*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

Scan all went well! Measurements all normal, and they confirmed she's a girl. All good!!

Hey Muffinski, Amazing news, I'm so pleased you got to see her again! Was she being cooperative?

Is anyone having scans after their 20 week scan?it feels so strange that the next time we see them will be when we meet them!

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Yep I should be having them every 3 weeks according to my midwife from January when I am 26 weeks but the hospital said 2 extra scans so we will see what I get appointments for x
Yes I have growth scans at the end of Jan, Feb and March due to how big DS was.

We're also hoping to have a 4D scan at about 27 weeks like we did with DS.
We've not been told about any but because I'm only 4' 11" my bump doesn't have anywhere to go but out meaning I seem to measure big so I'm expecting to be told I need a growth scan at around 35 weeks. That's what happened with DS
I am also 4ft 11 5ft if anyone asks haha and small feet which I was told in my last pregnancy whilst pushing that it could be a problem and that's why I needed an episiotomy it wasn't at all it was the short cord.
Glad I'm not the only one who's growing outwards everyone is shocked when I say I've got til April yet. They wasn't overly worried lastbyeaf as I was only ever 2cms over x
I was just having a nosy even tho i'm a may mum (just! may 1st ), I'm a 5 ft almost 1 but i have the opposite issue in that my bump is always tiny and i end up with growth scans because they think the baby is small, when actually my last two have been on the bigger side, i have no idea where the baby hides but i do know its incredibly un comfortable !
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Wow you must have some room in there GBLiz my belly button didn't pop out last time but at nearly 23 weeks it's nearly out already. I'm definately carrying bigger then last time. I remember last time the last few weeks I had a foot hooked up in my ribs most mornings that was painful x
My belly button never popped out last time either im hoping it doesn't this time either but dont think ill get away with it with how much bigger i am this time!

Glad scan went well muffin!

Me and dd are full if cold again!! Really bad phlegmy cough,guna go to the pharmacy later and see if therss anything we can take,she was up so many times in the night upset with her cough.

Hope everyone is keeping well xx
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I really don't fancy having mine pop out really grosses me out haha x
Scan all went well! Measurements all normal, and they confirmed she's a girl. All good!!

Hey Muffinski, Amazing news, I'm so pleased you got to see her again! Was she being cooperative?

Is anyone having scans after their 20 week scan?it feels so strange that the next time we see them will be when we meet them!


Thanks Meg! She was fairly cooperative, the sonographer had to wiggle my stomach a bit to try and get her to move at one point. I don't have any other scans, wish we did! How will we know they're ok in there???
Scan all went well! Measurements all normal, and they confirmed she's a girl. All good!!

Hey Muffinski, Amazing news, I'm so pleased you got to see her again! Was she being cooperative?

Is anyone having scans after their 20 week scan?it feels so strange that the next time we see them will be when we meet them!


Thanks Meg! She was fairly cooperative, the sonographer had to wiggle my stomach a bit to try and get her to move at one point. I don't have any other scans, wish we did! How will we know they're ok in there???

This is where mothers instinct comes in hun. You will know if something's not right. X
Tonight is the first time I’ve had serious concerns over movement. Usually if I have a McDonalds she goes crazy but after having one this evening I’ve felt the tiniest singular movement. Am I just being a complete wally and overthinking things?
Maybe she's turned, is your placenta anterior? Have you felt anything x
I called in the end. Mainly due to OH dialling the number for me. But she said to go straight in. No one else there so was seen within seconds of arrival. She found the HB straight away as well as picking up sooooo many movements that I could not feel. Midwife was happy that all is ok in there and since I’ve been home (5-10mins) I’ve felt tons of movements. My placenta in posterior so that’s not the reason. Midwife said it could be she’s got herself in an awkward position and all the kicks are at the back or something but to never assume that’s the case. She said they don’t really do anything other than use a Doppler to check on HB and give reassurance until 28 weeks when they’ll use the monitors and induce if necessary

Sorry to be a pain ladies. Anxiety got the better of me tonight
It's always good to check and out your mind at ease as the baby will pick up on stress x
I've conceded that most of this one's movements are internal and are what makes me feel queasy etc. She kicked off after DS ran at her this morning. I felt sick for about 10 mins whilst she complained (cat did something similar to DS whilst he was inside!).

She's just given the mattress a good kicking in the last 20mins though whilst I'm laid on my left side in bed.
Scan all went well! Measurements all normal, and they confirmed she's a girl. All good!!

Hey Muffinski, Amazing news, I'm so pleased you got to see her again! Was she being cooperative?

Is anyone having scans after their 20 week scan?it feels so strange that the next time we see them will be when we meet them!


Thanks Meg! She was fairly cooperative, the sonographer had to wiggle my stomach a bit to try and get her to move at one point. I don't have any other scans, wish we did! How will we know they're ok in there???

I think we just know and keep enjoying the wiggles and kicks. Have you felt much movement yet? I have had about 3 weeks of kicks. Some times it's like she is having a full on dance then she will be quiet and I might hardly feel anything for about 36 hours. She decided to come out of her quiet time at about 4am today :). Mx
My little lady has been moving tons this morning. I think the midwife was right when she said that sometimes we worry so much that we don't notice the movements and as soon as we get some reassurance and calm down we notice every tiny little flutter, roll and kick :)
I've found when I worry about movement and then start prodding she doesn't move. I just leave her to he own devices. I think if it came to a whole morning or afternoon if be worried plus I'm so busy at the moment trying to get Christmas all sorted before next Friday.
Even though I've got a high anterior placenta I am feeling lots.

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