*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

Our little guy loves to go quiet on us! I think the longest was 48hrs I was at the point of worry but I was aching everywhere to so I guessed he was having a growth spurt. After that 48hrs he went crazy lol and hasn’t stopped much since lmao! Got a right little fidget pants on my hand, I’m actaulyl shocked at how much I feel considering I have anterior placenta, but I’ll happily accept feeling as much movement as possible, what’s the betting that by the scan on Tuesday he will be hiding and curled up again lol seems to be a regular occurrence at all our scans.

I currently have my son curled up on my lap snuggled in a big blankey and the baby is going crazy in my tummy almost as if to tell his big brother to move his butt lol
My DH works two extra jobs to keep us afloat atm which means shifts on Friday nights and Saturday mornings. To save time, fuel and allow him more sleep he stays at his parent's after his normal job for dinner then sleeps there after his night shift.

So, though I'm alone with DS from Friday morning until Saturday afternoon, I get the bed to myself once a week. I miss not having a cuddle etc but the space to roll over and stretch out is a bit of a treat .....
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My DH works two extra jobs to keep us afloat atm which means shifts on Friday nights and Saturday mornings. To save time, fuel and allow him more sleep he stays at his parent's after his normal job for dinner then sleeps there after his night shift.

So, though I'm alone with DS from Friday morning until Saturday afternoon, I get the bed to myself once a week. I miss not having a cuddle etc but the space to roll over and stretch out is a bit of a treat .....

I’m weird I miss my partner when he isn’t here like last night (he had his work Christmas do) I ended up saying to my son, you want to come in mummy’s bed tonight, and we snuggled all night. But when my partner is here I moan haha, if he farts I go crazy and make him get room spray, if he snores I poke his ears lol! But fortunately he doesn’t do it too often lol, but I remember when I was heavily pregnant I felt like my space had been invaded by baby enough lol so when my partner would roll over to hug me I’d be most unhappy lol poor man! Made me feel well claustrophobic though!
How is everyone’s weekends going, hope your all well. Little mans been super active the past few days have anterior placenta so didn’t think I’d feel much, but I’m feeling loads low down and toward the right, but just now I got a nudge up high over the left it felt so weird, just because I wasn’t expecting to feel anything there, wondering if the babies moved or something, will be interesting to see on the scan on Tuesday.

Who has snow?? I’m in Essex and we have settled snow! I’m too excited x
I'm in Essex too where about are you?
The snow doesn't look like it's not going to stop here not sure how I feel about it haha .
Yep lots of movement here too and anterior placenta like you say low down and to the right , the odd movement on the left. I did a twilight shift last night 7 til 2 and I'm glad I did it wasn't snowing when I got in. I've never driven in the snow before. My OH annoys me too I think it's totally normal x
Hey everyone hope you are all well?
I'm looking for honest opinions on these names for our girl,
Charlotte (husbands choice)
Freya (mine)
Darcy (chosen by our son.... don't know where it came from.bjt growing on us)
I love the name Darcy. We both actually agreed on it but next doors cat is called my Darcy so it's a no go for us. Freya is lovely too.
Full on snow here in Herts. Plenty of small movements last night.

We're looking at Cora. Chose it last time before we knew DS was a bit.
Loula, I’m basildon, slightly concerned how dangerous it’s going to be tomorrow out there, my mum usually takes me to work but I’ll be cabbing it tomorrow, and gotta walk my son to preschool! Am tempted to just take him to work with me as opposed to stacking it trying to take him to preschool, I both love snow and hate snow at the same time lol
Im in Glasgow and we've had no snow!

20 weeks today �� hoping time starts to speed up a bit.
Had my first sober wedding yesterday, prosecco never smelt so good! Even though i never had a drop i woke up with what felt a sympathy hangover & I'm shattered.

How's everyone's weekend been?

Basildon is where I am having baby. I'm only 15 mins away towards Stanford
Thankfully here it is slowly going but I heard it is a little worse up there x
Stacey, I love all three of those names!

Charlotte was my first choice for a girl but my DH doesn't like it. Freya is really pretty but a colleague in my team just had a baby and named her Freya so that rules that out for us... I do like Darcy!
Thank you, I was a bit worried Darcy might be a bit unusual but it's slowly turning into my favourite tbh ��
No snow here either, I usually love snow but I don't fancy it atm, I'm scared to falling when pregnant! Xx
Sometimes the names our existing children suggest are the ones we love most. Even though they’re the ones we’d be least likely to suggest ourselves! Charlotte is one of our options, but I do like Darcy! We couldn’t use darcy though as a friend had just had a girl and called her darcy :)

We have about 8-10 inches of snow here. Work messaged yesterday to say hay we aren’t opening today so I have a day off :D
We just have torrential rain here today thankfully.
Charlotte for me can just be shortened to so many things. I like a name that can't be shortened
Haha my daughter suggested Trixiebell we was like noo haha
We would shorten any name that can be shortened. If kids in school shorten it from there then that's just how it's going to go. My mum and dad picked Nadine for my sister because they thought it couldn't be shortened but instead her friends called her Nads :lol:

We've asked DS what we should call his sister and he keeps saying his own name!
She had me up kicking at 5.30am. Then DS was up 6.15am and DsS came down at 6.35am. His school is shut today.

But DH, working from home, was still in bed until 7.30am when I told him to come and keep me company because I was being followed by both boys and DsS kept asking daft questions about the rubbish DH had left out on the coffee table the night before *grrr*
Basildon is where I am having baby. I'm only 15 mins away towards Stanford
Thankfully here it is slowly going but I heard it is a little worse up there x

Wow that’s crazy, I can honestly say I can’t fault them for my care with Toby and can’t fault them with this little one so far.
It had been raining here all morning then starting snowing again around 11, but it seems to have stopped again now and fortunatly its still melting, fingers crossed it’s all gone tomorrow as I don’t drive and have got to make to to basildon hospital for our scan, I’m very excited to see him again and to have it confirmed that he is a he lol
Basildon is where I am having baby. I'm only 15 mins away towards Stanford
Thankfully here it is slowly going but I heard it is a little worse up there x

Wow that’s crazy, I can honestly say I can’t fault them for my care with Toby and can’t fault them with this little one so far.
It had been raining here all morning then starting snowing again around 11, but it seems to have stopped again now and fortunatly its still melting, fingers crossed it’s all gone tomorrow as I don’t drive and have got to make to to basildon hospital for our scan, I’m very excited to see him again and to have it confirmed that he is a he lol

Nope I cannot fault them either I've had better care there then I did with my first at a different hospital or maternity services have got better on general. It has been 6 years.
Yeah if rather it rain then snow if I'm honest.

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