*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

Im in maternity clothes but mainly the ones i had from last time round. I have bought a few maternity skirts and tops for work and a couple things from Dorothy Perkins. I really like Dorothy Perkins,new look and debenhams for maternity stuff. Hubby did get me some nice bits from mothercare bless him but i find their stuff a bit more frumpy and its expensive when you think how long you'll need it for!

I went for my flu jab this morning,dd found it hilarious announcing to the whole waiting room that mammy had a baby in her boobies,was mortified haha.

Hope everyone is well! Xx
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Ah - Dorothy Perkins! I hadn't even thought of looking there. I think we have a good second hand shop I might try to. I am just getting so uncomfortable in my own clothes now. Leggings are a good idea to, I'm wearing pj bottoms as much as possible at home, sadly not suitable for the office!

Mrs cookie - love that your dd announced your pregnancy in such an original way!! :) that is hilarious! Definitely brightened up my fairly dull morning in the office. Thank you!!
The thing I find frustrating is I want to try it on in the shops but hardly anywhere stocks anything x
Feeling so unwell today guys :( I messaged Work and asked for cover this afternoon and for tomorrow to. I got cover for today but the only 2 people who we have available for cover are already in tomorrow :( I’ve got the drs in the morning as I think I’ve got a water infection. Kind of hope they sign me off to be honest...

Hope everyone else is doing ok?
Might be getting a gender scan in the next fortnight rather than finding out at our 20wk scan on Nov 30th as DH has been asked to do a major presentation event in central London on the same day.

Hospital don't have another available appt so I said if we get a private scan so we can find out baby's sex together, I'm fine going to the nhs on my own.

Waiting to find out has been driving me nuts!
Hi everyone haven't been on recently as been really busy with work but thank you for all your lovely welcome messages :)
I think I can finally feel baby move tonight too at 16+ 4. Earlier than my first baby but definate baby flutters ��
My movements are still really low is the same with everyone else x
Morning ladies - still not feeling great this morning but I have a drs appointment this morning so will hopefully get signed off work as they have said I have to go in but I’m feeling so bad right now.

Yes Loula, I would expect movements to be more round about now but I’m trusting all is ok as I can definitely feel her every now and again
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Good luck at the doctors Cossie.
I've definitely felt some movement this week too.

A and I are both loaded with the cold so a movie day cuddled up on the sofa for us.

Minor water infection for me. No antibiotics and no sicknote as I haven’t self certified for more than 5 days. I’ve been advised not to go in though and to rest up and drink plenty so I’ve messaged my boss with what she said and basically said I’m following drs orders so will be off today and tomorrow :)

Aaaw glad you’re feeling movements CD! Hope you feel better soon
After talking about not feeling baby move much I’m up to 3 on my kick counter already this morning! :lol: on active little girl this morning! Long may it continue
I've had really active days too which is nice.
Can't wait for my scan next week it's dragging so much.
Hope you feel better soon cossie xx
Today has been a really active day for baby! It’s been lovely to be fair. It’s still at the point where it tickles but I love it!

I’ve got my 20 week Scan tomorrow at 19+3 - can’t believe we’re almost half way! :D I’m sure yours will be here before you know it Loula!

Thanks lovely, me too. Works really stressing me out which isn’t making it easier. I messaged my boss to say dr advised a couple of days rest and because she already has tomorrow off she asked if I could go in to save her rearranging her day!!
Baby is much more active in the afternoon when it's just me at home and things are quiet I actually saw it from over my jumper today.
I know nearly half way already it's starting t speed up a little now.
Yeah my hospital booked mine for 20 weeks x
That's awful when you've said your doctor advises rest! Not very professional at all.

I can't believe you have your 20 week scans so soon, mines is on the 12th of Dec.

My cousin/best friend who is having twins next week came for a visit today, next time I see her 2 gorgeous wee babies will be here - i felt very emotional when she was leaving! Such an exciting special time.
You are only a couple of weeks behind us and just think it's closer to Christmas too. What a lovely christmas present.
Wow twinnies x
Anyone else feel time is disappearing as we get nearer to Christmas? I feel like the last few weeks since our gender scam have flown by and I have a feeling once Christmas is out of the way it won't even feel like 2 minutes until our little girl is here!
Yep. April sounds like it's ages away but it's really not.
I had my 20 week scan today at 20w +1 today! Everything was perfect, midwife also commented on how strong heart beat was! And we're having a baby boy!

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