*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

Wow do many girls due. I've got my 20 week scan on Friday but not going to find put what we're having. Had a difficult weekend with dd1 having gone down with chicken pox but she's been so good bless her. Can't believe how fast time is flying x
Hope everyone is okay and Loula hopefully it’s just to rule stuff out, take care.

So many team pinks!!

My bump has totally popped out the last week too. No denying there’s a precious little baba in there now. I’m loving it!! As you can see in my Christmassy pic :)

Also I totally had a McDonald’s strawberry milkshake a few weeks ago. Didn’t know it was not allowed!! Whoopsies haha. What’s wrong with them??



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Hope everyone is okay and Loula hopefully it’s just to rule stuff out, take care.

So many team pinks!!

My bump has totally popped out the last week too. No denying there’s a precious little baba in there now. I’m loving it!! As you can see in my Christmassy pic :)

Also I totally had a McDonald’s strawberry milkshake a few weeks ago. Didn’t know it was not allowed!! Whoopsies haha. What’s wrong with them??


Beautiful bump! :)

I didn't k now it wasn't allowed either. I lived on them throughout my pregnancy with DS :oooo: and to be honest I wouldn't have thought twice about having one during this pregnancy had I not seen previous posts :shock:
Hope everyone is okay and Loula hopefully it’s just to rule stuff out, take care.

So many team pinks!!

My bump has totally popped out the last week too. No denying there’s a precious little baba in there now. I’m loving it!! As you can see in my Christmassy pic :)

Also I totally had a McDonald’s strawberry milkshake a few weeks ago. Didn’t know it was not allowed!! Whoopsies haha. What’s wrong with them??


Beautiful bump! :)

I didn't k now it wasn't allowed either. I lived on them throughout my pregnancy with DS :oooo: and to be honest I wouldn't have thought twice about having one during this pregnancy had I not seen previous posts :shock:

I've just had a quick google and found this on McDonald's website:

"Can I have McDonald's Milkshakes and McFlurrys if I am pregnant?
My partner's midwife hes advised her not to eat McDonalds shakes and McFlurries because of a risk of Listeria infection. Is there really a risk?

Hi thanks for getting in touch. We can confirm that at McDonald's UK we do not use unpasteurised milk as an ingredient in any of our menu items. Listeria can be found in unpasteurised milk, in chilled foods including soft cheeses such as Brie and all types of pâté, unwashed fruit and vegetables or undercooked foods.

At McDonald's UK we only use pasteurised milk for our milkshakes and our ice-cream used in McFlurry desserts is pasteurised and does not contain eggs. We would always recommend that you discuss your diet with your doctor or medical professional during pregnancy. You can find the full ingredient declarations for all food served in the UK by visiting the Ingredients & Allergens pages in the Food Section of our website."
Thanks lovely xx

Ah well there we go then. So I can have my December chocolate orange McFlurry then :)
Oh wow so I can have them. Although I may just wait as I'm an anxious annie.
So the hospital sent me home no scan or x-ray needed. My observations and blood test were good enough. Even the A&E doctor said I don't know why you're here x
Awww congrats on team pink Stacey!! Loula hope you're seen quick and everything is fine,thinking of yiu!

Cossie that's what i say to hubby when he says to call about movements,i say its too early they wont care lol. But in all seriousness i guess theres not a lot they can do before vday as they wouldn't be able to deliver if there was an issue so im trying not to stress. I think if i noticed reduced movements after 24 weeks id phone.

Beth what a lovely bump!! Youre looking fab!! The only thing with McDonalds mcflurries and milkshakes is sometimes the staff don't wash their hands after the loo and the mix gets poo bacteria in it. I used to work there as a manager when i was at college and was shocking how many times we got emails from supervisors saying it had been found at a certain store so to remind everyone to wear gloves and wash hands but when its a bunch of teenagers there's always some dont listen. Im sure most places are the same and it wont actually do any harm but it put me off and i don't get them now just cos of the thought haha xx
Awww congrats on team pink Stacey!! Loula hope you're seen quick and everything is fine,thinking of yiu!

Cossie that's what i say to hubby when he says to call about movements,i say its too early they wont care lol. But in all seriousness i guess theres not a lot they can do before vday as they wouldn't be able to deliver if there was an issue so im trying not to stress. I think if i noticed reduced movements after 24 weeks id phone.

