*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

Totally agree Lander - boys are too cool! Can’t imagine what it’s going to be like having a girl around!! :lol: although, it hit me the other night that the puberty talk with a girl will be down to me!!! Aaaaah!! Not sure I’m ready for that lol

Is anyone else having the most bizarre dreams? Mine have been crazy the last few nights!
OH will be outnumbered with all the girls in the house but tough haha. Two girls will be tough I imagine. I already get attitude from my 5 year old but she's so funny and so lovely.

We just cannot decide on a name though x
I kept dreaming it was snowing last night.
Cossie, I've been having the weirdest dreams ever since really early in the pregnancy. It can be quite entertaining in the morning to reflect on the latest one!

Loula, we have the same problem. Though, DH mentioned to me that one of the names I suggested was growing on him the other day, so that's good news! I'm not sure whether he will like it enough for us to use it though. We just cannot find common ground over any girls names!
My dreams have been all over the place since early pregnancy. I kept dreaming we bought a little boy home then when I had the harmony I dreamt we had a little boy with downs. I have had a lot of encounters with men from my past some I don't know and alot of rows with OH.
He hates my dreams which I don't blame him.

We had a boys name sorted and I really thought we had a girls name sorted but He's been put off. I like names that are not common and maybe a little out there but he as he outs it likes normal names. Grrr.

We also had a look at prams today for the 2nd time. Does anyone else find they have massive wheels either all round or at the back? I really don't want one with big wheels. Maybe I want the impossible haha x
We are just using DSs old travel system. We had a cosatto and yes the wheels are rather large but it’s a light travel system and super easy to use and we love it :)

DS has requested fireworks tonight - I should be ok right? We’re not going to a professional display, we have bought some from Tesco to take round to my parents and my dad is going to set them off
I've looked at cosatto and quite like them.
I've been to 2 firework displays the past 2 nights . Everything muffled to baby so don't worry too much x
My dreams have been all over the place since early pregnancy. I kept dreaming we bought a little boy home then when I had the harmony I dreamt we had a little boy with downs. I have had a lot of encounters with men from my past some I don't know and alot of rows with OH.
He hates my dreams which I don't blame him.

We had a boys name sorted and I really thought we had a girls name sorted but He's been put off. I like names that are not common and maybe a little out there but he as he outs it likes normal names. Grrr.

We also had a look at prams today for the 2nd time. Does anyone else find they have massive wheels either all round or at the back? I really don't want one with big wheels. Maybe I want the impossible haha x

The mamas and papas urbo, has smaller wheels than most, we had the silver cross wayfarer for our son and never found it too big, fit fine in the back off my mums fiesta to we will just be using that one again and buying a new colour pack for it depending on the babies sex, as everything we had last time was neutral so will be nice to go for a colour this time depending on if it’s a girl or boy, for a girl I like the purple colour pack or the vintage red, and for a boy I like the navy or the bright green colour packs just cannot wait to find out babies sex!!
So how are we all doing, I’m still rough! The lumbar puncture I had had caused a leak and giving me the worst low pressure headache! I’m struggling not going to lie, my bathrooms no more than 10ft from my bedroom and I have to sit down half way else I’d collapse in pain, anytime I’m not laying flat I’m being sick, so not eating and not managing to keep much in the way of fluids down, I’ve got antisickness medication but im pretty much vomiting it up before it has a chance to work. Literally my 10th lumbar puncture and my 4th low pressure headache, why now, like why when I’m pregnant have I ended up with a low pressure headache! It’s hell, just waiting for a call back from the nurse at my Drs regarding the sickness, am so worried babies not getting enough and I’ve been getting some pretty horrendous stomach pains don’t know if it’s the vomiting that’s causing the pain of something else but I’m so fed up lol!

Anyway moan over, my cousin and his fiancé announced they were expecting baby no.2 yesterday! They didn’t know we were expecting so we told them to last night whilst we were round theirs and it’s all so exciting! The babies are due 2 weeks apart!!!! I’ll have a bump buddy and someone to go to groups with etc, we live like a 10 minute walk apart, and we both have our sons a year apart in age and they get on so well together, it’s literally made me a trillion times more excited lol

Anyone else finding out babies sex soon! So excited that we have our first boy on the list after all those girls xx cannot wait for more of us to find out!
I also have the issue of it has to get on a plane next August and I won't be buying a stroller as baby will be too small in my opinion plus we will need the car seat etc . I'm sure we will find one we have a while yet. We already k ow what nursery set we are getting thankfully x
Aaaw Kerryjo that sucks :( I really hope it all eases for you soon. Don’t worry about baby. It’s probab why you feel so rough. Baby will take everything it needs even if it leaves you with nothing for yourself! I was sick with DS to the point where I ate nothing but orange juice ice lollies from 8 - 24 weeks. I got worried I wasn’t getting enough but midwives were really reassuring and he’s a very happy and healthy little boy!

I do really like the cosatto. It was the only one I could lift with a huge bump so I thought with a baby in tow it would be super easy and it is. We still use the pushchair bit for DS but will be getting a buggy board for him once this one arrives!

We will be just getting a cot and then when she is old enough to sleep in a bed we’ll get bunk beds (we only live in a 2 bed house and can’t afford to move)
Hi had my scan this morning and everything is perfect and we are expecting a little girl :)


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Awww congratulations. 2 weeks until ours x
Seems like you're having such a tough time of it KerryJo.
My friend had hyperemesis gravidarum really severely with her last pregnancy she barely kept anything down at all and was hospitalised a few times because of it - her wee boy was born perfectly healthy so they are such resiliant wee things. Just focus on getting yourself better.

We can't find a date all 3 of us can go for our gender scan, need to get it sorted soon, 15 weeks yesterday. I keep thinking girl but then can't imagine a girl at all. A few people have said girl from the nub theory on my scan too.

I don’t want to sound like the whingy pregnant woman especially since others are going through so much worse but I’m really starting to struggle with the headaches and migraines. I’m also starting to fear I’m going to have to take my maternity leave earlier because of them :(
Oh Kerry jo really hope you catch a break soon! Sounds horrid for you X

Congratulations jward,awww another little girly in the group!!

Cossie moan away,it's so hard when you can barely take anything to help!

We're staying with family this week,told them all our news about our boy and it's all very exciting!! Hubby's brother bought us our first little blue onesie,a little Thunderbird's one - soo exciting thinking about it! Hope everyone is keeping well xx
Thanks Mrs cookie. It’s really hard. On top of not being able to take anything I’ve obviously got my 2 year old who doesn’t understand and Work who get a bit iffy if anyone’s poorly.

Aaaw my little boy loves thunderbirds! That’s so cool! My mum has been going a bit nuts with the pink stuff! :lol: she is so excited about having a granddaughter! And to be honest, I rather excited about the prospect of a daughter! Terrified, but very excited!
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Headaches are the worst it's all the extra hormones flying about..
Is there anyone who can have DS for an hour or so so you can have a nap and sleep it off or go to bed earlier see if that helps.
We haven't bought anything yet I just feel it's still so early which is silly.
I had horrible headaches at this point last time. Not as intense this time but I think sleeping badly abd in stiff positions makes it worse via it making my neck sore.

Seen consultant for 16wk apt this morning. 17wks today. Realised I'd not heard anything back from my quad blood test so checked that and all results are low risk. My blood pressure and urine all fine and baby's heartbeat was great.

Currently treating myself and DS to Nandos as he's been a star all morning and slept through my actual appointment.

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