Anyone else testing in January?

@ttlewill, Thank you my dear. I’m sorry you also feel like this - it is truly a horrible place to be. I now have a referral to gynae, so I am hoping they can offer some advice and reasoning into why we waited to long and now all I am doing is miscarrying - It is so frustrating. So many failed cycles - to then have the heartbreak of miscarrying. I can feel your pain of your Bother and his news - I run a POAS group on FB and I’ve seen women come, get pregnant, go, then return and fall pregnant again and I’m still waiting. Here if you need to vent - Feel free to PM me <3
@Charlotte9 Friday is the earliest I'm going to test, I'm debating waiting until Monday but I'm not sure I can! AF is due Friday, but I don't know when I ovulated last cycle just an estimate based on when AF showed up the last 6 months. So best guess we hit the target days? Which is why I'm debating waiting until AF is 2-3 days late.
@Charlotte9 Friday is the earliest I'm going to test, I'm debating waiting until Monday but I'm not sure I can! AF is due Friday, but I don't know when I ovulated last cycle just an estimate based on when AF showed up the last 6 months. So best guess we hit the target days? Which is why I'm debating waiting until AF is 2-3 days late.
Its so hard to wait to test though isn't it.
Good luck for testing day. You could get a HPT that is very sensitive if you're going to test in Friday. X
@Charlotte9 It comes and goes. There is so much I'm thinking about and trying to plan for that kind of hinges on this weekend. 3-5 days to go and I'll test but now I'm worried again. My breasts have reached "don't touch me" levels of sore which they do right before I start my period every month :(

@flowerbomb I have some already, I'd rather save what money I can by being a little patient, as hard as it is! I will order an Easy@Home kit if it turns out I'm not pregnant.
I think the difficulty of planning for a future you desperately want but may or may not be a reality is one of the hardest parts, and one I didn't anticipate. Like, at work we're figuring out everyone's teaching schedule for next year, and in the back of my mind I'm always thinking "But I could be on leave." So even in a super normal and non-emotional scenario, it is impossible not to think about it.

Symptom-spotting is driving me crazy, too. I honestly feel less weird than I did last cycle--and as I may have had a chemical last cycle, that worries me. On the other hand, if I didn't have a chemical, and my cycle was just longer and more symptom-ful than usual for no reason, I worry I've miscalculated ovulation. The last two days I was back to feeling wet and crampy, and had some liquidy discharge - so does it turn out I'm ovulating now, rather than last week, and can expect another 37-day cycle (we did BD yesterday just in case :)), or could it be implantation?
@ThisyrinJLM oh how I can mirror your concerns about planning for an uncertain future! I actually had an offer to go back and work for my old urgent care. I’m a nurse and I HAD to tell my boss (whose an old colleague originally) that I need to know the short term disability rules because we’re planning a family. Come to find out, short term disability doesn’t kick in for a year. So if I got pregnant immediately, I’d be out a job in nine months. (YAYA AMERICA!) needless to say, I didn’t take that job-good thing too considering..

today It’s really starting to dawn on me why everyone tells us not to test before AF. Good lord the statistics are so scary right now..I think once you miss your period, odds of viability are something like 60% which may be generous. Before your period, odds are like 25%. So I have been nail biting HARD. Then I think, “how are there so many flipping people in this world who all started out with a 25% chance of survival!?!” I’m way too scientific and analytical for this pregnancy roller coaster. My husband and therapist are going to murder me. Lol
Getting a marriage license this morning and waiting anxiously for Saturday! I have 2 tests in my cabinet so I think I'll test both Saturday and Sunday. We'll go from there
@flowerbomb are you having your blood drawn? They drew mine yesterday and I was 145. 3wk 6 days yesterday. I go back tomorrow and I’m petrified. It didn’t sound like my doc was even going to bother drawing blood but I requested it. I feel like I’m adding undo stress.
Hi can anyone help please!
Its been 5 weeks since Ive had any sighting of blood and normally my cycle is every 28 days. My usual symptoms of coming on always happen for 2 days a week before I'm due. I believe at the moment I could be at the implantation stage as Ive had aches, twinges, sore boobs for over a week and sex has become painful sending shooting pains in my abdominal area. So today I thought I was coming on my period because I've had some blood when I wiped.. Within the 4 times I went to the toilet it's seemed to have calmed down more each time and stopped all together. Normally if I come on its heavy straight away for a couple days. Feeling really confused!

Has anyone had similar? Any suggestions of what could be happening or what to do as pregnancy test is negative also? Thank you.
Getting a marriage license this morning and waiting anxiously for Saturday! I have 2 tests in my cabinet so I think I'll test both Saturday and Sunday. We'll go from there
Eeek exciting about tour marriage license.

