*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

I would go for a cotbed to be honest as they are a bit bigger and like it says you can make it into a bed when you feel they are old enough unless you don't mind then going straight into a single I didn't bother with toddler beds.
Prams don't go too cheap, I did last time and I got rid of it after 6 months and went to a stroller permanently. Have a look in the shops and have a push. There's not many prams I like At the moment as they seen to have really big wheels. Definitely read reviews and go to the shops to have a look is my advice if you can.
I want to get things this time I'll get alot of use out of. I find there's alot in the market that isn't needed x
We bought basic for DS. Think the only thing bought that might have been a waste was the Bumbo, second-hand for £8 but DS was too big and sitting alone at four months anyway.

Oh and dribble bibs. He doesn't dribble. His nose runs.

We had a Chico Lullago crib that he was too big for at five months when he went to his own room in a cot bed. He'll likely go to a single when this baby needs the cot this time next year when DS is two.
Glad everything is well cossie. We've had a lovely day at the farm with did,early start tho with the clocks going back. She was up at 630!

Muffin don't worry about having to buy everything on those lists,a lot of it you don't need or you can get second hand if on a budget. We got a cot bed for dd,i don't really think there's good and bad ones,IKEA do very reasonable good quality nursery furniture. As long as you've got a decent matress the cot will be fine! You'll see things like special changing table draws (we bought them for dd) but honestly you won't be bothered to walk upstairs to babies room everytime they need changing and before you know it they're on the move and you cant use it anyway. A cheap plastic mat for upstairs and dowbstairs will be fine and ordinary draws which are much cheaper! Top and tail bowls,another thing they push as brilliant but if you use common sense and wash the face first and bottom last a simple washing up bowl does the job! Agree go try some different size prams out and see how they feel,you want one that's not too heavy,colapses easily and fits in your boot (some are huge!) We have a silvercross pioneer and love it,will be getting used for baby 2 this time and certain times in the year they chucked the car seat in free so we saved 135 quid there. We bought a lovely nursery set from mamas and papas for dd -matching curtains ,quilt cot bumpers etc...all wasted lol. The curtains werent black out - id deffo reccomend black out for when the sun rises early in the summer to avoid 5am wake ups. they don't use duvets til they're one and Izzy still sleeps in a bag now at 2 so we've never used that and cot bumpers arent reccomened anymore so not sure why they still sell them lol. They do look pretty but as soon as Izzy was big enough to sleep in her cot we took them out so a waste of money. Another thing we never used was the moses basket but this is probably down to how your baby prefers it but dd would never settle in it when she was tiny and then when she was a bit bigger she outgrew it by 3 months so literally slept in it for a couple weeks. We ended up buying a bigger wooden crib which she loved and lasted well into her being 6 months,will be using that again this time. And as for clothes,this is just my experience but dd was just grumpy in anything other than sleep suits. Dresses with buttons on the back annoyed her when she napped and she just ended up with loads of clothes she barely wore,if this baby is a boy im only gonna buy a couple proper outfits anf the rest sleep suits. Also sleep suits with built in mittens are the bomb! Xx
Cossie I’m so glad all is fine and they found the heartbeat, must be the biggest relief xxx

Muffinski, if I could offer any advice on buying is that sometimes the highest priced stuff isn’t the most practical, with Toby I wanted the best of everything because he was my first and it was all so exciting, we got the sleigh cot, they are massive and in a room as small as my sons it just wasn’t practical (but I wanted it lol) now I’d go for cheap and cheerful, we still have my sons cot bed he uses it now (well not now because he is in the travel cot in our room because the ghost called mark scares him and wakes him up all night trying to talk to him :eh: ) but we will put the travel cot in our room for new baby, and plan to buy one of those custom made bunk beds with actual stairs Low to the floor etc so eventually they can share a room.