Beth what a lovely bump!! Youre looking fab!! The only thing with McDonalds mcflurries and milkshakes is sometimes the staff don't wash their hands after the loo and the mix gets poo bacteria in it. I used to work there as a manager when i was at college and was shocking how many times we got emails from supervisors saying it had been found at a certain store so to remind everyone to wear gloves and wash hands but when its a bunch of teenagers there's always some dont listen. Im sure most places are the same and it wont actually do any harm but it put me off and i don't get them now just cos of the thought haha xx

Aw thank you! Xx

Urgh that’s gross but I’m not gonna lie, I’ll probably still have a McFlurry hahaha.
Ewww that's minging.
They don't monitor here until after 26 to 28 weeks but the hospital midwife said you know in yourself if something isn't right. Sometimes takes a good few hours to get this little lady moving x
Awww congrats on team pink Stacey!! Loula hope you're seen quick and everything is fine,thinking of yiu!

Cossie that's what i say to hubby when he says to call about movements,i say its too early they wont care lol. But in all seriousness i guess theres not a lot they can do before vday as they wouldn't be able to deliver if there was an issue so im trying not to stress. I think if i noticed reduced movements after 24 weeks id phone.

Beth what a lovely bump!! Youre looking fab!! The only thing with McDonalds mcflurries and milkshakes is sometimes the staff don't wash their hands after the loo and the mix gets poo bacteria in it. I used to work there as a manager when i was at college and was shocking how many times we got emails from supervisors saying it had been found at a certain store so to remind everyone to wear gloves and wash hands but when its a bunch of teenagers there's always some dont listen. Im sure most places are the same and it wont actually do any harm but it put me off and i don't get them now just cos of the thought haha xx

Aw thank you! Xx

Urgh that’s gross but I’m not gonna lie, I’ll probably still have a McFlurry hahaha.

Haha my hubby is the same has milkshakes all the time. I love pizza hut and used to have a friend who worked there and they were like "you wont eat there when i tell you this" and i told them to shut up i didnt wana know,Ignorance is bliss lol xx
Meg, good call, I adore mac and cheese!

Loula, very glad to hear all is ok with you, must be a relief for you.

Beth, you look amazing!!

I continue to have dreams about the Brie, cranberry and pistachio baguette...
I might make mac and cheese tonight... or can You have it for second breakfast?? :)

Yaaayyy Stacey more team pinks! I can't believe how pink heavy we are, I thought it was supposed to be 50:50? I'm very impressed by anyone who can put off finding out, I couldn't wait that long.

Love the bump Beth! Mine popped a few weeks ago, but I think it's stayed the same, my oh assures me it is getting bigger though! Can anyone feel movements from the outside yet? I've felt a few but everytime oh feels she stops kicking.

Hope everyone has a lovely day
Hahah baby girl isn't too active when my OH is around either. She goes bits in the day and I can see movement. I know I'm getting bigger my pyjama tops are getting shorter haha. I also couldn't wait x
Glad to hear all was ok Loula :)

Eeeeew! That's gross!! Maybe I will avoid milkshakes & mcflurries, for a little while at least....

My movements a fairly frequent, it's like she never sleeps! I've felt a few movements from the outside now, a couple quite high up too. I can't wait until I can feel all of them from the outside! It's what I missed most from my pregnancy with DS!
I literally had a thought last night as I was falling asleep - On New Years Day we will be starting to shift across to the Tri 3 group! :shock:
What a way to start the new year. X
Waaaah i dobt want to be in tri 3,im not ready haha!! Xx
I thought that Loula! :D

I genuinely can’t wait Mrs cookie, I am soooo ready to be in tri 3! Movements that are more regular, being able to see my tummy move and finally being able to meet my little princess!
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I'm looking forward to it because I know we can buy things and get the room ready x
I’ve already started buying a few bits. I’ve got 3 bits of clothing, some bottles, a changing bag, some nappies and a couple of other bits. I’ve also got some of DSs things that are gender neutral out and popped those in a draw in their bedroom :) quite proud of myself! I wasn’t this prepared with DS!

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