Anyone else testing in January?

Sorry I’ve been quiet!
Congrats rainbow! Hopefully lots of us will join you!!

I couldn’t get my HSG booked in yet again as they only run the clinic on a Monday and this Monday was a public holiday in Scotland! They could have facilitated me next Monday as I have long cycles and definitely wouldn’t have ovulated but they couldn’t due to training obligations that day apparently! God knows if I’ll ever have this test done! Very frustrating!

I’m on cycle day 11 just now but didn’t ovulate til day 23/24 last month! And day 21 the month before! So really not expecting to ovulate for at least another week! My sleep schedule has been all over the place with the holidays and now lockdown so I haven’t temped but I will be starting opks on day 15 and will be checking CM!

this will sound silly but I took paprika out my food cupboard and checked the date and it was 11/11 which I think is a good omen lol!

11/11 definitely a good omen!

I started opk on cycle day 15 this month I got peak on day 24 ever since my MC in July my cycles are all over the place xx
Thank You to everyone who has offered me advice and support over these past few days. Unfortunately, tests have not progressed and although my BBT is above the luteal line - It's dropped 3 days running.

I'd read brilliant things about having a miscarriage, being super fertile afterwards and then having a successful pregnancy the cycle after a loss, unfortunately for me - that wasn't the case.

As you can understand, we are both absolutely heartbroken. I do not have the mental capacity for another loss, but it's something I will have to get used to. My last loss was bad enough - 13th December, just before Christmas, I actually physically hit myself so bad I bruised my arm. I blame myself. Lewis (my fiancé) has done his job, he's got me pregnant and it's my job to carry safely to birth. I can't even do that - how useless am I? I'm 11DPO. Love and peace to all x

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I'm so sorry, RainbowMama. Certainly, you shouldn't be blaming yourself. Both partners play a role in getting pregnant, even if the sperm is more "active"--and the DNA of both partners is part of what determines if a pregnancy will be successful or not.

I don't know what framing would or might be the most useful to you, but would it maybe help to think of this as a cycle where you didn't get pregnant rather than as a miscarriage? To be honest, the lines on your tests were very faint, even compared to a lot of other vvfl people post on the forum, and didn't really look like they had color to me.

Also, you tested really, really early. Some experts believe that 70 % of all conceptions end in chemical pregnancies. For all we know, it could be even higher--there's no test to tell us whether or not fertilization has happened, and most people aren't even testing at 7-9 dpo. So even if you did have a loss this month, your body didn't "fail"; probably most people getting a super, super faint line that early aren't actually going to progress, sadly. And maybe your body starts producing HCG earlier or more quickly than average, so you're more likely to detect chemical pregnancies than even the average early tester.

Next month is another cycle! Maybe you can hold out and not test so early next time; my own feeling for myself is that it is better for me psychologically not to know if I've had an early chemical. But of course everyone is different.
Thank You to everyone who has offered me advice and support over these past few days. Unfortunately, tests have not progressed and although my BBT is above the luteal line - It's dropped 3 days running.

I'd read brilliant things about having a miscarriage, being super fertile afterwards and then having a successful pregnancy the cycle after a loss, unfortunately for me - that wasn't the case.

As you can understand, we are both absolutely heartbroken. I do not have the mental capacity for another loss, but it's something I will have to get used to. My last loss was bad enough - 13th December, just before Christmas, I actually physically hit myself so bad I bruised my arm. I blame myself. Lewis (my fiancé) has done his job, he's got me pregnant and it's my job to carry safely to birth. I can't even do that - how useless am I? I'm going to join Mrs_T's thread for February ovulation and hope for the best. AF is due tomorrow. I'm 11DPO. Love and peace to all x

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Awwww rainbow this is sad. Are you certain that your lines had colour? I am doubting you’d get an evap on 4 tests but I guess anything is possible. I really hope the witch doesn’t turn up and you get a blazing positive!

I don’t think I will have been successful this month either sadly I don’t really have any cramps or anything my CM has returned to normal and I am only 6DPO. I could do with knowing too as I have some big decisions to make work wise.

hope everyone else is doing ok xx
Thank You to everyone who has offered me advice and support over these past few days. Unfortunately, tests have not progressed and although my BBT is above the luteal line - It's dropped 3 days running.

