*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

No snow in the SW :( I feel like we're missing out! Mx
Hi ladies not posted in a while but I keep pooping in. Been for scan today and we are team blue! Another boy to add to the family x
Hey everyone hope you are all well?
I'm looking for honest opinions on these names for our girl,
Charlotte (husbands choice)
Freya (mine)
Darcy (chosen by our son.... don't know where it came from.bjt growing on us)

I love Freya! Gorgeous xx
Also ladies as if March mummies are moving over into Tri 3!!! That means we’re next. Can’t believe it x
I know Beth! We'll be starting to move across from New Years Day!! What an exciting start to the New Year!
Eeeel I hit 27 weeks on the 6th January.
I've Just got my letter through for my next scan at 27+6 . 4 weeks today x
Hi ladies hope everyone is well! Me and did are full of cold,seems like weve been ill for weeks now,fed up! Cant believe its less than two weels til Christmas,soooo excited!!!!

I love the name Charlotte! Im the opposite i love names that can be shortened. My mam chose Claire for me cos it couldn't be shortened and it drove me mad growing up that i couldnt have nicknames or change it a bit lol. MIL doesnt like the fact we shorten isabella to Izzy for dd but she just suits being an Izzy. I asked our nephew what we should call baby and he said robin cos he loves batman and robin haha. Think we'll stick to seb! Dd has learnt seb now,she came over this morning and said "good morning baby,my brother is called seb!" So cute! Xx
Awww she so cute. I don't think we will be telling anyone our name until she's here that's if we can think of one. We have a couple in the hat bit I'm not overly keen.
Having a cold in pregnancy must be awful. Inhad one around 16 weeks and that's about it.
I'm starting to look forward t Xmas my daughter finishes school Friday and I have a couple of shifts at work next week then it's going t be here x
20 week scan today, all looks well and we are def team pink!
Little madam was curled with legs over her head so we need to go back a week on Fri for some more measurements.
I've got an anterior low lying placenta so will be getting a few extra checks on that too.
Will be lovely seeing her again just before Christmas.

Hope you're all well.

Least you get to go back. Ours made me wiggle on the table and wouldn't give in until she got all the measurements haha
A lovely little gift before Xmas and hopefully you'll get a couple of extra scans too. Was they concerned about the placenta at all
Not overly concerned but because I've had a previous section they just want to keep an eye and make sure it doesn't attach to the scar tissue. She seemed surprised I've had no bleeding though. My clinic appointment afterwards everything was normal too.
Soooooo I had my 20 week scan today, it started off by a 10 min car journey taking 60 mins all because they closed the roof of the hospital car park lol fortunately the hospital were more than understanding, went in for scan and baby will not cooperate! So I’m told, go for a walk have some coffee, some food and a walk and come back, so me and mum went to the canteen, ate and drank wandered around and went back, went in for round 2, still nothing we saw it’s feet, 1 hand, it’s head from the back and it’s thighs (in fact a potty shot as it were) and there was nothing obvious between the legs, the somographer couldn’t say it was a boy because she couldn’t see anything there lol so now I’m thinking do we have a boy or girl again lol! But basically they couldn’t get even a quarter of information they needed even a second lady came in to try and couldn’t get anything either so I’ve got to back and was told 2 weeks time but they can’t fit me in until January 2nd! So all the sales I was going to go to to buy baby bits I can’t now lol, as they said they couldn’t see anything between babies legs lol honestly thinking we are going to end up team yellow again lmao
Oh no I heard about the car park apparently it was gridlocked up there.
Maybe in 2 weeks baby will co operate and you'll find out. The lady I had for my 20 week scan said I think it's a girl to us. She didn't seem overly confident maybe they aren't alowedto say for sure.
Aw no Kerryjo stubborn wee one. Hopefully next time he/she will be more up for posing for you.
How old is your daughter loula? Bet shes mega excited for the big day,must just get better and better each year they get more into it.

Glad the scan went well CD!

Ooooh Kerry i wonder what team you'll be haha!! Annoying baby wasn't playing along but at least you get another chance to see them. They'll still be plenty in the sales after the 2nd.

Well i got a phone call off the midwife this afternoon. Was supposed to have an appointment at 930 this morning,totally forgot haha!! Baby brain! Rescheduled for Thursday afternoon,luckily she just laughed xx
My daughter is 5. I think once she finishes school this week the reality will hit she's so focused on her school play at the moment x
I am getting leg cramping so badly in the middle of the night at the moment, it's agony! Hope it doesn't get worse / more frequent but it probably will.

Hope everyone has a good Wednesday xx
I am getting leg cramping so badly in the middle of the night at the moment, it's agony! Hope it doesn't get worse / more frequent but it probably will.

Hope everyone has a good Wednesday xx

Me too Muffinski :( I wake up so much with leg cramps. As if tossing and turning, an extremely active overnight baby AND going for multiple wees isn’t enough haha. Xx
Guys I'm worried sick. I haven't felt baby move in around 24 hours. I thought I felt little movements but I'm not sure at all now. I've tried cold water and sugary sweets etc. And nothing. I'm 21 weeks on Friday. Please reassure me ����

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