Ooo its so hard waiting, only a few days to wait now. Fingers crossed for you x
@flowerbomb are you having your blood drawn? They drew mine yesterday and I was 145. 3wk 6 days yesterday. I go back tomorrow and I’m petrified. It didn’t sound like my doc was even going to bother drawing blood but I requested it. I feel like I’m adding undo stress.
I dont get to see a midwife till I'm 8 weeks. Its such a long wait.
Hi can anyone help please!
Its been 5 weeks since Ive had any sighting of blood and normally my cycle is every 28 days. My usual symptoms of coming on always happen for 2 days a week before I'm due. I believe at the moment I could be at the implantation stage as Ive had aches, twinges, sore boobs for over a week and sex has become painful sending shooting pains in my abdominal area. So today I thought I was coming on my period because I've had some blood when I wiped.. Within the 4 times I went to the toilet it's seemed to have calmed down more each time and stopped all together. Normally if I come on its heavy straight away for a couple days. Feeling really confused!

Has anyone had similar? Any suggestions of what could be happening or what to do as pregnancy test is negative also? Thank you.
You can get spotting at implantation so it could be that. If AF doesn't arrive in a week I'd test again.
Hi can anyone help please!
Its been 5 weeks since Ive had any sighting of blood and normally my cycle is every 28 days. My usual symptoms of coming on always happen for 2 days a week before I'm due. I believe at the moment I could be at the implantation stage as Ive had aches, twinges, sore boobs for over a week and sex has become painful sending shooting pains in my abdominal area. So today I thought I was coming on my period because I've had some blood when I wiped.. Within the 4 times I went to the toilet it's seemed to have calmed down more each time and stopped all together. Normally if I come on its heavy straight away for a couple days. Feeling really confused!

Has anyone had similar? Any suggestions of what could be happening or what to do as pregnancy test is negative also? Thank you.
I would test again in a few days
I did two pregnancy tests yesterday. One of them had a very light test line which had never happened to me before so I decided to do another digital test which showed I’m pregnant 1-2 weeks. So both tests were positive.

I did not think I might be pregnant, especially after my period disappeared a few months ago due to stress. I tested every month since my period disappeared and this is the first time It came back positive so I think we conceived sometime late December or early January.

I started to get sore sensitive nipples around 3 weeks ago. My nipples hurt as I’m writing this. I’ve been also experiencing very slight cramps and I had a very very slight brownish discharge, but much much less than I would usually get before the period. I would say barely anything, but as I was observing everything so carefully I noticed it, but I could have easily missed it.

So now I almost can’t believe I’m pregnant, but we are very happy and excited!
Congratulations @Unamuna, and welcome!

@Abz2021, It could be implantation, though honestly, if you are very regular and are now a week late for your normal cycle, I would expect a pregnancy test to be positive at this point.
Eeek exciting about tour marriage license.

Ooo its so hard waiting, only a few days to wait now. Fingers crossed for you x

We've been together for over 12 years now so it's really just a formality but we're excited all the same
I did two pregnancy tests yesterday. One of them had a very light test line which had never happened to me before so I decided to do another digital test which showed I’m pregnant 1-2 weeks. So both tests were positive.

I did not think I might be pregnant, especially after my period disappeared a few months ago due to stress. I tested every month since my period disappeared and this is the first time It came back positive so I think we conceived sometime late December or early January.

I started to get sore sensitive nipples around 3 weeks ago. My nipples hurt as I’m writing this. I’ve been also experiencing very slight cramps and I had a very very slight brownish discharge, but much much less than I would usually get before the period. I would say barely anything, but as I was observing everything so carefully I noticed it, but I could have easily missed it.

So now I almost can’t believe I’m pregnant, but we are very happy and excited!
Hi welcome and congratulations x
Congratulations @Unamuna, and welcome!

@Abz2021, It could be implantation, though honestly, if you are very regular and are now a week late for your normal cycle, I would expect a pregnancy test to be positive at this point.
Thank you! I am not regular at all! I got off the pill last March and since then I’ve had very irregular periods with 40-50 days in between. My last period was in late September and then it stopped completely due to stress. And I tested every month (sometimes several times) since the period disappeared as I had to do some medical procedures to make sure I don’t have any other health condition which could cause all the symptoms I had which turned out to be stress related. I think it might have been implantation at first, but like I said it’s been 3 weeks since I’ve had a bit of cramping now and then and the nipple sensitivity. The very very light brownish discharge has stopped completely now, but honestly it was barely anything. I was told by a nurse to wait 1-2 weeks more and then call them to do my first check up.
Due to my stress symptoms I was on a 50% sick leave throughout November and December and then I was a bit off in late December and early January which probably helped the stress levels go down. I also had a lymph drainage massage in mid December so I think it kicked off some processes in my body and I ovulated later in December or early January. I was suppose to have another lymph drainage last weekend, but I just didn’t want to go and I couldn’t say why cause usually I love it! And then on the very same day I was supposed to have it my massage therapist cancels the appointment. I mean... what a coincidence or what? Massage early in pregnancy can cause a miscarriage and lymph drainage is a very special kind of massage. So I feel like it was almost a guardian angel or some other power making sure I do not get that massage.
So I think I ovulated because I was off work and my stress levels went down + the massage which I had in mid December. This is my theory about what happened and how. :)

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