*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

Oh no hope you get some answers x
Hi KerryJo,

You poor thing!! Thinking of you and hoping for the best outcome. Let us know how you're doing. Xxx

Lander - I inboxed you.
Oh kerryjo sending lots of love you poor thing! Hope you get answers today xx
Lots of hugs Kerryjo :( hope everything is ok?

I have my consultant appointment this afternoon. Will find out whether I will have to have a caesarean or whether I can labour naturally
Good luck for appointment cossie!

Urgh im feeling rotten today,promised dd we'd bake and regretting it lol xx
Hope you feel better soon Mrs cookie!

DS seems to be forfeiting his morning nap now :( which just means no more ‘me time’! I’m sure I’ll enjoy him being awake once baby is here as we can have some mummy son time while she naps :)
I know it might sound bad but would he watch a film with you or something so you could have a nap. My daughter is Still on half term and I accidentlt had over 30 mins yesterday whilst she played and had her tele on x
He watches tv for all of 15 minutes. Occasionally he’ll watch an entire film but only if he’s in the mood. He’s too active! I knew the time was going to come eventually when he wouldn’t want a nap anymore but I thought I had longer! :lol:
I remember my daughter was like that. Exhausted me without being pregnant.
KerryJo how scary. I hope they get to the bottom of things and you are home resting soon.
Hope your appointment went well Cossie.
So my 2 hour appointment that they had put on the letter lasted all of 15 minutes. Ive been sent away with a VBAC info leaflet (which is terrifying! I know they need to make sure you're aware of all the pros and cons of each decision but still!) and I should be good for a natural labour and delivery! Got to go back around 34 weeks so start of March 2018:)

I've also got my GTT booked for 29th December and I am not looking forward to it. I had one with DS and I didn't get seen until 11am and then had the 2 hour wait until second lot of bloods and by the end of it I felt so ill and he hadn't moved all morning. It was terrifying! My appointment this time is for 9:15 so it should be a lot better!
Glad you got the decision you wanted.
Those GTT tests are supposed to be awful. I love escaped them thankfully.
Glucose tolerance test muffin. It checks for gestational diabetes. Some women are offerwd it as standard if they have risk factors for gestational diabetes. I have to have it as im overweight. I hated it last time!! My hospital wouldn't even let you drink water and the orange drink tasted awful! Im hoping he hospital im at this time is nicer,i know some ladies who had it in my preg group last time got lucozade instead of the rank NHS drink,would much prefer that haha x
Glad youve been given the option of vbac cossie,like you say they have to list the risks but im suremost of the time its fine. The list of things that could happen in any labour is huge. All worth it in the end eh lol .

This morning i wanted to murder my husband,he set his alarm for 6am with no intention of getting up but it woke dd so now we've all had an early start. Already flagging lol. Just have to get through today and work tonight then were off to stay with family for a week. Hope everyone is having a happy friday xx
GTT was crap for me too. I knew i didn't have GD but as ds measured so big they made me have it done a second time.

My blood sugar goes really low of a morning anyway and it was bordering on being hypoglyceamic. It was below normal afterwards as well.

I felt horrendous.
Thanks all, so after seeing many different Drs and many different things it may have been they are guessing (yes guessing lol) I had a small bleed deep in my brain, so it hasn’t show on ct scan, I had a lumbar puncture yesterday and fluid was clear, so if there was a bleed as they think, it must have stopped and the blood dispersed without causing any long term effects other than excruciating head pain. Should be allowed home today, all fun a games lol fingers are crossed they don’t change there minds and tell me I’m staying as I’m set to go home and see my baby. I feel so bad he remembers everything he keeps telling everyone mummy’s poorly, she couldn’t see me (my vision went so I was in a state called my mum to get him so he didn’t have to see me like it, but it was too late he’d seen enough and had too much of a good memory) keeps saying, mummy was crying tears in her eyes, I hugged her but she was still crying!! Utterly heart breaking, can’t wait to see him and give him the biggest cuddles ever!

Anyhow I hope all is well with you all, cossie how are you feeling for VBAC? Is it a high chance you’ll need one or are they guessing you’ll labour naturally but wanted that in place as a back up? Also hoping your GTT goes well this time round, I’ve got to have it again this time round, last time I loved that drink as I craved oranges lmao this time I’m not looking forward to the drink so much lol

I’m now guessing them letting me try to push a Little with assistance of VBAC or forceps is out of the window now, I have midwife next week so I’ll ask her x

How is everyone’s bumps coming along, anyone fancy sharing bump pics x
I’m so pleased I’ll be allowed to Labour naturally but the consultant gave me a leaflet detailing the risks of a VBAC and an elective caesarean and it’s terrifying! The biggest scare is actually the lowest risk which is if I labour naturally (or am induced) the chance of the scar tissue inside opening up is like 2-3%!!! Which is actually quite high in my opinion! I’ll be opting to labour naturally though and hope that I don’t need inducing as that increases the risk to 3-4%.

GTT was horrid last time as I hadn’t eaten since 7pm the night before and they had to make me some toast as it was 1pm before they took second lot of blood :( luckily my appt it earlier this time so might not be so bad

My bump hasn’t changed in the last couple of weeks, she’s obviously not moved up any more yet! But I’m still bigger than I was at this point with DS! :lol:

Hope everyone is doing ok!
Oh Kerry what an ordeal for you! Fingers crossed you get to go home today. Bless your little one,bet he gives you a massive hug when he sees you!

Cossie you'll more than likely be totally fine!! Id take odds of 97% anyday! I would hide the leaflet haha

My bump feels like its getting huge but some clothes are fitting better as I've lost weight on my hips and back,thank you sickness lol. Will try and get a pic once dd stops rolling around and settles to sleep xx

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