal spray each morning would have stopped it.
I have thirsty moments. With DS I was working and had a bottle of water inn my desk all the time. A lot less consistent this time being at home with DS or out at groups etc.

Later in pregnancy I'd keep an eye on it being gestational diabetes.
So the top bosses know, and I’m here until Wednesday definitely they are going to speak to head office but so far things are potentially looking positive that I may be able to stay in the crèche! If that’s the case I’m over the moon and will be staying out until I’m booked in for my c-sec! Am keeping everything crossed I can stay :)

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