Cossie I’m so glad all is fine and they found the heartbeat, must be the biggest relief xxx
Muffinski, if I could offer any advice on buying is that sometimes the highest priced stuff isn’t the most practical, with Toby I wanted the best of everything because he was my first and it was all so exciting, we got the sleigh cot, they are massive and in a room as small as my sons it just wasn’t practical (but I wanted it lol) now I’d go for cheap and cheerful, we still have my sons cot bed he uses it now (well not now because he is in the travel cot in our room because the ghost called mark scares him and wakes him up all night trying to talk to him
) but we will put the travel cot in our room for new baby, and plan to buy one of those custom made bunk beds with actual stairs Low to the floor etc so eventually they can share a room.
Anyhow the same with a baby bath! Why I thought I needed a baby bath when we had a bath is beyond me! A baby seat for the bath is far sufficient! A bath thermometer pointless, dip in you elbow or wrist if it’s luke warm it’s perfect! Them nose suction things to clear mucus from babies noses, what the actual f*** whilst in Essence it seems a good idea I wondered why my son hated it so much, so I tried it on myself...... it felt like my brain was being sucked through my nostrils
needless to say we never used it again. Our Moses basket was a god send our son loved it and it meant we could get him to sleep in the living room and move him into the bedroom at bed time without disturbing him, don’t spend much on one though, they outgrow them too fast to warrant spending a lot on one. Also changing tables are pointless, we had one and used it like twice, before it became a place to put things on lol, we just took the changing Matt off so we then had 2 changing matts, one for the living room and one by our bedside.
As for travel systems, you should see if they have a baby show near you? I was recommend to go to one and it was amazing!!!!!! Honestly, everything is heavily discounted and you can try everything before you buy
they had practically every buggy, travel system, stroller etc available to try out, we wanted an icandy but for the price we couldn’t warrant it even with the discount, so we went for the silver cross wayfarer, which we will use again this time. They also sell bottles, maternity clothes, baby clothes and toys, comforters, accessories, changing bags, literally everything so so cheap, and things like baby carriers and slings they had life size weighted dolls so you could try them out, was pretty epic, I think I got 95% of my stuff there all for under £1000. Even bought stuff for weaning, and 1 year + in preparation lol was too cheap not too, also you get loads of freebies, I had a years supply of breast pads, and milk bags for free, spoons for weaning, changing packs, free new born bottles in loads of different brands, pouches of food ready for weaning, Was simply amazing I can’t rate it enough! Even though I have most things I need as I kept them all from my son we will be going again, next year to the one in London it’s usually Feb/March time