*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

Congrats Beth as well! Lovely pic. So many of us having girls!

My 20 week scan is on Wednesday, can't wait. Xx
Good luck Stacey and muffinski! Stacey are you finding out the sex of yours? This probably sounds silly - but I was amazed how much she looked like a tiny baby with tiny feet and toes and everything :) x
Wow more pink, congratulations!!

Ladies Babies R Us have 20% off for the next 3 days if you are looking for baby things x
Congratulations beth & meg! So exciting! It really is a very pink month - and for a minute I though the boys were catching up! :lol:

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend so far. We've put up our Christmas decorations today and I'm feeling very festive!

Has anyone had any cravings yet? Like, need to have or you'll likely punch someone kind of craving? :lol: I went through a phase of craving Caesar salad which is very unlike me! I don't do healthy food :rofl:
We were boy heavy in my September group with DS.
I've been really, really wanting the Christmas baguette from Pret with the Brie cheese, cranberry sauce and pistachios. How bad could it be, to have Brie cheese just once?
Yeah April was mostly blue in 2015!
Still find it so strange we had wee boys within days of each other back then Cossie (Arran was the 11th) and now well have girls in the same month!

I've wanted a steak for ages, but wouldn't say any cravings as such just don't like being told I can't have something.

I can't wait to get our decorations up but feel like my house needs a proper top to bottom clean first and I really don't have the energy. Was at a sports class with A today and now I can barely walk think I've got a trapped nerve somewhere.
I really want a MacDonald milkshake but don't want to risk that either.
I've done all my Xmas shopping today with mum and got work 7pm until 2am I am so achey.

Alot of my may 2012 mummies had boys too.
Got to get the decorations out the loft tomorrow and then a Christmas market. So much to do and I feel there's no time x
I've been really, really wanting the Christmas baguette from Pret with the Brie cheese, cranberry sauce and pistachios. How bad could it be, to have Brie cheese just once?

If you need a cheesy hit the mac & cheese they do is amazing! :) x
Good morning all, hope we all have a happy Monday ahead, congrats to those that have found out babies sex, april is a very pink month isn’t it! In my july 2014 group we were pretty much even across the board. My anesthetist appointment went well, I actually feel quite at ease about having a c-sec, they’ve said they’ll let me have skin to skin and hopefully do delayed cord clamping providing all is ok with baby, I did forget to ask about pictures being taken. I had no pictures last time my dad got 2 of me holding Toby a couple of hours after but nothing of us just becoming parents for the first time, it’s something I wish I had because it’s all such blur at the time, so fingers crossed pictures will be allowed. She did say I will defiantly be having the baby early to, so I can knock a couple of weeks off the pregnancy (seems weird)
What’s everyone’s plans this week? Anyone got scans? We have our 20 weeks scan next Tuesday and I can’t wait :)
I love the thought of a relaxed c section. When you get there that morning ask the anaethetist or their assistant to take photos for you because when I worked in theatres doing c sections someone always offered to take photos. There were even photos of baby just coming out.
I have this week and next week to get organised for Xmas die to my daughter finishing school next Friday.
No scans until after Xmas for me still waiting for my letter. 22 weeks down x
My section with DS was quite relaxed. No pic of me holding him whilst on the table as I had to have extra dose of anaesthetic whilst they closed up. DH got plenty of DS at weighing etc and then of us in recovery 30mins later.

Remains to be seen what happens this time.
Hey everyone been missing past few days while hubs has been off and weve been busy having days out with dd. Congrats to all the new team pinks! Its deffo a pink month! Our Nov mummies was much more even,maybe all those not finding out will be team blues! Glad the appointment went well Kerry,will baby still be an April baby?

I've got my 20 week scan on Wednesday,so excited to see him again and get it confirmed he's a boy. Were not gunna let on we know and see if they say the same though it was pretty obvious so id be ahocked if the private one was wrong lol. Have had very one and off movement the past week,hes had me panicked a few days but must have been a growth spurt as bump seems to have popped! Hope everyone is keeping well! Xx


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My friends private scan and nhs scan both said different genders.
So I've been for a follow up at the gp and because I've had shortness of breath and palpitations I have to go to a&e tonight for a ctscan or x-ray. I was hoping for a prescription for some vitamin D and iron tablets x
Hey everyone been missing past few days while hubs has been off and weve been busy having days out with dd. Congrats to all the new team pinks! Its deffo a pink month! Our Nov mummies was much more even,maybe all those not finding out will be team blues! Glad the appointment went well Kerry,will baby still be an April baby?

I've got my 20 week scan on Wednesday,so excited to see him again and get it confirmed he's a boy. Were not gunna let on we know and see if they say the same though it was pretty obvious so id be ahocked if the private one was wrong lol. Have had very one and off movement the past week,hes had me panicked a few days but must have been a growth spurt as bump seems to have popped! Hope everyone is keeping well! Xx

The earliest I’d have him would be 35 weeks which could take me into March but they’ll hold out as long as possible so I’m sure it’ll be April, fingers crossed they say boy again at the 20 weeks scan! My plan is to do the same next week at my scan, not going to say we know yet so that we get confirmation x
My friends private scan and nhs scan both said different genders.
So I've been for a follow up at the gp and because I've had shortness of breath and palpitations I have to go to a&e tonight for a ctscan or x-ray. I was hoping for a prescription for some vitamin D and iron tablets x

I hope it isn’t anything sinister, I’m guessing they are thinking a clot in the lungs? I was in hospital with a girl that may of had one when I was pregnant with my son, she did all good and went full term, just had regular checks which isn’t a bad thing as it kept her reassured throughout that all was going as it should, hope your not stuck there for too long and get answers soon!
OMG WE ARE PINK!!! I can't believe it! One boy and then my girl! Scan was amazingly clear too!! Xx
wow another pink congratulations
yes they are querying a lung clot. I'm having dinner first before I go up there haha.
Congratulations Stacey! :D more pink!!!

Beautiful bump Mrs cookie! These children like to worry us don’t they. My little one has been a little less active today which has worried me slightly. I always wonder at what point is it no longer ‘too soon’ to call regarding reduced movements

I hope everything is ok Loula. Keep us updated. Thinking of you xx

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