June Testing Thread *7 BFP's so far*

Thanx xxxxx :hug: :hug:

wishin you all BFP's and hope mines a wee holder on ! :hug: :hug:
:cheer: Congrats & I'm praying for a sticky one for you Firstangel :cheer:

I'm ovulating today!!!, so could you pls put me down for testing on 28th :pray: :pray: :pray: Lets hope DH swimers hit the jackpot tonight!!

Good Luck everyone x
Think AF is on its way, tested on sunday and it was a BFN if AF dosent come today it's bound to come tomorrow the day I travel to portugal great :(
I'll be testing next weekend, so that's the 21st. With a bit of luck AF won't turn up. I probably won't need to test by then since mt luteal phase will have reached about 17 days anyway. I could test now but I'm resisting using a test unless I'm sure because I don't want to waste it.
tested this morn as AF due today it was BFN, got some serious cramps b4 i got out of bed and slight spotting so i guess shes on her way :( :cry: so disappointed.. but :pray: cheries prediction has some truth to it coz she reckons july will be my month :pray: :pray: :pray: trying to relax more and have some me time b4 ov comes around again xx
Congrats again to the BFP's...

and big :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to those who got AF instead

I should have OV yesterday...but no OV pains? :shock: I usually have bb tenderness and ovary cramping...but nothing...i may be out of the race for June before it even started. :wall: :wall: :wall:

Still will BD one more time, tomorrow, just in case it is a little late...Did Friday and Sunday...one more shot.

:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

for all of us.
Congrats to everyone with BFP :clap: :clap:

Good luck to the rest of you girlies :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

Jade xxx
Didn't join list as did not hold out too much hope after hos visit..
I am now on cd27 and think A/F is very much on her way :x
But congratulations to all with BFP's and lots of babydust for the rest of us :pray:
Well I gave in and did a test this morning at the stupid hour of 4.30am since I needed to pee. It was a BFP!!!!!!!!
I completely expected it to be negative so I was very surprised! So of course I haven't slept since I did my test, but I'm too excited to care! I half want to do a few more tests to make sure, but I did use a Clear Blue digital test, so it should be accurate. I'm going to make an appointment at the Well Woman clinic today :cheer:

Well im due to test on the 29th but as i only done it the once this month around ovulation and it was a day after my LH surge im really not holding out much hope at all...
Updated for you girls.

Congratulations on all the BFP's :cheer:

sorry for the AF girlies. :cry:

Sorry it takes me so long to update this.

If anyone wants to start a JULY thread please feel free :D
Kelly, can you update this for me. AF got me just when she was supposed to come. I wish she'd bugger off and leave me be :cry:
dont know if i am too late to add for this month? Af is due in next couple of days so i will test on 20th if she doesnt arrive before then. Been havin some cramping today tho, so not holding out too much hope for this month. Big congrats to everyone who got their BFP this month!! :dance: and some :hug: :hug: :hug: for the ones that need them xxxxx

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