*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

I can't wait for my next appointment which is 2 weeks today. I haven't seen my midwife since 15 weeks so 3 weeks ago and don't see her again until 24ish weeks so after Xmas.
Such a relief the results have come back low risk.
Ironically the results letter was on my doormat when I got home :roll:

I'm 24wks at new year so I'm seeing the vbac team the week before Xmas and consultants again the end of January the day after the 28wk growth scan I have on Jan 29th.

I'm seeing my midwife team next week. Not sure why lol, consultant was happy with everything. She loved that I'd pencilled in all my appt dates on the care schedule so it was all there in front of her lol
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Ironically the results letter was on my doormat when I got home :roll:

I'm 24wks at new year so I'm seeing the vbac team the week before Xmas and consultants again the end of January the day after the 28wk growth scan I have on Jan 29th.

I'm seeing my midwife team next week. Not sure why lol, consultant was happy with everything. She loved that I'd pencilled in all my appt dates on the care schedule so it was all there in front of her lol

It's great that you got such good results Lander! :D

I'm 24 weeks just before Christmas (25 weeks on 25th December funnily enough!) and will have a midwife appointment that week. But there will be a hell of a gap between appointments as my 20 week scan is next Wednesday and won't have another til I see my midwife! Then I have my GTT in between Christmas and New Year and the only other appointment I know about is the next time I will see the consultant which will be at the start of March next year when I will be about 34 weeks!

It's weird because I felt like there were more appointments with DS and yet according to my folder, the number of appointments with your second if you're high risk actually increase! Maybe that's just later on?

Anyone had any big movements yet? Mine are still fluttery and few and far between. I worry constantly if I go a day without feeling her move but I know it's too early on to call the midwives if I don't feel her as they aren't supposed to be regular until 22-24 weeks :( It just makes me anxious!
Same here I have my scan on 21st November and do not see the midwife until around 28th December but after that it's practically every 3 weeks not sure if I will have the appointments with her or because of the extra scans I'm supposed to be having every 3 weeks. Time will tell.
I'm getting alot of pops quite low down but the occasional really hard one in line with my belly button and sone shifting around I can feel.
I feel she's already in a little pattern but I still try the cold drink and lay on my left to entice it.
Cold drinks do nothing, if I want to prompt her into moving I have to eat a MacDonalds! :lol: it's totally bizarre but so far, 3 macdoanlds meals and 3 lots of movements immediately followed! I know that sounds bizarre but I'm convinced that's what it takes!
I have craved a McDonald's for weeks now and still not had one. Food does help granted but if kept eating I'd be the size of a house haha. Made that mistake last time x
I'm actually making the most of being able to eat! Last time I couldn't eat much til about 30 weeks and then very shortly after my stomach got so squished that I couldn't fit much in at all! This time I've not really been too sick and my appetite is up! I'm trying to eat the right things but it's soooo hard! :lol:
McDs is high sugar lol. I got most movement from gorging on lebekuchen (German christmassy ginger bread biscuits) and also when DH accelerated the car down onto the M25 lol

I'm aware of general motion than full on kicks etc. Anterior placenta. Very different from DS.
Do you know what, I'm sure my placenta is anterior but no one has said anything about it. I might ask next week at 20 week scan
I just want to eat junk all the time. Crazy.
I have no idea where my placenta is they normally say at the 20 week scan.
It should say in the report from your 12wk scan in your notes xx

Forgive me, I started training as a midwife in 2005 but didn't carry on due to some personal issues, so I nag for more details than some people :blush:
Oh right, I had no idea! I’ll have a look when I get home. The midwife when I went in the other week said she would have thought mine was anterior based on how easily she was finding it from the sounds on the Doppler and yet couldn’t find her heartbeat!

That’s really cool Lander! Can I be really nosy and ask why you stopped training? I am considering going to uni after maternity leave to do midwifery but have so many questions to try and find out whether it’s right for me before I spend all that money! Lol :)
I would love to do a degree in nursing.
I've seen many students with families do it but it's a hard 3 years. I think they found it easier when they were at uni as it was 9 until 3 or 4 but placements are over 12 hours starting at 7/8am and never guaranteed to be out on time etc which is all part and parcel of the job.
I love my job as a health care assistant in a busy hospital but I also like the no responsibility so to speak.
I'm not trying to put you off at all as there are so many perks but really think about it. I'm sure there are Facebook groups x
Hi guys can I join this forum. My second baby is due 27th April x
It was a combination of things, biggest was my mum selling up to move to another county. I'd been living at home at that point (I was 24) and there was no way I'd afford renting whilst being a student (in North London, not cheap!).

Also I was never assigned to a single mentor midwife. I worked with seven different ones on Labour ward and postnatal and another in the community which made learning techniques rather crazy. They all stuck to best practice from when they trained as that was the guidance for safety ten years ago.....

And then in class, there was a 'there are no stupid questions' policy but when I asked something that were further ahead from what we were studying (for the third week in a row) I actually had half the class telling me to shut up. Whilst the lecturer had looked relieved that someone actually understood what he'd been teaching. It was an unpleasant experience.

Oh and the day one of the midwives told me she disliked me because I wasn't s**ting myself. You'd think they'd prefer a student who was confident enough to get stuck in.....

How awful Lander. No wonder you didn't carry on.
W3lcome Stacey x
Welcome Stacey :) good to see you in here! I'll add you to the list of mummies on the front page :D

Oh no Lander :( that doesn't sound like a good experience. I'm seriously considering midwifery but I'm not sure if I'm too sensitive and emotional to cope with the sad parts of the job. Do you think that's something you'd harden up to?

I'll be making a decision while I'm on maternity but I'm almost 100% certain I won't be going back to my current job as I wouldn't be able to drop off or pick up DS from school when he starts in 2019 and that makes me feel so sad :(
I think there's a fine line between 'hardening up' and just being ready to cope with the sadder parts.

That you need your human response to it to allow you to provide the right sort of compassion and support but at the same time you have to be some what detached to be professional.

I didn't experience anything whilst training as in your first year it's all focus on normal experience. You go on to more complex issues later on, second and third year etc.
Pretty sure this one's been growing the last few days. My appetite went up, bump was quiet then today it's felt stretched and I've felt movement and I'm wiped lol.

Put DS down by 7pm, DsS down at 8pm and I'm already in bed whilst DH is out organising stuff for this weekend.

Don't normally have DsS on a Wednesday but his great grandmother on his mum's side has had a heart attack so his mum and nana are sorting out his great granddad who's got dementia as well as the hospital side of things.

Very odd evening here.
Gotta love my in laws. Keep in a supply of my favourite Doritos and houmous.

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