Anyone else testing in January?

@Haikos, Welcome to the thread. Good luck with IVF, is it your first round?

@ThisyrinJLM, Not really, it changes each cycle. So sometimes it’s a headache, sometimes I just ’know’ and sometimes I have no real symptoms at all!

@Mrsbridge17, I’m feeling pretty poopy. Blocked nose! Good luck with testing in 7 days!

@Caseyh, Not sure what a SIS procedure is, but good luck tomorrow.

@Charlotte9, I’ve just tested (4pm) with a FRER, I think I am purely seeing lines because I desire it so much. :(

BBT chart is still high, but a slight dip again today.

Screen Shot 2021-01-05 at 16.17.21.png
I see lines on both. :) Have you tested again today?

Hi I just tested today , this morning is the first 2 pictures and this afternoon other ones ? what you guys think ?
I missed my period 1 day is that possible that I am still negative idk what to think
I don’t see nothing honestly

9538F3B5-19D9-4DA6-A54A-D064A53B3BEA.jpeg 5D84BB62-76A6-4E54-8B15-83A691B8AFB7.jpeg 6E38DD4C-C364-41B6-8EDE-FA97B6B05FA8.jpeg F649AF55-958D-4D56-85DE-C9EF25D4E816.jpeg
I cant see a line hun sorry. Try again in a couple of days
@Caseyh Never had SIS so I am not quite sure!

@RainbowMama Hello, thank you and yes it is my first cycle so everything feels quite foreign :pray:
I thought I would be feeling miserable during gonal f but instead I am not feeling a thing! :0 I hope everything it's working as it should
I should test around the 26 of january if I get to remove the eggs the 11th as scheduled!

Baby dust to all of us this month!!:D
Malgorzata, I would expect to see something fairly convincing once you're already a day late. Sorry. I was there last month, and it sucks. If I'm not going to get my BFP in the end, I'd much rather that AF come on time.

On the other hand, when I was googling for info last cycle, I did find stories of women who had reported getting their first positive as late as 9 days after their missed period. So, while it would be really rare, you could test negative on a FRER after your missed period and still be pregnant.
Malgorzata, I would expect to see something fairly convincing once you're already a day late. Sorry. I was there last month, and it sucks. If I'm not going to get my BFP in the end, I'd much rather that AF come on time.

On the other hand, when I was googling for info last cycle, I did find stories of women who had reported getting their first positive as late as 9 days after their missed period. So, while it would be really rare, you could test negative on a FRER after your missed period and still be pregnant.
thank You !

@RainbowMama congratulations i see on both of them !
I do have frer but I think my evening pee is stronger! I’ve got plenty of IC, so I’ll do IC and if that’s stronger then I’ll use a frer on the same pee x
10DPO SMU - FRER. I think this might actually be happening. I'm still very much in shock and shaking, please baby, please darling stick for Mummy and Daddy. We can't bear to leave us too. <3

I think it's about time I classed myself as BFP on Page 1.... I'm so scared though!

Come on @Mrsbridge17, you're next in line for a :bfp:!

I saw your FRER without even opening the attachment! I’ve been an absolute fruitcake and tested today I’m only 4 DPO :rotfl: I was doing an OPK so I thought ah why not it’ll curb my suspicion that I thought I ovulated earlier in my cycle lol

I think we've all been there lol, Bless you & Thank you! It seems surreal at the moment, just hoping for progression and a super sticky bean! <3

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