*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

just signing in from work.

How lovely another girl to add to the list. My 1st pregnancy alot had boys so i was in the minority.

HAs anyone got anynames yet? Weve got a few in the pot just to decide.

My 1st pregnancy all i wanted was oranges, ive eaten alot f cheese in this one.

Got on the scales to day and i was pleasently surprisd x
No names here,my cousin is having identical twin girls next week so we are waiting to see what their names are first.

Any inspiration would be great though.

Hi everyone!! Been away at my parents for a week so been trying to catch up! Welcome and congrats Stacey! Awww another girly how lovely CD,anyone fancy joining team blue anytime soon can't believe there's only me so far lol.

Glad you're home kerryjo and hope you feel better soon!
Cossie your work sounds like they're being total dicks. Can't believe they still haven't done a risk assessment,so unprofessional!! I left my old job while on maternity,if they only pay you statutory mat pay you don't have to pay anything back. If you get any enhanced pay they can ask for it back if you leave but my old work asked and I ignored them and they never asked again so got away with it haha. Hope they start treating you better soon!

We've got a couple of names Loula,I'm 90% certain it's going to be Sebastian (seb for short) but every now and then we flit to Theodore/Theo

Hope everyone is well! My sickness has reduced massively this week hurrah!! Gonna make the most of enjoying this trimester before I become massive and die from indigestion xx
Oh I love those names. We actually agrees on boys names much easier then girls names x
Yeah its easier for us as we had seb picked out for if izzy was a boy so pretty sure we'll end up with that. I keep referring to him as seb anyway! We would of been more stuck if it was a girl,we liked emily,amelia and Sofia but wasn't sure on any of them xx
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They are such pretty names but just so popular for me, seb is lovely though and I like theo too x
Yeah they are used a lot. Do you like names that are a bit different? Still plenty of time to settle on one. Some people don't decide til baby is here! Xx
Lovely names. Our boy's name was Caelan for this one.
We'd like a Scottish girls name to go with Arran but struggling.

I do like different names but the ones I have liked OH has vetoed haha.
We have a couple we really like so we are just adding to it really. Like you say plenty of time plus my daughter was about 4 hours old and me and my mum picked here out of a list of 5 haha.
So many pretty girls names out there x
Lol we don’t know what it is, the scanner couldnt be sure so gotta re book for 2 weeks time lol

What do you all think?


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Oh no did baby not co operate? How far along are you?
I'm rubbish at guessing they say if it looks like a burger with like the 3 layers it's a girl and a bit is pretty easy to make out.
Hi everyone!
CD, congratulations on finding out it's a girl! Wow, April is such a pink month :)
Kerryjo, looks like the baby wants to keep it surprise for a while longer. I'd agree with Loula-looks like a girl! But I don't really know, I am not an expert.
Oh no did baby not co operate? How far along are you?
I'm rubbish at guessing they say if it looks like a burger with like the 3 layers it's a girl and a bit is pretty easy to make out.

I’m 16 weeks +1 We got there at 2:30 and left at 17:15 lol, went in no luck, so emptied bladder went back in and baby wouldn’t open it’s legs lmao, so got sent out to walk and drink cold water whilst they scanned someone else, then back in, baby had it’s back turned lol, so went to empty bladder had a little wiggle and she got that shot but said she was thinking possibly a boy but kept going back to check and said she’s not sure and to call tomorrow afternoon to re book another scan lol, I mean at least I get to see baby again between now and my 20 week scan, But was so desperate to know!
I can imagine our baby would be like that as they were lying in their belly for our 12 weeks scan and alot at our private one to for the harmony.
Bit the plus side is you get to have another scan. Hopefully they co operate x
Congratulations CD! :D

That’s always frustrating Kerryjo! Hopefully he/she will be more cooperative next time!! As for guesses I’m going to go with girl :)
Aw no KerryJo. We were nearly in the same position yesterday, this little lady was cuddling into the placenta.
Hopefully next time he/she will be in a better position.
It does look really hard to tell from that picture.
Hi KerryJo,

Baby wants to keep you in suspense a bit longer!

Loula, in regards to the question of names: DH and I have very different taste in girls names. I love Isabella, and he has recently said he is coming around to liking it now, yay! Mrs Cookie, I know you have an Isabella!

Other names I suggested were: Evie, Isla, and Ella. But DH didn't like any of those.
Awww muffin Isabella is a beautiful name but obviously im biased lol. It was always gonna be Izzy if she was a girl last time round we had it picked from the start!

Aww id guess girl but again not an expert. At least you get an extra chance to see baby. We nearly didn't find out at ours,had to do all sorts of stupid things cycling my legs in the air to get him to move lol. Hope he/she plays along next time zx
Hi, sorry, not been about much the last few weeks! It's so exciting to see all the pinks appearing on the front page! We've still got a few weeks to find out what colours ours is but both oh and I are convinced it's blue.

Muffinski - so happy your harmony results came back ok, and you're having a little girl! That's so exciting! It must be lovely to know what you're growing!

How is everyone doing? Are the bumps coming along nicely? Mines getting big, but I'm still about 4 lbs lighter than my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm not too worried though. I'm feeling ok and my BMI is at the bottom end of normal, so I assume that's all fine. I'm sure the weight will creep up soon!!

Has anyone started getting maternity clothes? I don't think I can put it off any more. Any recommendations of where to go? Or essential must haves?

Hope you're all ok
I'm still wearing normal clothes as it's leggings and big jumpers. Only maternity stuff I have is a pair of jeans from top shop and a t shirt as I have my daughter dance presentation night this weekend. I haven't really seen any maternity clothes I really like plus I don't feel comfortable wearing tight clothes which I have found most maternity is.
Half way through and I've gone from 8st5 to 9st so just over half a stone which I'm happy with.

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