I'd read brilliant things about having a miscarriage, being super fertile afterwards and then having a successful pregnancy the cycle after a loss, unfortunately for me - that wasn't the case.

As you can understand, we are both absolutely heartbroken. I do not have the mental capacity for another loss, but it's something I will have to get used to. My last loss was bad enough - 13th December, just before Christmas, I actually physically hit myself so bad I bruised my arm. I blame myself. Lewis (my fiancé) has done his job, he's got me pregnant and it's my job to carry safely to birth. I can't even do that - how useless am I? I'm going to join Mrs_T's thread for February ovulation and hope for the best. AF is due tomorrow. I'm 11DPO. Love and peace to all x

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Oh I'm so sorry to read this, I hope you're ok. You can't blame yourself at all, its not your fault.

I wish you all the luck for your next cycle xx
At the risk of TMI, used pre-seed for the first time this morning. It worked really well as lubricant; I guess we'll have to see how well it worked for baby-purposes!

If I have a regular cycle, should be 2-3 days before ovulation, so hopefully I'm in my fertile window. But who knows...if it doesn't happen for me this month, I think I'll start using OPKs.
At the risk of TMI, used pre-seed for the first time this morning. It worked really well as lubricant; I guess we'll have to see how well it worked for baby-purposes!

If I have a regular cycle, should be 2-3 days before ovulation, so hopefully I'm in my fertile window. But who knows...if it doesn't happen for me this month, I think I'll start using OPKs.

Good luck, I hope ot works
At the risk of TMI, used pre-seed for the first time this morning. It worked really well as lubricant; I guess we'll have to see how well it worked for baby-purposes!

If I have a regular cycle, should be 2-3 days before ovulation, so hopefully I'm in my fertile window. But who knows...if it doesn't happen for me this month, I think I'll start using OPKs.

@ThisyrinJLM how are you currently tracking ovulation? I’ve been pregnant 3 times in the last 18 months without tracking ovulation properly but each one has sadly ended in chemical/mc. I don’t know if I caught it like right at the end each time and it just wasn’t strong enough so this time I am using opk I started at CD15 and they now look like this hopeful this is a good sign. If not I am looking to try other methods next month! I can’t seem to find a feb thread though x

@ThisyrinJLM how are you currently tracking ovulation? I’ve been pregnant 3 times in the last 18 months without tracking ovulation properly but each one has sadly ended in chemical/mc. I don’t know if I caught it like right at the end each time and it just wasn’t strong enough so this time I am using opk I started at CD15 and they now look like this hopeful this is a good sign. If not I am looking to try other methods next month! I can’t seem to find a feb thread though x

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Right now, I'm not tracking it formally. I've always had a few days mid-cycle where it feels almost like AF is coming, and once I started reading resources on TTC, I realized that must be ovulation. Plus we've just been having more-regular than usual sex during what websites suggest should be my fertile window, just based on average cycle length. But it isn't a science, which is why I want to start OPKs.

Don't think I have a regular enough schedule, or the patience for temperature tracking.
Right now, I'm not tracking it formally. I've always had a few days mid-cycle where it feels almost like AF is coming, and once I started reading resources on TTC, I realized that must be ovulation. Plus we've just been having more-regular than usual sex during what websites suggest should be my fertile window, just based on average cycle length. But it isn't a science, which is why I want to start OPKs.

Don't think I have a regular enough schedule, or the patience for temperature tracking.

No me either this is the first month I have religiously used opk to see what is going on. There is no way I could take my temp before leaving my bed as I’m usually hopping out to my toddler lol it just wouldn’t be accurate for me I don’t think! I forget to even log any cm on my apps so a temp seems like a stretch! X
@ThisrinJLM, Considering I’ve waited 2 and a half years to eventually fall pregnant, I’d rather know I was pregnant and have investigations into WHY I am miscarrying than to ignore it and pray for the best.

I know you’re trying to help me and support me, but I never refer to my miscarriages as ‘chemicals’, I find that term horrible. There was nothing ‘chemical’ related about my baby, pregnancy or miscarriage. It wasn’t just hormones. A baby died and my body is about to miscarry it.

@Mrsbridge17, Yes, unfortunately so. I discontinued my OTC progesterone cream from 10DPO, so even more reason my BBT should have dipped today for the bleeding to start, I am never late.

