*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

I like Michael for a boy happys1 I always think you can't go wrong with a traditional name for a boy, he will probably get mike or Mikey when a teenager though :) both of which I think are nice anyway.

I had my consultant review today to discuss vbac (anyone had one or trying for One?)
I got to hear the baby's heart rate today too which was so reassuring :)
Anatomy scan done all looks great and also had my whooping cough jab done too which has saved another trip. Just got to wait for my next scan date through the post x
Love Cora, Lander that's my niece's name. We are really struggling for a girls name.

A has croup so we're all exhausted! Poor wee guy i could cry for him.

Anatomy scan done all looks great and also had my whooping cough jab done too which has saved another trip. Just got to wait for my next scan date through the post x

That's great Loula! I have my 20 week scan on 6th December and am scheduled to get the whooping cough jab done that day as well, is it a painful one?? Do we get another scan after the 20 week one? I thought that was it.
The jab was not painful at all. I'm pretty needle phobic and I found it less painful then a blood test. I had a lovely midwife do it too.
Due to my papp a levels being low at my 12 week bloods it is protocol to have extra scans for growth. I was told by my midwife every 3 weeks but the hospital today said only 2 so I'm not sure how many more I will get x
Hi mrs_cookie! How are you feeling?

Still mega sick,today has been a particularly bad day have thrown everything up! 19 weeks and still this bad just doesn't seem fair but as long as it eases for christmas ill be happy! My cold is clearing so at least that's something! How are you keeping,is the sickness any Better at all? Xx
Don't know much about vbac Stacey but im sure itll all go fine,did the consultant say much about it? Lovely you got to hear the heartbeat,my little guy has been mega quiet movement wise today,trying to tell myself its normal but its always nice to hear that reassurance isnt it.

Glad the scan went well loula! Mine is 6th december too muffin! That will be my last one all being well which will be strange as with did i had growth scans from 38 weeks.

Hope you're little boy is better soon CD,horrible thing croupe and exhausting for you on a night. Its so hard seeing them ill isn't it.

Hubbys away this week on a course so its just me and dd. She's not much bother really other than being a bag if mischief who finds getting into trouble hilarious but i must say im exhausted! Roll on Friday when he's home lol. We watched inside out together earlier and the hormones took over at the thought of her growing up,i was a mess haha. Bless dd she couldnt understand why i was so upset "poor mammy crying! Izzy give mammy cuddles,Izzy make mammy happy again" shes so sweet when she's not ignoring everything i say :lol:
So had my first worry about movement. Hadn't felt her since late last night or this morning so I started to panic. After a couple of biscuits and a cold water she's back to booting me thankfully. Stress was probably not helping and the fact I'm constantly nagging my 5 year old before school. My placenta is high anterior too so explains why I've had side and low movements. X
Hi Mrs_cookie, ahhh I am really hoping your sickness eases off soon! Would you say it's getting any better at all comparing to what it was before?
I seem to be having real problems with digesting certain types of good... I think that's where the sickness come from now. Also I get sick in the car. On the bus. Basically I have really bad travel sickness :( I find that sticking to eating simple things tends to help. Fruit, vegetables, pastries all go down well. :) do you eat everything? Xx
Hi Mrs_cookie, ahhh I am really hoping your sickness eases off soon! Would you say it's getting any better at all comparing to what it was before?
I seem to be having real problems with digesting certain types of good... I think that's where the sickness come from now. Also I get sick in the car. On the bus. Basically I have really bad travel sickness :( I find that sticking to eating simple things tends to help. Fruit, vegetables, pastries all go down well. :) do you eat everything? Xx

