@flowerbomb: Doesn't 1-2 weeks pg on one of those digitals pretty much HAVE to mean at least 3-4 weeks pregnant?
Until your scan, pregnancies are dated from the date of the start of your last period. So weeks 1 and almost all of week 2 of your cycle--even if you have a 28 day cycle and ovulate a little before day 14--would be before conception had even occurred, let alone implantation. And we all know the digitals usually don't give you a positive until several days after you can see something on a FRER or even a cheapie.
So, unless I'm missing something major, the digital shouldn't even start reading pregnant unless you're at, conservatively, a little over three weeks, and that's optimistic.
In short: if the tests were accurate, you should never get a reading that told you you were less than three weeks pregnant, so I'd take the result with a grain of salt. It would be concerning if the test told you 2-3 weeks at first and then went down to 1-2 weeks, since that would indicate HGC decline. But I don't think you have much to worry about yet.
Really pulling for you!