*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

Morning girls, hope everyone’s well x

I’m finally home from hospital, and although I passed out and had some horrible stomach pains baby wasn’t checked, was told if anything’s happened to baby then nature will it course (was shocked but I’m guessing they weren’t actually concerned) On a positive note Im pretty sure I’ve felt quite a few little flutters (fingers crossed) and I’m litetally waiting for it to get to about 8:30am and then calling my dad to see if he can take us to have a private gender scan on Sunday, as we need the reassurance and are desperate to find out Babies sex, my dads usually free most of the time so keeping everything crossed he’ll be free Sunday to X

Anyone else still suffering sickness?? I’ve been super sick this past week which was caused
By my spinal leak, but honestly thought now that’s healed I’d stop feeling of being sick, but I’m heaving and vomiting quite often! Not liking this sickness malarkey, I wasn’t at all sick when pregnant with Toby lol
I think that's absolutely awful that the baby wasn't checked. No it wasn't the prime cause of admission but you'd have thought they would have liased with the maternity unit if it was in the same hospital. I've had patients that have been seen even if it's just a Doppler. I'm still heaving and feeling nauseous at 19 weeks tomorrow.
I think that's absolutely awful that the baby wasn't checked. No it wasn't the prime cause of admission but you'd have thought they would have liased with the maternity unit if it was in the same hospital. I've had patients that have been seen even if it's just a Doppler. I'm still heaving and feeling nauseous at 19 weeks tomorrow.

Yep I agree! I saw 4 Drs and the first 3 said Doppler or scan, 4th said no point as if the damage is done it’s done :eh: so that was that! However we have booked a private gender scan for Sunday, so at least we don’t have to wait too long for some reassurance, and we will know what it is by Sunday!!!!!!! OMG! Too excited!

I shall be telling work Monday, because my healths gone to put I feel it’s a must, I’m also not sure my uniform is going to fit very well lol, I’ve popped out these past couple of days, and it’s kind of getting a bit obvious lol


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I swear I'm nesting already.

I keep re-sorting DS's stuff to make room and today I bought size 1 nappies in Asda as the 24 packs are only £1 at the moment.

Can't wait to find out the sex at the end of the month. I have the 'little brother' sleep suit from DS and a new 'little sister' one put aside to the with us and show DsS the result afterwards the same way as last time.

Oh and I can't wait for the next Aldi baby event to get dummies, new TT bottle teats and blankets/fleece.
Wow Kerry up that is no compassion as all. But just think a few more days and you will see your baby again.
Lander I want to start nesting but just can't bring myself to do it. Not bought a thing yet either.
Movements feel less too the past few days too Not sure if I am imagining it x
Glad your home KerryJo. What an awful experience hopefully Sunday will put your mind at rest.

We have a private scan on Sat, explained i would be 15+6 and they seemed sure it should be OK. I keep thinking girl but not sure if that's because boys are so rare on here this time! Im sure when I was pregnant with A April was full of baby boys.

Hope you're all well x
That sounds awful Kerryjo. Glad you're ok though - And how exciting that you're having a private gender scan! :D I was really sick with DS until about 24 weeks :( so I know how you're feeling. I've been really lucky time with the nausea but not so much with everything else. Migraines are still really frequent, my hips are starting to hurt and the stress this time round seems to be trebled.

I'm having real issues with work. It's as if this pregnancy is nothing but an inconvenience and they are going out of their way to make sure I know it. The hot water has gone in our sink so we are having to use the schools - out of the 2 sinks available to do washing up in, one has a really high side that comes up to just under my boobs but the bottom of the sink is then really low down. And the other sink is no higher than my thighs! My memory is also not very good at the moment (actually it's horrific), and when I forget to do something I feel like I'm being talked to like a 2 year old. I've made the decision to take my maternity leave from 1st Feb and toward the end of my maternity leave I'll be handing in my notice and finding another job. Just need to stick it out until Feb. If things get worse, I might get a sick note after Christmas until I go off on maternity and say it's pregnancy related like my hips aren't capable of doing the job or something. I hate doing that but it's really stressing me out and I'm coming home on a daily basis bawling my eyes out. Oh, and my boss still hasn't done a risk assessment!!

I'm nesting! I find myself actually wanting to clean on an hourly basis! I have to force myself not to otherwise I'd never sit down!

Loula my movements have slowed down too, I assume this is normal? They're still not frequent or strong but I have days where I'll have 3 or 4 lots of movements and then 2 days of nothing. It does worry me even though I know it shouldn't!
BTW, loving the bump kerryjo!!! How are everyone else's bumps coming along?
So glad you are in the same boat cossie. Makes me feel a bit better to be honest.
Just be careful and make sure you get some advice as I'm sure if they pay you maternity pay you have to go back for at least 12 weeks or you have to pay it back. It's so bad that they are not treating you right x
So glad you are in the same boat cossie. Makes me feel a bit better to be honest.
Just be careful and make sure you get some advice as I'm sure if they pay you maternity pay you have to go back for at least 12 weeks or you have to pay it back. It's so bad that they are not treating you right x

Yeah it’s always good knowing someone else is experiencing the same or similar things!

I’ve done a lot of research to see when the earliest I can leave is and what would happen if I resigned before. Basically they can’t ask for it back as the money can be reclaimed from the government. I plan to look into it a bit more but if that’s the case then I’ll definitely be resigning at the end of mat leave
My movements slowed recently as bump had a growth spurt. Same pattern as DS.

Eat loads for two days, movements less for 24-36 hrs then the next morning bump is bigger and we have more movements again.
Im jealous of all of you feeling movements already! Not much going on here or if there is my placenta is cushioning it all again.
CDx, today's the day! You'll find out the gender! Exciting. Let us know how it goes?

Today I have the biggest craving for fruits. We just did our supermarket shopping and I got strawberries, pineapple, apple and mangoes. I'm going to get stuck into all of them as soon as we get home.
Ooo yay CD!!! :D good luck for today!

I’ve gone back to feeling really sick. We had thought about going out to IKEA this afternoon but OH hasn’t really mentioned anything and I’m not sure I’m feeling well enough
CDx, today's the day! You'll find out the gender! Exciting. Let us know how it goes?

Today I have the biggest craving for fruits. We just did our supermarket shopping and I got strawberries, pineapple, apple and mangoes. I'm going to get stuck into all of them as soon as we get home.

I keep having the fruit thing on and off xx
CDx so eagerly awaiting to see what your having? How did the scan go today? x

As for fruit cravings I craved oranges when I was pregnant with my son’, like I was obsessed with anything orange, fruit, fresh fruit juice, it was shocking I cried over oranges in Asda once because I couldn’t eat them there and then lol
Hope all went well today CD!

I’ve been really craving Caesar salad :shock:
More pink to the front page please!!

We have a very stubborn little lady growing in there.

More pink to the front page please!!

We have a very stubborn little lady growing in there.


So glad all went well! Can’t believe all the girls we have from these April babies, I’ve always said I’d end up having 2 boys lol so wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a blue one to add to the list tomorrow lol

Are you happy about baby being a girl :)
Good luck for tomorrow!

Yeah we're excited, would have been either way! Just to try agree on a name now. We had a boys name picked but no clue for a girl.

Everything looks fine, she was completely camera shy and hugging the placenta so we didn't get the best pictures. We got a recording of the heartbeat and they put it in a teddy for my wee boy so hoping that helps build a bond.

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