*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

My scan isn't until 5 feels like forever! I know what you mean Beth about it feeling like Christmas eve, I hardly slept & when I did I dreamt it was a girl, which is odd because I'm so sure it's a boy :)

I've been getting lots of little kicks to muffinski & loula. They're definitely getting stronger to. Oh can't feel it yet either but I'm pretty sure he would have felt the big ones if he had been around :) . Isn't it a wierd but lovely feeling? Do you have another scan muffinski or are you all finished now?

Good luck today Beth!
Good luck everyone getting scans today. Mine is Monday! So excited for you all to find out xx
They normally say with dreams you dream the opposite. I had lots of dreams early on about a little boy and we are having a girl so you may be right.
It is a weird but very nice feeling and when you don't feel anything panic sets in haha .
5 Is ages away keep busy xx
Hope everyone’s scans go well today, I have an appointment with An aneathatist (spelling) today not sure why though? What are they for?
Good luck to all having scans today! :D It's all very exciting!

I'm not sure kerryjo, are you having a cesarean?
Anaetheatist are the ones who's give you the goods on labour like epidural and spinals. Maybe they are going to look at pain relief for you. They are the ones who put you to sleep for some operations. Seems a bit early to see someone regarding a section with 4 months to go x
I am so so sooo tired! A keeps kicking his covers off and waking up at daft o'clock because he's cold. If he wasn't such a wriggly sleeper I'd be getting him a sleeping bag. Not really sure what to do.

Have been feeling little miss lots more but nothing regular yet so once A is in bed I panic have a cold drink and chill out to feel her. Cant wait until she has a wee routine. My scan isn't for another week and seeing the consultant then too.

I'm feeling so unorganised this time round. We have all the big stuff from A but havent bought a single thing yet! Maybe after Christmas we can focus on this little one.

How are you all?
Have you tried a sleeping bag? It's the only way I could keep my daughter warm in the winter and it stopped her wriggling.
We haven't bought anything either don't worry too much. We don't have a thing and we have to clear out the room and try and get fitted wardrobes in our room.
Still waiting on DH to get in the loft and bring down DS baby clothes so I can sort out which bits we'll re use and then bundle the rest for sale or passing on etc.

Have got initial sleep suits and vests etc.
No news yet from Meg and Beth! I want to know what you're both having!!
We're team pink!! Sooooo excited, it was lovely to see her sucking her thumb and wiggling. I was so sure it was a boy! Feels very real now :) xxx
We're team pink!! Sooooo excited, it was lovely to see her sucking her thumb and wiggling. I was so sure it was a boy! Feels very real now :) xxx

Aaaaahhhhhh congrats Meg!!!! Very happy for you!!!!
Sorry it’s late girls I’ve never stopped tonight!! We’re 🎀🎀🎀 TEAM PINK 🎀🎀🎀 as well. Absolutely over the moon.

My nurse did a sneaky 4D photo for us - look at her little face xx


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We're team pink!! Sooooo excited, it was lovely to see her sucking her thumb and wiggling. I was so sure it was a boy! Feels very real now :) xxx

Amazing new Meg congrats 🎀💕 were team PINK too!! Looks like we were both wrong!! So happy xx
Wow April is a pink month.
Anyone got names xx
Yay! So many girls :) congratulations Beth as well! Love the 4d pic!

We haven't started thinking about names yet, we had lots of not named we liked :) at least we have a few months to decide!

Who is up next for scans?

Yay! So many girls :) congratulations Beth as well! Love the 4d pic!

We haven't started thinking about names yet, we had lots of not named we liked :) at least we have a few months to decide!

Who is up next for scans?


My scan is Monday l, can't wait 😁
Glad your scans went well today xx
We only have 2 that we can both agree on at the moment.
My next scan will be January at some point x

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