*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

Guys I'm worried sick. I haven't felt baby move in around 24 hours. I thought I felt little movements but I'm not sure at all now. I've tried cold water and sugary sweets etc. And nothing. I'm 21 weeks on Friday. Please reassure me ����

Call your midwife Stacey. We can do all we can to reassure you but you probably won’t feel any better until you’ve been in and they’ve heard baby’s heartbeat and/or movements. The midwife told me that she. You get worried you focus so much on your panic that you can’t notice the movements. Always call your midwife if you are concerned lovely :hugs:
I've had this the last couple days I think she's moved as in feeling things so over the place. Does your maternity unit see you get? Give them or your midwife a call. Baby may have just moved x
Hi Stacey,
I'm not going to tell you not to worry because it's your baby and you know what's right for you. I'm just a week ahead of you (22 weeks on Friday) and I get the same with mine, she will move loads then I won't feel her much for a day or so. According to dr Google their movements are quite inconsistent early on depending on where they're lying.im pretty happy with that, but if you are worried definitely call your midwife. Hope you get some wiggles soon xx
Hey Stacey i had a few days no movement a couple weeks ago but all was well at the scan. I think it can definitely be normal this early but like the others said give the midwife a call and you'll be able to get reassurance,i went in a few times last pregnancy and they always said theyre happy when people come in to get checked xx
She's moving now! Thank God. Never been so nervous lol. Amazing the love you feel for them already xx
I’m really please she’s moving Stacey :) it’s such a relief isn’t it? If you ever don’t feel her again just call the midwives. They’re always so lovely and will do everything in their power to make sure your mind is put at ease :) x
I have found the more you stress the more the baby won't move. I haven't been sleeping well due to a quiet baby but if I'm just sitting watching tele or something that occupies my mind she starts moving.
Our maternity triage at the hospital will see us from over 16 weeks do you know what services are available in your area just incase.
It's always best to check if you are worried x
After getting my flu vaccine nice & early, I still end up with the flu...wtf!
Literally so drained of all energy, feel like an old lady and breathless climbing a flight of stairs. Luckily although my heart rate is up a bit my oxygen levels are OK.
Genuinely feel like I’m dying today! I’ve gone and picked up a cough which of cours we can’t take anything for but it’s tearing at my chest and throat :( if it’s still as bad or worse come Monday I’ll pop to the drs and see if they’ll prescribe some antibiotics or something

Hope everyone is doing well and babies are behaving! I can’t believe how close ch karmas is now! And then it’ll be new year and we’ll be starting to move over to tri 3!!!! Eeeek!!!
My baby is absolutely crackers. I think she does gymnastics in there!! I love it!! Even though it keeps me awake half the night. Have your OH’s felt baba kick yet? Mine has felt her three times over the last couple days (and nights!) he got so excited !! ��
Mine is the same Beth! She is goingto be a real party animal! My OH has been feeling her since last Saturday & it's getting more frequent, we were laying in bed at about 3am feeling her. I love it so much!I'm getting used to surviving work on very bad sleep, it's good training right :)Mx
Stacey I’m so glad she’s moving again now, massive relief and I agree it’s amazing how much love you can feel for them already, I can’t stop thinking about when baby is here and we get to meet them, literally can’t wait for that day (well I can because baby needs to keep growing lol but I’m just so excited to meet him/her already)

Cossie And CD, hope your not feeling poorly for too long (sending well wishes)

Bethjg - all my kicks are down low and very deep still of that makes sense, there’s have been times where the movements have felt quite strong to me and I’ve wondered if they can be felt from outside but I haven’t actually felt any movements outside yet, my placenta is anterior though (although high anterior) so I’m not sure if that’s why I’m not feeling much on the outside yet, however I can’t wait until my partner can finally feel him or her will be super cute
I am getting leg cramping so badly in the middle of the night at the moment, it's agony! Hope it doesn't get worse / more frequent but it probably will.

Hope everyone has a good Wednesday xx

Me too Muffinski :( I wake up so much with leg cramps. As if tossing and turning, an extremely active overnight baby AND going for multiple wees isn’t enough haha. Xx

Beth, I read on one of the many websites in which I googled "leg cramps in pregnancy", to try putting a pillow underneath your feet at night. I did this last night and didn't get woken up once by any cramping! It's only one night and I know it could be coincidence, but worth a try!

My baby's movements can't be felt from the outside yet, I wish they could. Hopefully soon!

Hope those suffering with colds / flu feel better quickly, it's so miserable isn't it. Xxx
Omg the amount I’ve vomited this morning! Took me by surprise, I’m supposed to be getting ready for work but it’s drained me after a horrible nights sleep, and getting up to pee every 30mins to an hour! And I keep getting sharp pains in my lower right tummy, guessing it’s just stretching pains. Now I’ve got to gather up the energy to get my ass into gear and get dressed for work..... I have at least managed to get Toby ready lol! I’m due to go out to sprinkles (an ice cream) place with my friend and her son straight from work to, so I’m hoping the thought of banofee ice cream on pancakes with some cream will keep me motivitated today lol
Omg I love sprinkles.
High anterior placenta here and I can feel lots of movement down below and to my right. Oh has also felt her when we were in bed. The last few days were just low and some to my left so she had obviously moved and I wasn't feeling much but at work last night I felt her loads on the usual spot.
Hope you all feel better soon touch wood I haven't come down with anything yet maybe because I didn't have the flu jab haha x
glad baby has started moving stacey! Hubs has felt baby a couple times now,keep trying to get him to move for dd but so far he goes quiet when she puts her hand on bless.

Hope youre both feeling better,me and dd are finally starting to get over our cold. The pharmacy gave me a glycerine,lemon and honey cough syrup they said was safe for pregnancy cossie if it helps. I've been throwing up so much lately with coughing making me gag,wont harm me in the run up to christmas tho i suppose,i usually pile a few pounds on with all the xmas food haha.

Anyone else mega emotional? I was never like this with dd but literally seem to cry about 10 times a day at the min,at anything - TV adverts,songs,dd or just because i feel i need to cry. Feeling a right wimp lol xx
Hi :) thank you everyone :) baby was still being a bit lazy etc so popped along to see the midwife today and she checked her heart rate. It was like a wee galloping horse haha. All measurements etc were spot on too. :)
Yes Mrs_cookie I'm an emotional wreck lol! I cry at everything haha xx
Mine is the same Beth! She is goingto be a real party animal! My OH has been feeling her since last Saturday & it's getting more frequent, we were laying in bed at about 3am feeling her. I love it so much!I'm getting used to surviving work on very bad sleep, it's good training right :)Mx

Haha so strange, me and my partner were up at 3am just feeling her have a little party too. I’m finding work really difficult at the moment :-( the days are too long and I’m just absolutely shattered by the end and everything aches! Not good x
I am getting leg cramping so badly in the middle of the night at the moment, it's agony! Hope it doesn't get worse / more frequent but it probably will.

Hope everyone has a good Wednesday xx

Me too Muffinski :( I wake up so much with leg cramps. As if tossing and turning, an extremely active overnight baby AND going for multiple wees isn’t enough haha. Xx

Beth, I read on one of the many websites in which I googled "leg cramps in pregnancy", to try putting a pillow underneath your feet at night. I did this last night and didn't get woken up once by any cramping! It's only one night and I know it could be coincidence, but worth a try!

My baby's movements can't be felt from the outside yet, I wish they could. Hopefully soon!

Hope those suffering with colds / flu feel better quickly, it's so miserable isn't it. Xxx

I’ll have to try that thanks!! Started getting leg cramps in the day as well today :-( xx

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