AF due today, and IC at least seems to have somewhat darkened but nowhere near what it should have so I am definitely thinking this is another missed miscarriage.

Good luck with your big decisions at work lovely, Hope it goes well for you. <3

@flowerbomb, thank you! <3 I hope you’re doing well?

I'm 12DPO, AF should arrive today, however my BBT has stayed high (it didn't dip again) and cheapie strips are looking a little darker. Definitely NO clear and good progression so I have a feeling this ones' going to be a missed miscarriage, which to be honest is usually the case with me!

I've deleted my Pregnancy + app, removed myself from all the 'Due in September' groups, I still have to look for threads on this forum and another I possibly joined or started and finally, change my tickers back over on those websites, and my blog.

Since the tests are really barely there now, I'm hoping I'm not waiting too long for the bleeding to start a new cycle. I am going to talk to my doctors next week about more tests etc. Also I didn't use my OTC progesterone cream yesterday so even more reason my BBT should have dropped. I hate these waiting games! But thank you everyone for your support!

@Mrsbridge17, How are you feeling? You must be close to testing, only 4 days away? Do you have any symptoms? <3

I don’t have any symptoms at all I doubt I have been successful at all this month! The only thing I have is a bit tmi but I think a bit of thrush and that is definitely a sign I am getting AF like clockwork this happens not sure why :shakehead:

@RainbowMama let us see your tests you could just be over thinking it! Xx
@Mrsbridge17, Sorry to hear that love! <3 This journey is so hard. :(

I honestly don't think I'm overthinking it, I hope I am but I've been here so many times unfortunately, I'm pretty sure I know what's coming.

I went to the toilet half an hour ago and wiped and saw a bit of pink / watery something on the toilet paper when I wiped, I've since been back to the toilet and nothing. So hopefully this won't be a long, drawn out miscarriage.

I'm sorry if my previous reply was a bit emotional, but I don't take kindly to someone referring to my tests as 'not really looking like they had colour' and what's the point in finding out you're miscarrying each month - the point is to STOP miscarrying and hopefully, have a healthy pregnancy - That IS our end goal here, is it not?

I have quite a lot of orders I need to get through, but just thought I'd pop back to see how you were coping Mrs Bridge and wishing you all the luck <3

P.s, Does anyone else work from home and have their own business? We only set up in November and business is doing so much better than any of us expected. :)
@Mrsbridge17, Sorry to hear that love! <3 This journey is so hard. :(

I honestly don't think I'm overthinking it, I hope I am but I've been here so many times unfortunately, I'm pretty sure I know what's coming.

I went to the toilet half an hour ago and wiped and saw a bit of pink / watery something on the toilet paper when I wiped, I've since been back to the toilet and nothing. So hopefully this won't be a long, drawn out miscarriage.

I'm sorry if my previous reply was a bit emotional, but I don't take kindly to someone referring to my tests as 'not really looking like they had colour' and what's the point in finding out you're miscarrying each month - the point is to STOP miscarrying and hopefully, have a healthy pregnancy - That IS our end goal here, is it not?

I have quite a lot of orders I need to get through, but just thought I'd pop back to see how you were coping Mrs Bridge and wishing you all the luck <3

P.s, Does anyone else work from home and have their own business? We only set up in November and business is doing so much better than any of us expected. :)

@RainbowMama i didn’t mean anything by asking if you were sure they had colour its not easy to tell on the pics is all. I really hope you get your bfp soon xxx
Gosh, no! Not you lovely!

I hope you get a surprise BFP! Totally deserved! <3
Update - Just over an hour ago I had VERY sharp pains that lasted around 10-15 seconds. I've just been to the toilet and passed what I believe to be the pregnancy. I expect the bleeding to start very soon. :(
Omg I’m on cycle day 14! Went to the toilet and there’s tonnes of ewcm!!! I only ever get a little bit and usually at least a week later in my cycle than this!
Used my preseed for the first time and did the deed! Totally regretting giving him that BJ last night now cause sperm quality won’t be as good!
Can’t believe I might actually have a regular 28 day cycle this month!!!!!
Going to try my best not to feel too hopeful! Had sex on Wednesday, today and will do again either tonight or in the morning. Hopefully that’s going to be enough! But in terms of what my body appears to be doing this seems like my healthiest cycle in a long time!!!

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