*** April 2018 Mummies ~ Tri 2 ***

Happy Halloween ladies!
Hope you are all keeping well. Officially over here now woohoo. Had the hospital today, they've had to send my urine away to labs had ketones +3 and signs of infection. They didn't seem overly concerned though so I should hear back in a few days. A bit anxious that it could be the start of diabetes and another complicated pregnancy! Not to go back until my 20 week scan which is reassuring, but I feel a bit cheated out of a 16 week appointment and hearing baby's heartbeat.

Fingers crossed all comes back ok and nice to see you over here.
I'm not sure I could go from 14 weeks until 20 weeks without seeing anyone that's a long stint. I feel like I want to make an appointment this week with my midwife for reassurance x
Thanks. We're going to book a private scab for in between times to break it up a bit.
Aww CD hope you get your infection sorted xx

We've just booked our gender scan!!! Saturday at 1pm,eeeeek 3 sleeps and we'll know if its a boy or girl!!!! So so so excited!! Xx
Awww how lovely bet you are so excited x
Hey all, trying to catch up.

I did go Drs and have laryngitis, feeing awful and on day 2 off work, and bless my mum she’s been taking our son back and forth to preschool for me, so I’ve been able to stay indoors in my pjs lol, going to try and gather some energy to put the hoover round and set up his trains now before he gets home at 11:20 lol, if the trains keep him occupied it means I get to lay around longer, if not then god help me lmao.

CDx do you not have a 16 week midwife appointment? How exciting if you book a private scan, we are also planning to book a private one for 2nd or 3rd weekend in November :)

Mrs_cookie how exciting!!!!! Can not wait to find out if your having a boy or girl, any preferences?
Awww no kerry hope you're better soon! Glad you e got your mam helping!

I think i slightly want another girl but hubby slightly wants a boy so either way one of us will be getting our preference Haha. Ill be thrilled either way I just think a little sister for dd would be lovely and I've kept all her clothes so would save having to sell them and get new ones (lazy lol!!). Think hubs just likes the idea of a son but I've told him this is ourlast one so if its a girl he'll have to get over that and accept he's destined to be surrounded by women haha xx
Fortunately I didn’t set up a big track, because he wasn’t at all interested lol, all he wanted was sweets from trick or treating last night :wall2: massive mummy fail lol, why did I waste the little energy I had :eh:


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Haha oh well never mind! Have some of his sweets might make you feel better. All dd wants today is more trick or treaters to knock on the door,she had so much fun handing sweets out last night. She keeps saying "Someone knock now!!!" I keep telling her Halloween is over but she's not getting it lol xx
Is anyone feeling breathless at all? I'm not sure if I should see someone about it x
Is anyone feeling breathless at all? I'm not sure if I should see someone about it x

not so far with this pregnancy but last time due to baby taking up more space below my lungs etc it happened a bit.
DS napping, tea and biscuits to myself on the sofa... So between the sugar hit and relaxing for a bit I've just had a flurry of little movements/kicks :yay:
Is anyone feeling breathless at all? I'm not sure if I should see someone about it x

Yes!!! I am. It's terrible. I get puffed out just going up the stairs at my train station!
Aw hope you feel better soon KerryJo.

No midwife appointment, all my appointments are consultant clinic because of complications last time. I've been seen every 2 weeks up until now so it's nice for them to feel confident I can have a bit of a break. Just feels strange not following the normal pathway of appointments.

A hated the trick or treaters last night, most were zombies of some kind so think he got a wee fright.
So glad it's not just me. Yep going up the stairs is the worst takes me a while to get my breath back. Just don't want to go and appear like a hypochondriac x
So glad it's not just me. Yep going up the stairs is the worst takes me a while to get my breath back. Just don't want to go and appear like a hypochondriac x

I think in my case it's also because I'm terribly unfit. I'm doing a trial session on Saturday of an exercise class called "maternally fit". Hoping to try to build even a small amount of fitness.

I'm not implying that you're unfit Loula, please don't get me wrong!

Stairs are definitely the enemy at this point. Xx
Haha don't worry I've not taken offence
When I first found out I was pregnant I really wanted to start some classes but I just haven't got round to it.
I’m getting so out of breath it’s unreal. I was wondering whether I needed to mention it! I guess it’s normal but I have my consultant appointment tomorrow so I might ask him and see what he says and let you know Loula. I know what you mean about being a hypochondriac though!
Muffinski, where abouts are you off you don't mind me asking? I used to live at the top of North London but I've now moved further up into South Hertfordshire.
In hospital they think I either have another brain hemmoraghe or meningitis! I swear nothing can ever go smoothly for me, been in tears, given morphine just now orally and antibiotics IV and had to have a CT scan they covered my belly a protective sheet! Falling apart :-(

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