*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

Hi Beth, my scan is on Friday to :) really looking forward to seeing baby again. It's my first but I'm so sure it's a boy! He goes through phases of being quite active, then very still! Love feeling him move!

I'm going to work for as long as possible so I can maximize my time off with baby. I'm pretty lucky in that I have a desk job so should be fine. :)

Good luck for Friday!
Last time I worked up until 37 weeks had 2 weeks annual leave and mat leave would start the well of my due date however on my 2nd week the baby came. That was end end of May I went back around March time.
Have you tried a coat in a bigger size? I really need one but for a few months not sure what I will do.
No idea how long I'll take off this time as I work kind of see employed so not sure if the nhs will pay me or the government which I need to find out really
Hi all. Last time I was due to work till 39 weeks but baby arrived early and hoping the same happens this time. Although I've started with sciatica again and it's extreme today so will b a trip to doctors to arrange physio.i was really hoping I wouldn't get it this time. I'm gutted it's started over 10 weeks earlier this time and worries about making it to 40 weeks in this much pain. Labour is easy compared to this :-(.
Is anyone else staying team yellow? I love surprises but I can completely understand u wanting to find out.
I'm also hoping this baby comes a week before due date which will be easter weekend due to it being half term etc surely I can be lucky twice x
I'm hoping I'm lucky twice too. My mum had me four weeks early, one sister three weeks early and my youngest sister two weeks early so I'm hoping and keeping everything crossed that I follow that. X
Hi ladies its been a while, A has had a rough time of it and i now think he has a secondary infection in his ear. Poor wee guy. Thankfully we have avoided hospital admission which the GP thought was likely.

I'm starting to feel more movement but nothing regular yet. Got 2 weeks until my 20 week scan, hoping it's still a girl as MIL has went OTT buying pink stuff - she's always wanted a girl but had 2 boys and then a grandson so she's very excited!

How are you all?
I can't wait to buy some nice pink things and frilly knickers for under dresses. I love navy on a girl too.
I'm so uncomfortable laying on my left side so night too now
20wk today.

She had a growth spurt yesterday afternoon and my tummy was so sore!
Anyone had a hard lump after the whooping cough jag?
No but a week later the bruised feeling is just going x
Hi Beth, my scan is on Friday to :) really looking forward to seeing baby again. It's my first but I'm so sure it's a boy! He goes through phases of being quite active, then very still! Love feeling him move!

I'm going to work for as long as possible so I can maximize my time off with baby. I'm pretty lucky in that I have a desk job so should be fine. :)

Good luck for Friday!

Hey Meg,
Sounds like we’re in the same boat - I’m sure mine is a boy too!! Don’t know why, I’m just convinced! And so exciting we both find out on Friday!!! Eeeek :)

I’m the same, I think I can feel it move loads one day then nothing the next. I have a desk job too, so going to try and work till about 2 weeks before I think.

Good luck you as well, will be looking forward to seeing your update on Fri xxx
Congratulations becky! How exciting - 3 boys! :D

Has anyone else been really tired and achy lately? I feel more tired than I did through tri 1 and I'm aching and cramping all over! Also, my hips have started really hurting when I stand up for more than 15 mins at work. They start to really hurt and then my legs go like jelly! Should I see a dr or the midwife about this?

I feel like I've been moaning a lot this pregnancy. I don't remember being like this with DS, although OH likes to tell me I was exactly the same with the headaches and feeling tired. Maybe you really do only remember the good stuff!! :lol:
Yes I'm very tired but I have low iron. Might be worth having some blood done at the doctors.
I'm much more achey this time or I just don't remember it. I haven't seen anyone about it I just put it down to pregnancy.
Hi, I hope everyone is doing ok. I have a quick question, can anyone recommend a good waterproof maternity coat please? Mine is getting far too snug! :)


Meg, I got one from Mamalicious and I've found it great so far!
Thanks muffinski! I haven't even heard of that so I will look into them. How are you anyway? How is baby muffin coming along? Are you feeling her move yet?

Beth - squeeeee tomorrow!!!!! I'm so excited! :)

Hi guys, hope you're all doing well!

I'm feeling a bit better today. Just a bit achy.

My boss had a talk with me yesterday and we cam to an agreement on a finishing date for me! Eeek, my last day in work will be 26th January! :D Only 6 weeks in work left! We break up for Christmas on the 15th December so I'll have 2 weeks off so I'm not counting those!
20wk scan today all good. I feel rough though. Temp almost 38°c
Thanks muffinski! I haven't even heard of that so I will look into them. How are you anyway? How is baby muffin coming along? Are you feeling her move yet?

Beth - squeeeee tomorrow!!!!! I'm so excited! :)


I’m soooo excited too. Feels like I’m going to bed on Christmas Eve haha.

Enjoy every sec, can’t wait to update on here with genders!!
Thanks muffinski! I haven't even heard of that so I will look into them. How are you anyway? How is baby muffin coming along? Are you feeling her move yet?

Beth - squeeeee tomorrow!!!!! I'm so excited! :)


I think I ordered it from John Lewis.

Baby muffin is good thanks! I feel little movements sometimes, but they're not big enough for hubby to feel from the outside yet.

Best of luck for your scans tomorrow Meg and Beth! I'm looking forward to finding out what genders you're having! Xx
eeek more genders tomorrow. What time are your scans?
My OH cant feel anything from the outside yet either at nearly 22 weeks baby doesnt seem to go wild when hes around haha x

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