Anyhow the same with a baby bath! Why I thought I needed a baby bath when we had a bath is beyond me! A baby seat for the bath is far sufficient! A bath thermometer pointless, dip in you elbow or wrist if it’s luke warm it’s perfect! Them nose suction things to clear mucus from babies noses, what the actual f*** whilst in Essence it seems a good idea I wondered why my son hated it so much, so I tried it on myself...... it felt like my brain was being sucked through my nostrils :shock: needless to say we never used it again. Our Moses basket was a god send our son loved it and it meant we could get him to sleep in the living room and move him into the bedroom at bed time without disturbing him, don’t spend much on one though, they outgrow them too fast to warrant spending a lot on one. Also changing tables are pointless, we had one and used it like twice, before it became a place to put things on lol, we just took the changing Matt off so we then had 2 changing matts, one for the living room and one by our bedside.
As for travel systems, you should see if they have a baby show near you? I was recommend to go to one and it was amazing!!!!!! Honestly, everything is heavily discounted and you can try everything before you buy :) they had practically every buggy, travel system, stroller etc available to try out, we wanted an icandy but for the price we couldn’t warrant it even with the discount, so we went for the silver cross wayfarer, which we will use again this time. They also sell bottles, maternity clothes, baby clothes and toys, comforters, accessories, changing bags, literally everything so so cheap, and things like baby carriers and slings they had life size weighted dolls so you could try them out, was pretty epic, I think I got 95% of my stuff there all for under £1000. Even bought stuff for weaning, and 1 year + in preparation lol was too cheap not too, also you get loads of freebies, I had a years supply of breast pads, and milk bags for free, spoons for weaning, changing packs, free new born bottles in loads of different brands, pouches of food ready for weaning, Was simply amazing I can’t rate it enough! Even though I have most things I need as I kept them all from my son we will be going again, next year to the one in London it’s usually Feb/March time :)
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I Think best buy is the ikea Antilop highchair. Chair with tray and cushion for when they're small is less than £20 all in. We have one at my in-law's as well.

DS was sitting at four months so he was sat at the table with us in it for over a month before weaning. Got him used to mealtimes and he's great now even out in restaurants etc.

Also now he sits in it to do play doh and drawing etc.
Thanks so much all - very helpful suggestions!!

I didn't even know a cotbed was a thing (seriously I am clueless about babies and have much to learn!). I think it's a great idea but I think we will have to stick with a regular cot for now as we have a space issue. We are in a one bedroom flat (London!). Though eventually we will have to move to a bigger place, we plan to stay put when baby is small. So from a space point of view I don't think we will have room for a cotbed.

We have an IKEA near us so I will definitely check out their furniture options.

KerryJo, I love the story of the ghost called Mark!! Really cracked me up. I wonder why he's called Mark?! Thanks for the idea of the baby seat for the bath - I will look into this. We have a bath in our bathroom so this could work really well. I will also have a look out for baby shows and will definitely go!

Thanks so much all for your very helpful advice! Xx
Thanks ladies. Migraine is still lingering and it’s really frustrating. But I am however extremely relieved they found her heartbeat and that all is ok :)

Glad everyone else seems to be doing ok :)

Muffinski, don’t worry about it too much. We bought a cotbed for DS and it was the best decision. Will be buying a cot this time around and then when she is ready for a big girl bed we will get bunk beds for them.

As for prams and pushchairs, the best advice I had was to go and buy at around 30 weeks pregnant. Basically the premise is that if you can put the pushchair up and down with a bump easily then it’ll be a piece of cake once baby is here. We got a cosatto travel system and I love it. It’s light, compact and has a pram attachment, pushchair attachment and fits the cars seat too. I wouldn’t buy anything else if I’m honest. Work out what you find useful once she’s arrived and then go from there. I would definitely get a bath support though. I didn’t need to use it but it helped OH feel comfortable bathing DS. The angelcare one was good :)
Totally agree about the ikea highchair lander,we have that one and its fab. Cheap as chips and when it gets really messy i just take the legs off and chuck it in the dishwasher,saves scrubbing it lol xx
Totally agree about the ikea highchair lander,we have that one and its fab. Cheap as chips and when it gets really messy i just take the legs off and chuck it in the dishwasher,saves scrubbing it lol xx

I wish we’d bought that one! We bought a more expensive one that actually takes up more room and DS hardly used it as he ended up using his table and chair that we got him to do his colouring on! Luckily we still own that high chair so we can use it for our baby girl but that’s not the point!
I never even bought a high chair until we needed it.
My mum still has one but I got rid of mine from toys r us for about £30.
We also bought one of those chairs that go on a chair so she was actually at the table which was great.
Totally agree about the ikea highchair lander,we have that one and its fab. Cheap as chips and when it gets really messy i just take the legs off and chuck it in the dishwasher,saves scrubbing it lol xx

I wish we’d bought that one! We bought a more expensive one that actually takes up more room and DS hardly used it as he ended up using his table and chair that we got him to do his colouring on! Luckily we still own that high chair so we can use it for our baby girl but that’s not the point!

