Anyone else testing in January?

Yes maybe best to do that if your a worrier, if theres a hb at 8 weeks your miscarriage chances go right down. Is this your 2nd baby?
Yeah it is. I Had a MMC with my first. Found out at the 12 weeks scan that it'd stopped growing at 6 weeks so now I'm worrying about e everything. Cc
That’s understandable, have the scan at 8 weeks to put your mind at rest.
Im feeling fine at the moment, no different to normal. Maybe in another couple of weeks pregnancy symptoms will start. Are you feeling any different?
Im feeling fine at the moment, no different to normal. Maybe in another couple of weeks pregnancy symptoms will start. Are you feeling any different?
No, last Monday I had extremely sore boobs like they were heavy and then since nothing. I've been having cramps and twinges since before I found out but no other symptoms. Xx
We are both pretty simular then, i dont think symptoms are meant to start until 6-7 weeks ish anyway. What are your lines like now on normal tests?x
We are both pretty simular then, i dont think symptoms are meant to start until 6-7 weeks ish anyway. What are your lines like now on normal tests?x
These are my tests
Left to right
Wednesday 13th jan frer
Friday 15th jan pm. Asdas
Saturday 16th jan am. Asdas
Sunday 17th jan am. Frer.
Wednesday 20th jan am. CB
Sunday 24th jan am. CB Digital.

I'm 5 weeks today. Xx

@flowerbomb: Doesn't 1-2 weeks pg on one of those digitals pretty much HAVE to mean at least 3-4 weeks pregnant?

Until your scan, pregnancies are dated from the date of the start of your last period. So weeks 1 and almost all of week 2 of your cycle--even if you have a 28 day cycle and ovulate a little before day 14--would be before conception had even occurred, let alone implantation. And we all know the digitals usually don't give you a positive until several days after you can see something on a FRER or even a cheapie.

So, unless I'm missing something major, the digital shouldn't even start reading pregnant unless you're at, conservatively, a little over three weeks, and that's optimistic.

In short: if the tests were accurate, you should never get a reading that told you you were less than three weeks pregnant, so I'd take the result with a grain of salt. It would be concerning if the test told you 2-3 weeks at first and then went down to 1-2 weeks, since that would indicate HGC decline. But I don't think you have much to worry about yet.

Really pulling for you!
There is definate line progression on the frers, maybe you ovulated a little later than you thought or prehaps your hcg levels are climbing more slowly than others (there are huge variations even for healthy pregnanies). Even the normal clearblue has a good line. With my chemicals i have started bleeding a day or 2 after my period was due so i wouldnt say it was that. Maybe if your worried get the doctors to do bloods or try another clearblue digi in a few days when your hgc levels have had time to increase. These digital tests cause people so much unnecessary stress. Hugs x
@flowerbomb: Doesn't 1-2 weeks pg on one of those digitals pretty much HAVE to mean at least 3-4 weeks pregnant?

Until your scan, pregnancies are dated from the date of the start of your last period. So weeks 1 and almost all of week 2 of your cycle--even if you have a 28 day cycle and ovulate a little before day 14--would be before conception had even occurred, let alone implantation. And we all know the digitals usually don't give you a positive until several days after you can see something on a FRER or even a cheapie.

So, unless I'm missing something major, the digital shouldn't even start reading pregnant unless you're at, conservatively, a little over three weeks, and that's optimistic.

In short: if the tests were accurate, you should never get a reading that told you you were less than three weeks pregnant, so I'd take the result with a grain of salt. It would be concerning if the test told you 2-3 weeks at first and then went down to 1-2 weeks, since that would indicate HGC decline. But I don't think you have much to worry about yet.

Really pulling for you!
Yeah so 1-2weeks means I'd be 3-4weeks pregnant, but I'm 5 weeks today so expected it to at least say 2-3weeks.

I just need to not think about that and wait till I can have a scan xx
There is definate line progression on the frers, maybe you ovulated a little later than you thought or prehaps your hcg levels are climbing more slowly than others (there are huge variations even for healthy pregnanies). Even the normal clearblue has a good line. With my chemicals i have started bleeding a day or 2 after my period was due so i wouldnt say it was that. Maybe if your worried get the doctors to do bloods or try another clearblue digi in a few days when your hgc levels have had time to increase. These digital tests cause people so much unnecessary stress. Hugs x
Yeah they do. I dont think I'm going to do another test because I'll just start obsessing over it. Xx
Sorry to hear this flowerbomb, the uncertainty must be causing you a great deal of stress. It might be nothing, they say brown blood is old blood so try not to worry too much.x
Hope your ok flowerbomb and the brown discharge has stopped x
I'm still losing some today. I'm praying it doesn't turn red.
I just dont know what to do. X
Only you can do is wait and see at this point unfortunately. Fingers crossed for you x
Only you can do is wait and see at this point unfortunately. Fingers crossed for you x
Its just hard the unknown though isn't it.
I wish I didn't take that digital test yesterday because that's making my worries worse.
Because I had really sore boobs last Monday and then gone to nothing im panicking that means I'm going to miscarry because when I've read up it says lost of symptoms is a sign of miscarriage. X

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