*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

Thanks Loula. I am seeing the consultant on 21st of this month so I'm hoping he will let me hear the heartbeat �� then 20 week scan on the 4th. Hoping we are lucky enough for baby to be lying the right way so we find out pink or blue!

Also welcome mummyto2boys xx
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That will fly round it's not long really.
Can't wait to see this little one again Tuesday it's taking its time getting here haha x
First proper kick this morning. Opposite side to DS first kick lol
Glad everyone seems to be doing well, first week back at work this week so I’ve been exhausted and have been checking in but not for around to posting.

Welcome mummyto2boys

So cute hearing that everyone is feeling their babies move, considering I have anterior placenta I thought I wouldn’t feel baby much at all but currently feeling it way more than I felt Toby at this point, pretty much every afternoon after lunch and every evening after dinner I can guarantee baby will have a little dance party in my tummy, right little fidget pants on my hands, (unless I have a scan then of course it turns stubborn hides and refuses to cooperate lmao)

Cannot believe we are already at the point of the 12 week scans starting! Seems crazy, that we are drawing in to the half way mark already, I have a feeling after Christmas it’s really going to drag, but at the moment it seems to be flying by.

I saw my midwife yesterday, got to listen to babies heartbeat again, was a little over 160bpm so a nice strong heartbeat.

How’s everyones bumps coming along, I so want to see bump pictures! Love a baby bump! Literally feel so darn lucky that I’m able to be pregnant again, count my lucky blessings every day, I remember before when trying like soon after having our son with no luck, I’d see pregnant women and be so happy for them but also so sad that we were struggling so much. Now I’m here I’m pregnant and have a growing bump, can honestly say I love being pregnant, what a privilege it is :)
Hi ladies, apologies for being quiet over the last 2 days, I've had the worst migraine and haven't been bale to do anything. Thank heavens for mums though eh? Mine came round, looked after me, looked after DS and managed to tidy and clean the house! I don't know how she does it!

Welcome Mummyto2boys! Hope your pregnancy is treating you well so far!

I have to disagree kerryjo! I feel like it's dragging at the moment but I feel like once Christmas is out of the way it'll be all go go go!

My bump is already giving me a waddle :roll: I'll try taking a picture later if I remember! I know what you mean, I see stories over on the TTC threads and seeing so many women struggle I feel incredibly lucky that it has been so easy for us both times. Pregnancy itself hasn't been easy but for a healthy baby at the end of it I'll take the difficult pregnancy!

Hope everyone is doing ok?
Hope everyone is feeling well. Thankfully at nearly 20 weeks the heaving is not as much but still there a little. Feeling a fair bit of movement and it can be seen aswell if I really concentrate.
I have an Instagram account dedicated to this pregnancy with all my bump pics on. 20 weeks tomorrow so will take one then.
When my daughter is at school the weeks are flying by we have after school clubs 3 times à week so pretty busy and I know after Xmas it will fly too.
I feel so heavy and feel like I can't walk properly imagine what it'll be like in another 10 weeks haha x
Hi everyone I've been away last few days staying with family for dd's birthday. Cant believe she's two! Got myself in a right state the other night getting upset at how quick she's growing up,hysterical to the point i threw up,blaming hormones lol.

Aww cossie hope your migrane clears soon,lucky you mam can help.

So exciting were nearly at 20 week scans! Mines not til 6th December but then that's only a couple weeks away! I feel like the first 12 weeks went super slow but now it seems to be flying,really hope it slows down a bit,we seem to have so much to do before he arrives! Hoping to move dd to a toddler bed after Christmas so she doesnt think the baby is stealing her cot,would like to have her out of nappies during the day too as she seems ready for potty training so guna wait til after the christmas madness then try and get it cracked so only have the one set of nappies to worry about and then we need to sell/give to charity all dd's old clothes and pick up some boys ones in the sales. Also need to shift the spare double bed out of the room next door to ours to the dowbstairs bedroom and turn the little upstairs room into baby's nursery,will be all stations go come January! Need more time lol!!

Hope everyone is well xx
I know what you mean, we have a spare room to completely sort out. My wardrobes are in there aswell which won't fit in our room but it will be out dumping ground for xmas.
I can't believe how some tri1 went but I think it's the anxiety and feel crappy.
My daughter was 3 when she was ready for potty training so 2 is really good, My advice would be don't stress if she's not ready and she may regress. She's got alot of changes going on her little world is going to be turned upside down. My 5 year old is being a right pain at times
Thanks loula ill def try and not get stressed and just see how it goes. I would of probably waited a bit longer but she does ask for her potty now on a night and loves doing a wee and putting it down the loo. While its christmas im just letting her ask and not asking her during the day or anything but will see how she takes it in the new year tho you might be right theres a lot of changes with her.moving to a bed and then baby coming it might not work out. If not ill just be drowning in nappies come April never mind haha xx
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Haha it sounds like she's on the right tracks which is great. She may get it completely. Good luck x
Private gender scan booked for tomorrow 2.30pm.

