Anyone else testing in January?

So we managed to get a bad in today whoop whoop - I didn't think we would as my husband has been very stressed. I'm worried we've missed it as my peak ewcm was yesterday. But we did today and the day before so fingers crossed that's been enough.

Oooh I hope that is a good sign for you @RainbowMama I know what you mean it's so hard not to symptom spot - but it just makes the let down even worse when you get that BFN
It's easy when you get the hang of it, I promise!

The most common day to implant is 9DPO, so I'm way too early! :shhh:
So we managed to get a bad in today whoop whoop - I didn't think we would as my husband has been very stressed. I'm worried we've missed it as my peak ewcm was yesterday. But we did today and the day before so fingers crossed that's been enough.

Oooh I hope that is a good sign for you @RainbowMama I know what you mean it's so hard not to symptom spot - but it just makes the let down even worse when you get that BFN
Sorry - I completely missed your comment!
I’m glad you’ve got some baby dancing in and fingers crossed you’ve caught the egg, it only takes one! X
@Charlotte9, I know. I’m just POAS obsessed.

I’m going to try and wait it out now until 10DPO (Wednesday). I’m 8DPO today and my BBT has shot straight up. A huge increase in temp.

How’s everyone else doing?

Feeling a little uneasy about my ovulation stick results. I usually ovulate day 12. My app has me ovulating day 13 this month. Last month (which was the first month I used these strips) there was a clear trend for two days of it getting darker. Today is day 11. I should at least start to see it getting a BIT darker right? I’m pretty much old faithful with my cycles. Last month we were confident we had a chemical. Positive preg tests and then I went to the doctor (just for a routine check) and mentioned the preg tests. She ran an HCG and it was only a whopping 6.6. Period came right on time. Anyway, wondering if that was enough to screw up a cycle or an ovulation pattern.
Which ovulation tests are you using @Caseyh? Which app are you using?

Apps are only ever guessing, based on previous information and the current information you feed into them..
How dark were your pregnancy tests? I didn't have a HCG done, but when I miscarried (AF actually came on time, and had I not tested around 9DPO, I wouldn't have known) I ovulated this cycle at the normal time.

All I can advise is to keep testing, 3/4 times per day, if not more often, especially when they start to progress a little! Good luck!
Which ovulation tests are you using @Caseyh? Which app are you using?

Apps are only ever guessing, based on previous information and the current information you feed into them..
How dark were your pregnancy tests? I didn't have a HCG done, but when I miscarried (AF actually came on time, and had I not tested around 9DPO, I wouldn't have known) I ovulated this cycle at the normal time.

All I can advise is to keep testing, 3/4 times per day, if not more often, especially when they start to progress a little! Good luck!

I had taken several pregnancy tests for a few days in a row. I use pregmate ovulation and HCG tests. My pregmate strips were all slightly positive every morning. Pretty faint. But there. And finally I used a first response the day of my physical. I have never even seen a hint of a faint line on those and I saw one. So did my husband. So I figured this might be legit! The pregnancy test in office even came up slightly positive and then my blood showed low HCG. And then my tests got lighter as lighter the subsequent days.
I’m terrible about holding my pee for a few hours. I drink too much water. So my afternoon ovulation tests are always so light. I know they say test in the afternoon but last month I caught my surge first thing in the morning.
That was my most noticeable IC strip. For me, the clearblue early were much darker. Clinics refer to HCG >5 as positive so it was definitely a miscarriage I'm afraid. How late was AF for you? If it was delayed by a few days I'd expect you to ovulate later (that's what's happened to me in the past). I only have experience of this because I've just had my 13th miscarriage (13th December 2020).

Fingers crossed you ovulate soon @Caseyh.

That was my most noticeable IC strip. For me, the clearblue early were much darker. Clinics refer to HCG >5 as positive so it was definitely a miscarriage I'm afraid. How late was AF for you? If it was delayed by a few days I'd expect you to ovulate later (that's what's happened to me in the past). I only have experience of this because I've just had my 13th miscarriage (13th December 2020).

Fingers crossed you ovulate soon @Caseyh.

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I’m so sorry to hear that! Yes maybe I will ovulate a few days later this month. I have an SIS procedure on Wednesday that I may have to cancel if I ovulate prior. So maybe this works out for the best timing wise.
I think I have a very very very faint positive. I couldn't resist and I tested.

Hopefully it progresses.
Good day , please tell me what does it means? help I am getting crazy is that evaporation line?

67B1119D-5328-47A7-B79B-094E98319434.jpeg DBC1E157-564B-426B-835B-8EB44B5FAB53.jpeg
The bottom one is an evap as it’s grey and out of its casing which means it’s invalid.

I don’t see anything on the blue dye sorry

The second one when I did the test appears immediately i took it out to just see it so you think is Evap?
Hi, I will also test at the end of this month! Currently undergoing ivf so I am still unsure which day I will test exactly :)
Good luck with the IVF, Haikos!

RainbowMama, I was wondering, since you've been pregnant many times: do you always get the same symptoms on months where you've conceived, or is there no consistent "pattern" for you?
Hi, I will also test at the end of this month! Currently undergoing ivf so I am still unsure which day I will test exactly :)

Good luck @Haikos :dust:baby dust!

How is everyone feeling? I am absolutely exhausted had an awful nights sleep and the toddler got me up at 5 so I was wide awake and she went back off until 9 :nap:

CM is quite watery at the moment but also creamy don’t know if this is usual as I haven’t really taken notice of it before, I am also quite crampy on my right hand side think this is probably typical of my AF though.

7 days till I can POAS! although I am second guessing as my flo app says period in 5 days and pre mom says not until 16th :help:

Still using the opks too not sure what that’s achieving but it’s what the Premom app says to lol!

Has anyone had an SIS procedure? I’m scheduled for one tomorrow. (I have not ovulated yet this month). They said it COULD cause a period to come. Has anyone else had this and did it trigger a period or were you able to have a normal cycle that month? We’re checking for polyps as I have had light spotting mid luteal phase for almost two years. I hope it does not trigger a period.

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