*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

Boys name we had Jack George. Jack we both loved and George was Ohs grandad. He wanted Teddy aswell but I really don't like it. Cute a child but not for me.

I would get the itching looked at just incase
Sister in law had suspected obstetric choleostasis in both pregnancies. They're still not 100% sure if it truly was. She's had liver scans etc as well.
Hi KerryJo, I don't really know much about itching but hoping it will go away for you. I would agree with Loula - if it comes back - get yourself checked with doctors. As for the name - I love Annie for a girl -very pretty name. We don't know who we are having though, so will be making names for both genders. I am waiting for that light bulb moment when it comes to the name... It hasn't happened yet though. I am now thinking of making a list of names that we like and then maybe waiting until the baby is born and then deciding? I am wondering whether it will be easier for this light bulb moment to happen when the baby is born! :) xx
Hope you have a lovely day at at adventure island Kerry! Sounds like lots of fun even if you only get to watch and take pics.

Good luck for scan today lander,cant wait to hear if you're team pink or blue!

My immune system is also shot,i always get cold sores when im run down and have had 3 in past 2 weeks so my face is a mess! Both me and dd are full of cold too! Joys of pregnancy!

Feeling really sick again today,really cant wait for the day i don't have to throw up!! Also anyone else noticing you cant eat as much? My appetite seems to have increased so i cook a huge meal feeling starving then i feel like im full to the brim after a few bites. Wonder if he's squishing my stomach or maybe its just shrunk with all the sickness but its so frustrating! I just wana enjoy my food again lol xx

Sorry you immune systems not great either, pregnancy’s great but hard work to, as for sickness mines eased some what’s but I’m seeming to have good Days and bad days at the moment! I really thought it would have eased by now! I’m the same with food, I was like it with Toby to, I’d be starving, cook a decent size meal and then a few mouthfuls in and I’d be like nope I’m done lol so frustrating, I’m currently at the start of getting some heartburn and reflux type feelings :( was hoping I’d avoid it this time as I was super rough with it with Toby, but looks like it’s going to come back with a vengeance

Oh god nooo not the heartburn!! Hope its just a one off and not the start of it for you. i was the same with Izzy was crippled with heartburn in tri 3,could barely eat without being up all night in agony. I remember saying to dh the heartburn was worse than the sickness but currently can't see how i meant it haha. Im hoping i can at least escape it til after Christmas,if i cant drink i at least want to enjoy my dinner lol xx
Mrs_cookie, sorry to hear you are sick too. Its so tiresome isn't it? I don't eat much too. And after slightly larger meals my stomach is soooooo full that I can't breathe properly! It takes a while for it to settle. Hopefully it won't be long before we forget about the sickness! Xx

Its horrid isn't it,i thought it would of gone by now but no luck! It id easing though so suppose i cant complain! I get that mega full feeling too,cant win! Hopefully will be over soon in time for Christmas! Xx
Awww lovely names Kerry,i love Hudson Edward! Jack George is lovely too loula,ice always been a fan of traditional names like George and Edward. We nearly picked teddy,well Theodore which would likely have been teddy while a baby and Theo when he was older but after thinking about it we just don't like it as much as seb. So im pretty confident its going to be Sebastian here just need to settle on a middle name! Annie is a gorgeous name happy! I know a few people who didnt pick the name til baby came,they said baby just didbt look like certain names once they were here so no rush for you to settle on one.

Def get the itching looked at Kerry,it could just be the hormones making you more sensitive to washing powders etc but better to be safe and get it looked at xx
Just got back from our scan and baby is a boy!�� We're gunna have 3 boys under 5!�� I'm so happy as he's perfect and healthy, but there is part of me that is sad I won't ever get to have that mother-daughter relationship... now to choose a name.. any suggestions? We have a Jack and Alfie x
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Aww congratulations!! 3 boys will adore each other! And just think you could end up with 3 fantastic daughter in laws! :) my auntie had 2 boys and is really close to her now daughter in law so that relationship might still happen :)
I also love Jack and Alfie! Unfortunately names that are both taken in our family already ❤
Congratulations! :D Another boy to our group!