I'm excited but nervous as well. Healthy baby is all we want but I know a lot of family want us to have a girl and I would love that but a bit worried about potential reactions if we are having another boy.
cossie I hope your migraine is clearing, my headaches were bad around this point with my first born, I didn’t realise but I was actually hospitalised at 15 weeks last time and again this time, pretty creepy! Really hope it eases for you soon. Also here here to mums! I’m with you on that, god I’d be lost without my mum when I’m ill

mrs cookie, sounds like all should go well with potty training but don’t worry if it doesn’t work in my job I’ve seen more children regress from starting too soon than I can even remember, honestly just go with the flow, I tried numerous times with my son With no such luck, tried everything, stories, books, sticker charts, a dolly with a potty, nothing worked, then about 3 weeks after his 3rd birthday he said no more pants so I took them off, he took himself to the bathroom so I followed he asked for a wee so I sat him on the toilet and he did it, should have seen my face, think my jaw hit the floor, all that effort I went to, for nothing lol because in the end he did it on his own.

lander I hope your scan goes well tomorrow, very exciting! I’m with you on the gender front we have all boys (5) on my partners side, apart from 1 girl who’s just turned 7 and when I said the other week we weren’t sure on the sex still, my partners mum literally said “well let’s hope it’s a girl, we’ve got enough boys already we don’t want anymore, we need a girl!” She’s coming over tomorrow and I literally want to birch slap her lol, she makes no effort with Toby as it is, if we find out it’s a girl she needn’t think she can make an effort with one and not the other! Don’t understand why families feel the need to be so darn awful sometimes, I agree with you that healthy is all that should matter, the sex of the baby is pretty irrelevant. Enjoy every second of tomorrow at your scan x please let us know, I’ll keep my eyes peeled

We are off to Southend tomorrow as it’s the last day that adventure island is open, and our son has begged us to take him for one last go on the rides oh and his obsessed with boom bangs (fireworks) and they have a firework display tomorrow to! But will be weird sitting and watching from the side lines instead of joining in all the fun lol, I guess I’ll just have to take loads of pictures and watch the excitement with my feet firmly on the ground lol.

Anyone else finding their immune systems naff! Omg I never get this ill, I’ve worked with children for the past 12 years so have a blooming tough immune system normally but my god at the moment I seem to get over one thing and get another. Just got over laryngitis and now I feel like I have a cold and I’ve started coughing again, like seriously I need a break from being ill lol
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Ahhh Southend is near me. We went on firework night x
KerryJo my immune system is ok but healing is really slow! That bad cannula they did in A&E when I had my little bleed at 13 weeks? Still have a really obvious mark from it five weeks later.

And where the cat gets on my lap then panics when DS comes over, I have a whole circle of claw marks just above my right knee that just haven't even begun to heal over at all.
Is anyone else awake at stupid o'clock? Its driving me crazy i don't need to pee, during the day in constantly exhausted but for some reason my body thinks acceptable to be awake for 2 hours every night. I don't remember this with A until much later on.

I feel like tome is dragging too and sometimes I even forget Im pregnant! Still not feeling much movement unless I'm lying down at night - but nothing during my 2 hours awake.
Is anyone else awake at stupid o'clock? Its driving me crazy i don't need to pee, during the day in constantly exhausted but for some reason my body thinks acceptable to be awake for 2 hours every night. I don't remember this with A until much later on.

I feel like tome is dragging too and sometimes I even forget Im pregnant! Still not feeling much movement unless I'm lying down at night - but nothing during my 2 hours awake.

I'm getting this. My theory is that during the day I'm so focused on caring for DS (14 months) that my body doesn't relax enough so then in the middle of the night, it relaxes and I have to use the bathroom more.

This one was growing last night too. Lots of muscle/ligament stretching etc.
Hope you have a lovely day at at adventure island Kerry! Sounds like lots of fun even if you only get to watch and take pics.

Good luck for scan today lander,cant wait to hear if you're team pink or blue!

My immune system is also shot,i always get cold sores when im run down and have had 3 in past 2 weeks so my face is a mess! Both me and dd are full of cold too! Joys of pregnancy!

Feeling really sick again today,really cant wait for the day i don't have to throw up!! Also anyone else noticing you cant eat as much? My appetite seems to have increased so i cook a huge meal feeling starving then i feel like im full to the brim after a few bites. Wonder if he's squishing my stomach or maybe its just shrunk with all the sickness but its so frustrating! I just wana enjoy my food again lol xx
At 4/5am I could easily be awake for the day but I force myself back to sleep until OH gets up just after 6.
I have big awful white headed spots on my shoulders which I'm putting down to hormones least they aren't on my face so can cover them up.
Kerry jo hope the weather holds off we are 30 mins away from southend and it's tipping down.
Some days I can eat more then others
Still got this bleeding headache :( really starting to get me down as I’ve had it all week now. Really hoping it goes away very soon.

Good luck for your scan Lander! Eeeek can wait to see if you’re having a boy or a girl!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

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