Anyone else testing in January?

@Littleperson, EWCM sounds awesome, have you done any OPK's? Sounds like you're covering all your bases and I genuinely didn't know BJ's = Lower sperm quality? I can now use that as an excuse - so thank a you! :cheer:

Sounds like you're really set up for an excellent cycle! I can't wait to follow your 2 week wait, will you be symptom spotting?

I had some really weird symptoms last night and my period is now nearly 2 days late. I am keeping faithful as I think I may still be in with a chance, although I'm not pinning my hopes on it - just in case. <3
@Littleperson I have everything crossed for you!

@RainbowMama have you tested again?

I am seriously bloated! Was very crampy last night but there’s been a rise on my OPK again so I think I’m definitely out this month I’ll test Tuesday but I bought tampax today really not hopeful at all x
@Littleperson I have everything crossed for you!

@RainbowMama have you tested again?

I am seriously bloated! Was very crampy last night but there’s been a rise on my OPK again so I think I’m definitely out this month I’ll test Tuesday but I bought tampax today really not hopeful at all x
I think im the same days as you hun. Bloated and gassy with cramp. But CM dried up. Did a test was neg but i know im early. Not looking likely.
I had a scan yesterday which confirmed im at the end of my cycle and my womb lining is super thick. But they couldnt see a follicle on the scan (vut did say 8/9 days after ovulation would show as egg would of already left)
I think im the same days as you hun. Bloated and gassy with cramp. But CM dried up. Did a test was neg but i know im early. Not looking likely.
I had a scan yesterday which confirmed im at the end of my cycle and my womb lining is super thick. But they couldnt see a follicle on the scan (vut did say 8/9 days after ovulation would show as egg would of already left)
Ment to say wouldnt** show
Had no idea that BJs made a difference to sperm quality! Is that only if you give one on the same day you DTD, or in general?

Hope the EWCM is a good sign, littleperson!
I think im the same days as you hun. Bloated and gassy with cramp. But CM dried up. Did a test was neg but i know im early. Not looking likely.
I had a scan yesterday which confirmed im at the end of my cycle and my womb lining is super thick. But they couldnt see a follicle on the scan (vut did say 8/9 days after ovulation would show as egg would of already left)

I am still a little watery sometimes but not all the time. Good luck I hope you get your BFP!

Does anyone enjoy a glass of wine or 3 in 2WW? I know others say drink till it’s pink so not sure if a few would be ok?
@RainbowMama im good thanks, I just dont know where I am in my cycle. I came off the pill at the beginning of December and I'm awaiting my period, its a long wait. Hope you're ok.
I am still a little watery sometimes but not all the time. Good luck I hope you get your BFP!

Does anyone enjoy a glass of wine or 3 in 2WW? I know others say drink till it’s pink so not sure if a few would be ok?

I think itd be fine until you see the line. :-)
Exactly!! Enjoy the glasses whilst you can. Xx

I always feel so guilty though but if I hadn’t had the losses I have I wouldn’t have given it a thought. I’ve decided that to have what I want. It’s not excessive. X
@Littleperson, EWCM sounds awesome, have you done any OPK's? Sounds like you're covering all your bases and I genuinely didn't know BJ's = Lower sperm quality? I can now use that as an excuse - so thank a you! :cheer:

Sounds like you're really set up for an excellent cycle! I can't wait to follow your 2 week wait, will you be symptom spotting?

I had some really weird symptoms last night and my period is now nearly 2 days late. I am keeping faithful as I think I may still be in with a chance, although I'm not pinning my hopes on it - just in case. <3
No I haven’t! I was going to start doing them tomorrow because I’ve typically been ovulating around day 23/24 so I didn’t think I needed to do them this early in my cycle!

haha I don’t think BJs make a difference! I just mean I’d made him ejaculate the night before so it had only been like 14 hours between the blowjob and sex so his sperm count wouldn’t have been as big as it would have been if I didn’t do that! Waste of good swimmers lol! Just didn’t think I was anywhere near my fertile window!

I’m not even sure if I have ovulated/am about to! But I don’t see why I’d have all that ewcm if I wasn’t right?! But yes I will be symptom spotting for sure! Story of my life lol!

aww I really hope it happens for you xxx
Had no idea that BJs made a difference to sperm quality! Is that only if you give one on the same day you DTD, or in general?

Hope the EWCM is a good sign, littleperson!
Just meant I’d made him ejaculate with oral with the BJ the night before and didn’t collect that sperm! So when I realised I needed it 14 hours later I’d wished I hadn’t let him come through a BJ and would rather it had been sex so I had all those swimmers up there lol!

but yeah I think quality over quantity is best they say eh?! Our specialist told us to have sex every second day instead of everyday because the sperm quality and count is better that way! So today’s sperm won’t have been as good because he came the night before!

really hope the ewcm actually was for ovulation! Otherwise I’m going to end up finding myself in a 3-4 week wait instead of 2 lol xx
Hah--sorry I misunderstood!

While we're on the topic of things that can make conception more or less likely, is there any truth to the idea that it is more likely to conceive if you are in the missionary position? I've seen some people saying it is just a myth, and some people saying it actually does matter, so I was curious to hear what you ladies had heard on this issue.
Hah--sorry I misunderstood!

While we're on the topic of things that can make conception more or less likely, is there any truth to the idea that it is more likely to conceive if you are in the missionary position? I've seen some people saying it is just a myth, and some people saying it actually does matter, so I was curious to hear what you ladies had heard on this issue.
I reckon it’s myth! So long as the swimmers are inside you surely they can do what they gotta do?!
I dunno about you ladies but doesn’t matter what position we are in he always bangs on my cervix so I know they’re going to the right area anyway lol xx
Hey Ladies,

Love reading all about your journeys so far. @RainbowMama I am sorry to hear of the rocky path you are on and I hope you get your BFP soon

I am on the journey to ttc #6. I thought I was done, but I want to give my little one a sibling closer to his age.

I am a serial poak person and have lost count of the squinters, blank white, almost possible, sticks I have stared at.

Been trying for a year, getting older and running out of time. Every month it gets harder to get back up from AF.
This cycle though I don't know something feels different, even my partner commented on it so

I had implantation bleed on Thursday but because I have never had one previously I am only guessing that and took a test last night and got a positive. Took one this morning and got another positve. I still don't believe it and won't test now until my FRER turn up in the mail. So due tomorrow and hopefully testing Friday
I'm a bit late to the party but hi everyone!

My fiance and I made the decision this morning to start trying for our first baby! Timing was perfect as I should be ovulating so I'll test sometime around the 23rd or 25th. I haven't used any ovulation tests but I've been using a period tracker since I had my implant removed this past summer. Everything has been normal and on time since then so I'm hopeful!

Doesn’t look like I’ll make it to Tuesday had some spotting this morning and quite a lot of it so looks like AF is trying to arrive xx
I'm a bit late to the party but hi everyone!

My fiance and I made the decision this morning to start trying for our first baby! Timing was perfect as I should be ovulating so I'll test sometime around the 23rd or 25th. I haven't used any ovulation tests but I've been using a period tracker since I had my implant removed this past summer. Everything has been normal and on time since then so I'm hopeful!

Eeek, fingers crossed for you

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