*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

wonder if the boys will catch up x
Still feel like time is dragging here as we're still waiting on gender scan.

Saw midwife today, all fine. Baby got feisty at having a sonicaid listen in to it two weeks running. Heat rate got a bit faster.

Also not helping that DS has a cold or something and has been waking at night since the weekend. He normally sleeps through so I'm shattered.
Currently at 20 week Scan and having to have a break as she’s being awkward! We’re to go back in 20 mins after having a drink and something to eat. Otherwise all is good with her :)
My appetite has significantly increased this last week. Sort of eating four meals a day as when I leave myself hungry too long, I start feeling a bit sick :roll:
Cossie girls can be very stubborn. Has she co operated? Did they check the gender?

Lander yes I have days where I could eat the whole house x
Hi all glad to hear your all doing well. I've been absent due to moving house, very tiring. Dd also been having the odd night of nightmares so absolutely shattered atm. I had my 16 week check on Monday and took midwife a while to find heartbeat as baby had moved up higher than expected and was on my right hand side so seems to have made itself comfortable. Been feeling movements for a few weeks and love it. I've got to wait till 8th Dec though for my 20week scan, still ages away. Now back to wall paper stripping. Chat soon x
Hi again everyone :) glad to see you are all well and feeling movements. I'm.a bit worried as I haven't felt much at all but I am getting pretty chubby so that's got to be a good sign �� I'm 17 weeks on Friday, is no movement with a second baby normal at this stage xx
at 17 weeks and even now I have to sit and concentrate at 19 weeks even though they are getting harder. It sometimes depends on your size too.
Have you tried eating or drinking and then resting on your left side for a while in the quiet? I wouldn't worry too much they re till pretty small in there x
at 17 weeks and even now I have to sit and concentrate at 19 weeks even though they are getting harder. It sometimes depends on your size too.
Have you tried eating or drinking and then resting on your left side for a while in the quiet? I wouldn't worry too much they re till pretty small in there x

I'm relatively slim which is what's worrying me as I thought I would feel more. The only time I have felt any movement is lying in bed. I've tried drinking really cold juice and water but no luck :( xx
Stacey did they tell you at your scan where your placenta is?
Mines is at the front so alot is cushioned, it was the same with my wee boy as well.
Maybe like cdx says your placenta may be at the front which is why you can't feel anything.
I have no idea where mine is as it is not documented anywhere but I have my 20 weeks scan next week. Some people can be late in feeling it.
Even now when I feel it is panic if I've not felt her move in a while.
No they didn't tell me but I will have a look through my notes and see xx
She cooperated in the end but no she didn’t check the gender but she didn’t correct us when we referred to her as she so that’s a good sign right?! All went really well and baby is just perfect :) can’t believe that could be our last scan before we meet her!

I wouldn’t worry too much Stacey. They only say you feel movements earlier with your second because you know what the difference between wind and actual movements are. As long as you have felt movements I’d say that’s a real positive!
To be fair I think the only reason we were told was because our scan was being supervised by a senior member of staff so we got a lot more info than we did at the scans with my wee boy. Could tell us what ovary the egg came from, where the placenta was and pointed put loads. Then at our private scan I asked if it was still anterior which it was.

I think they do write it on your notes somewhere at your 12 week scan.
Nothing on my 12 week scan re placenta as I don't think they are worried where it is until 20 weeks. As long as I can see baby is ok and the sonograoher is happy then I don't tend to ask questions I like to be nieve x
Glad she co operated cossie, hope mine behaves herself x
Hi can I join please? Currently pregnant with 3rd baby due on the 7th April. I've got two boys already who will be 4 and 2 when this baby is born! Got my 20 week scan on Monday at 11am!! X
As if night time peeing isn't bad enough, DS has been cold/ teething waking up 2-3 times per night and I'm having to hold it until he's dozed off again. Told my midwife it's been great for my pelvic floor but at times it feels a bit close too call!
Welcome mummyto2boys, I am also due on the 7th although hoping it happens a week early. I have a 5 year old daughter. Got my 20 week scan Tuesday lunchtime xx
Well everyone after all my worrying yesterday I felt baby move nice and strong last night ❤❤
That's great news. I have a couple quiet days sometimes and then others I can feel her loads.

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