Yeah its definitely better its not constant nausea anymore and i only throw up a few times a day now but it can be sudden and out of nowhere so i have been caught out in public a couple of times haha. I think if ims gunna throw up i do no matter what i eat so still eating most things,only thing i wont touch is curry as i had one a couple weeks ago and was crippled with indigestion and sickness all night after,got no sleep so not worth the risk with spicy food again lol. Im glad yours sounds like its eased a bit,have you tried those motion sickness bands for when you're traveling? I've heard they're good but then again hopefully the Sickness will fully stop soon seen as were nearly half way through! Can only hope! X
Glad she gave you some.movement loula,mine had a quiet day yesterday but has kicked loads today,its so nice to feel. I cant wait for a couple weeks time when hopefully dh and dd will be able to feel too xx
I also get worried when I don’t feel much now, got quite an active little one considering I have anterior placenta, I really wasn’t expecting to feel it so much, generally it wriggles after I eat and when I go to bed, so already forming a little bit of a pattern, but the last day or so I’ve not felt it as much, however last night I was reassured by the party in my belly lol I’m kind of glad we didn’t manage to find out the gender last time as it means this Sunday we see baby again and I’ll be reassured again, then just 2 weeks later I’ll have my 20 weeks scan. Am so excited to see baby again and hopefully find out 100% this time *fingers crossed*
I find bump has quiet days in tune with growth spurts. Defo bigger the last day or so as turning over in bed has become harder.

Although not sure if I just feel weak as I think I'm fighting off a throat infection.
Ahh can't wait to find out what you're having Kerry,they said they thought girl didn't they? Will be interesting to see if it is! Do you have a preference. Im loving the fact we know the gender this time,cant wait for the black Friday sales and the January sales,guna get stocked up on boys babygrows while theyre on offer.

Yeah i seem to be having lots of quiet days lately with bump,wonder if its a growth spurt. I cant wait for 20 week scan on the 6th just to know he's doing alright in there x
In finding it so hard not to buy anything but I know we need to get Xmas out the way so we can clear the room out and keep her things in there.
OH did go and buy a massive dumbo from Disney at the weekend x
Ahh can't wait to find out what you're having Kerry,they said they thought girl didn't they? Will be interesting to see if it is! Do you have a preference. Im loving the fact we know the gender this time,cant wait for the black Friday sales and the January sales,guna get stocked up on boys babygrows while theyre on offer.

Yeah i seem to be having lots of quiet days lately with bump,wonder if its a growth spurt. I cant wait for 20 week scan on the 6th just to know he's doing alright in there x

The lady was guessing boy but said could equally be a girl, she said its either a very swollen girl or a boy because it was sticking out quite a bit, but there were 3 lines so she was on the fence but leaning boy lol

As for preference, my partner would love a girl, I always thought I’d have a brood of boys so was happy to have another boy, then when my mother in law said “we don’t need any more boys we want a girl” after our gender scan recently, made me want for a boy even more because she treats our son differently to the other grandchildren as it is, so i can imagine if it’s a girl Toby would be put on the back burner even more than he already is! And I know I’ll tell her what for if that’s the case because I’m not having him feel less important! Toby however desperately wants a little sister, he won’t budge lol, could be fun if it turns out a boy haha!
Also I’d say practicality wise we rent a 2 bedroom flat and we are saving for a mortgage and Florida (don’t do things by half adding a new baby into the equation lol) so we can’t really afford to rent somewhere bigger so for he fact our sons a boy it’d be nice to have another boy because of them sharing a room, I’d quite like to decorate Toby’s room for him in the new year and make it more of a boys room add some blue colour to it, but if we have a girl I’m going to go with grey and white for their room, so it won’t be too much of an issue but would be lovely to go all blue!

As for the Black Friday sales I wish we knew already so we could buy tomorrow, but I guess we will have to wait for the January sales instead now, again if we have a boy we kept all our sons clothes and he had a lot of absolutely gorgeous clothes, so would be nice to use them again and would save us fortunes lol, but if it’s a girl we will sell all Toby’s old clothes to buy girls clothes so I guess it’s win win either way x
Ooo i wonder if it'll be girl or boy then! You're like us i slightly preferred another girl but hubs wanted a boy so at least one of us got our way haha i have to say i am mega excited now i know its a boy i think just because i love dd so much i wanted another mini her but another girl would of probs been totally different anyways. Cant believe your mother in law said that,that's so mean! I hate it when family treat kids different ,its so unfair it would make my blood boil! You did well to keep cool with the pregnancy hormones i think id of blown haha. I shared a bedroom with my brother til i was 10 and it was blue and i loved it,saying that blue is my fave colour maybe that's why lol. I love white and grey too tho its very stylish and they could have little coloured accent pieces each. We kept Izzy's clothes too and having to sell now i started sorting them the other night but gave up i was getting too emotional lol. We do have a lot that goes both genders tho so will have some bits to reuse. Eee excited for you to find out!! X

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