*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

This baby moves so differently from DS.

Anterior placenta makes a massive difference.
Anyone get any good deals on Black Friday, Debenhams had some amazing deals on baby clothes, am gutted I dont know what we are having already else I would have got some stuff managed to get pretty much all our sons Christmas presents though so that was good!

Anyone else overly emotional over nothing lol! Hormones are a funny thing just say crying at moana lol (the part where she give the heart back, feel so stupid lol
Hi ladies, hope you’re doing well. I’ve had so many sickness bugs this week :( so I’ve been really quiet as I just haven’t felt up to looking at a screen.

Baby girl is moving a fair amount but it leads to moments of sheer panic whenever she doesn’t move!

Haha Kerryjo I cried at the song true colours on the film trolls this morning! :lol:
Nope we haven't bought anything for the baby yet. The only black Friday thing we got was a cordless Hoover as I can't keep pulling out the sofa tibgey our Hoover out the cupboard and lugging around the house every other day.
Hope you feel better cossie can't be nice x
Thanks Loula. It’s been rough but I’ve got through it.

Another night on the sofa because of snoring for me. And tonight he had the bloody cheek to get p***ed off with me for getting out of bed to sleep downstairs! I’m fuming! It’s our 10 year anniversary on Monday and we were going out for a meal tomorrow night to celebrate. I don’t even want to go out anymore he’s annoyed me that much!!
Guys I have a horrible sickness and diarrhea bug and I was up all night with it. That's not the problem though I have a horrible pain in my lower left hand side of my stomach. Kind of period pain like. Should I get checked by midwife? Can this bug hurt the baby? Can it be a sign of something wrong with the baby...?

I'm probably over thinking things again.
Guys I have a horrible sickness and diarrhea bug and I was up all night with it. That's not the problem though I have a horrible pain in my lower left hand side of my stomach. Kind of period pain like. Should I get checked by midwife? Can this bug hurt the baby? Can it be a sign of something wrong with the baby...?

I'm probably over thinking things again.

Chances are you’ve pulled a muscle from the vomiting or could be pains from having diarrhoea, when I was being sick and in hospital they said the pains were likely normal due to being sick so much but it didn’t stop me worrying and I booked the gender scan but also for reassurance, I think that fact Your concerned it’s worth messaging the midwife to see what advice she offers, hopefully she can reassure you x
Hi ladies, hope you’re doing well. I’ve had so many sickness bugs this week :( so I’ve been really quiet as I just haven’t felt up to looking at a screen.

Baby girl is moving a fair amount but it leads to moments of sheer panic whenever she doesn’t move!

Haha Kerryjo I cried at the song true colours on the film trolls this morning! :lol:

Hope your feeling better now! Also glad I’m not alone crying over kids films lmao
So we had our second gender scan this morning, was loving seeing our stubborn monkey again lol, I’m there a good 40 mins again but we are having a........... BOY, we are over the moon, and I cannot wait to decorate the boys room blue!!!! And not that any of you care but I’ve always been a massive diversity fan (the dancers) Jordon banjo was only in the waiting room with us!!! Don’t know weather i was more excited to see him or find out what we were having lol (even though I’ve met him loads before anyway lol) he was lovely with toby to so was super cute, and we found out what they were having to!

Our little guy was all curled up today, knees touching his little nose, hands covering his manhood lol! At one point she said he had his hands between his legs and his cord held there to lol, but she got the potty shot with a lot of patience, we even say him drinking and yawning was lovely today, and my mums foster girl came with us who is basically part of the family now and she said how amazing it was to have got to see him for real on the scan, was very nice to share that moment with her.


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Congratulations Kerryjo!

I’m really emotional today. Keep crying because we’re unlikely to get to see our baby girl again until she’s born now! I feel incredibly pathetic!

I wouldn’t worry too much Stacey. I’ve had so many bugs this week and have pulled numerous muscles which have caused pain low down. Baby is very well protected and is getting everything they need from you which is why you feel so much worse than others! But of course any worry at all should result in a call to the midwives :hugs:
How lovely to have 2 boys.
I've worked a 12.5 hour shift today last time time I did this I had restless legs that night.
I think aches and pains are just part and parcel of being pregnant there's alot of growing to do.
Anyone else yet to find out the gender? X
Congrats KerryJo!

Does anyone else have incredibly sore and tender nipples?!
Muffinski I do! My god they hurt at times I’m thinking it’s the colder weather making mine worse lol
no lie I was walking holding my boobs today to keep them warmer to stop them hurting more lol
Mine are just constantly tingly haha x
Lol KerryJo!!

Mine are the same!! Sometimes I hold them as well to make them less sore!

They feel kind of swollen and full. When I'm getting dry from the shower, if the towel happens to brush against the nipples it hurts sooo much!
When you get in from work at 13:15pm and manage to get a load of washing put away, another load on and the previous load in the tumble dryer, your child changed into some fresh clothes, tidy up from the day before, put all the toys away, hoover, clean and cook all before 2pm! feeling happy......how comes some days it can take hours to get straight and others under an hour lol..... anyhow it’s now time to chillax and watch frozen with Toby. Hope your all having a lovely day x
I have days like that today has taken me ages to do things.
Not sure of anyone remembers but I posted about being short of breath and felt my heart was racing. Today I had my ecg which was fine but also the nurse looked at my bloods I had done last week . I have low iron and vitamin D so have to see the doctor next Monday I presume for tablets.
Glad I didn't leave it until my 28 week bloods x
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Hi, I hope everyone is doing ok. I have a quick question, can anyone recommend a good waterproof maternity coat please? Mine is getting far too snug! :)

Sorry I never write on here girls but I keep up to date with all your stories and news when I can!! How exciting for the ones of you who know your gender! I find out my gender on Friday. I am beyond excited to see baby again and find out blue or pink. I’m starting to get asked now at work ‘when are you due?’ ‘Is it your first?’ etc. Taken aback every time, cause imagine if I wasn’t pregnant! Ha ha. But so exciting having a bump. (I’ve attached a bump pic)
How long are you girls planning on going on mat leave before due dates? And any other first time mammies - how often are you feeling baba move at this stage? Xx


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Hi just updating as I am now team blue! Third boy for me!
Nipples feel like they need to be squeezed cause they are aching if that makes sense! Haha x

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