Its a fab highchair,dd has just started using her little table and chair we got for colouring for eating now too but will get it back out for baby.

IKEA have some fab baby things. We spent hundreds on solid oak cot and draws etc and we should of just gone there really. Will be getting dd a toddler bed from there in the new year so baby can have the cot. Absolutely dreading moving dd out of her cot,the thought of her being able to be loose in the night...think our 12 hour undisturbed sleeps will be a thing of the past lol xx
Currently DS can't open his bedroom door from inside his room so when he moves to a big bed that might not be a huge issue. We have a stair gate at the top already.
Omg I’m struggling, my son was diagnosed with croup last week and it was rough, however the day after he saw the dr I felt
Rough, I literally haven’t stopped coughing since, it’s a really tight barking cough and non stop to the point I’m puking (I’m talking an hour long bout of coughing, followed by a 10 minute break, then back to another hour of coughing) and possibly tmi but a helpful bit of info to all, babies ruin your vaginas (please do your pelvic floors)
I’ve pee’d myself more this weekend than I probably did when my mother potty trained me! Thank heavens for Tena lady! Now the peeing is nothing really in the swing of things, just annoying, however where I’ve coughed so much, every part of my body aches it even hurts to breath in and out, my heads killing and I literally don’t feel like I can move a muscle, having to fight through it, even just about got myself through work
today. Now I’m guess it’s viral my throats red (probably from coughing so much) but not looking infectious but I literally feel like my body can’t take another second of it, god I could cry I have little to no voice to, is there anything over the counter I can take? Normally I’d dose myself up on night nurse but I know that’s not an option :,-( surely there’s something to
Stop the pain, coughing, puking and peeing even if just for an hour or so to give my body a break x
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Ah KerryJo you can take paracetamol and have normal hot lemon and honey. Or ice cream to numb your throat??

Has GP not suggested anything for you??

Hope you feel better Kerryjo :( it sucks being poorly while pregnant. Boots do a really good cough syrup that can be taken while pregnant- it’s the only one that’s ever helped me. It’s black currant flavour and I think it’s just boots own glycerin syrup. But if you’ve had it for ages I’d pop to GP, exaggerate the length of time you’ve had it for, and see what they say. Yours might have progressed to an infection and you might need antibiotics.

Girls..... we are all officially over in tri 2 today! No one left in tri 1!! :D we made it! Next hurdle - v day! :D I’m so excited!
Anyone else around the 17 weeks mark feeling Anxious?
My heaving has subsided a fair bit and I know it's normal but I can't help but feel anxious, I'm feeling some albeit very small movement again totally normal and I'm still so tired if I don't have a nap in the day which is hard with my daughter still off on half term.
Anyone else around the 17 weeks mark feeling Anxious?
My heaving has subsided a fair bit and I know it's normal but I can't help but feel anxious, I'm feeling some albeit very small movement again totally normal and I'm still so tired if I don't have a nap in the day which is hard with my daughter still off on half term.

Everyday Loula. I keep thinking at every appointment from here on they'll do a scan or listen for a heartbeat only to tell me there isn't one. I feel ridiculous but I think it's normal especially with your second. With your first we can be quite naive about what's 'normal' and just go with the flow but the second time around (or third or more) you 'know' what to expect and when it's different it plays on your mind.

I'm definitely getting more movements now - at least once every other day but still not very strong and not at all regular. I can't wait for everything to be like clockwork so I can keep an eye on her movements. I've already bought myself a Kicks Count movement tracker band. I ahd one with DS and loved tracking his movements :)
Aww loula think its normal to feel anxious still this early. Will be so much better in a few weeks when the movement is more prominent.

Hope you're feeling better Kerry its rotten being ill when you cant take much.

We had 16 week appoibtment today,heard the heartbeat was 152 to wonder if it'll be team pink!! Hopefully find out this weekend if we get a scan booked,can't wait! Xx
I was never this bad with my 1st. i think where we've had so many set backs I expect them to keep coming.
Torn between being pissed off and pleased.... Maternity jeans from last time are too big and keep falling down.... About as much use as a chocolate teapot whilst running after a 14 month old.

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