I've felt incredibly lucky today as I've had plenty of movements :D long may it continue!
Hi KerryJo, I don't really know much about itching but hoping it will go away for you. I would agree with Loula - if it comes back - get yourself checked with doctors. As for the name - I love Annie for a girl -very pretty name. We don't know who we are having though, so will be making names for both genders. I am waiting for that light bulb moment when it comes to the name... It hasn't happened yet though. I am now thinking of making a list of names that we like and then maybe waiting until the baby is born and then deciding? I am wondering whether it will be easier for this light bulb moment to happen when the baby is born! :) xx

Believe it or not the name Annie came about from me being in hospital, so originally we had Alice Joan rose whelan (Alice after my great Nan, Joan after my mums mum and rose after my dads mum, was super close to them all) but with their being a chance that kate and will could have a girl and Alice is being the current top name for a new royal princess it put us off because of it becoming more common. Then I when I was on hospital there was this old lady 96 had me cracking up, and was so full of life for her age (did lock herself in the storage cupboard occasionally though lol) and I said to my partner about the name Annie and his face lit up, he was like I love it, and to top it off his nans name was Ann so it’s nice to have part of his Nan in the name to. However I still think we are going to have baby boy no.2 lol so I’ll be pulling the mr’s Arm for Hudson Edward lol! I’m not going to budge lmao
Awww lovely names Kerry,i love Hudson Edward! Jack George is lovely too loula,ice always been a fan of traditional names like George and Edward. We nearly picked teddy,well Theodore which would likely have been teddy while a baby and Theo when he was older but after thinking about it we just don't like it as much as seb. So im pretty confident its going to be Sebastian here just need to settle on a middle name! Annie is a gorgeous name happy! I know a few people who didnt pick the name til baby came,they said baby just didbt look like certain names once they were here so no rush for you to settle on one.

Def get the itching looked at Kerry,it could just be the hormones making you more sensitive to washing powders etc but better to be safe and get it looked at xx

I love Sebastian that’s always been on my list (unfortunately not on my partners, but I’m going to bend his arm for Hudson lol) such a lovely name and Seb for short I love to :) I never paired it with a middle name though, just sitting here and off the top of my head it seems a tricky one to pair up, what ideas do you have so far?
Hudson is such a cool name. I'd love to use a name like that yet too out there for OH.
We think we'll be going with Cora (middle name tbd) which we had as as option last time but ended up with an Ethan.

I also liked Zara and Tabitha but DH had a bad experience with a Zara and claims he'd spell Tabitha wrong all the time :roll:
We really liked Caleb for a boy. Nice Scottish name but family highly criticised it and actually made me cry �� now I have nothing for a boy
Aww congrats mummyof2boys,lovely news! Just like the unmumsy mum she's going to have 3 boys! Love cora,don't hear many coras these days its a lovely name! Also a fan of Caleb,we never told parents ournames last time so they couldn't complain about them lol they only know web this time cos we said after Izzy if she was a boy she would of been seb so they all knew that was our top boys name.

Kerry its hard a middle name for it isn't it,Sebastian is just such a longname i feel like the middle name needs to be short. I feel like he's gotta have one cos dd does lol. We did like Sean as that's dhs middle name but have gone off it now. He likes Robert but im not sure on a two syllable middle name with Seb. Sebastian Robert cook...dunno it seems long. I like James but one of hubbys brothers is James and the other brother and my brother would probably be put out. Need to have a think haha xx
What about Ohs name or middle name for the middle name or after a family member no longer here.

20 week scan today. Hope all is ok in there xx
Congratulations on your lovely news mummyto2boys!!! Wow they are all going to be the best friends! xx
KerryJo, awwww what a lovely story! So I guess now you have a name sorted if it's a girl :) I heard name Annie somewhere in the news a couple of weeks ago and thought what a lovely name! Then I heard it in the song and then you mentioned it! I think it's a cute name and it's def on my list of names for a girl :) I have Alice on my list too...but just as you - I am not sure about it anymore because of it being a possible name for Kate's and Will's baby...I like Ava for a girl and Michael for a boy (am I too traditional with the boys name?????). We haven't even started thinking of second names haha)))) I think second name will probably be chosen from the list of names that we like. xx
KerryJo, Hudson Edward sounds really nice and the two go really well together xx

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