Anyone else testing in January?

Haha 11 :dance:. Must cost you a fortune x
I use one step cheapies and it’s less than £3 for 20 of them so it’s not expensive! I’d only ever get a frer if I get a positive on a cheapie to confirm! Other than that no waaaay am I paying those prices lol xxx
I had strange pains in my uterus last night! Passed within half an hour! Trying soooo hard not to think too much into it! I did test this morning cause I’m a lunatic who tests at 4/5 dpo but obviously it was negative! I knew it would be I just couldn’t resist lol x
I had strange pains in my uterus last night! Passed within half an hour! Trying soooo hard not to think too much into it! I did test this morning cause I’m a lunatic who tests at 4/5 dpo but obviously it was negative! I knew it would be I just couldn’t resist lol x
Its all normal to have cramps in early pregnancy xx
Just did a digital ladies and its negative. Im broken

Take it apart - Post a photo of the strip(s). I got a 'not pregnant' in December, even though I definitely was. It just means your levels are not quite high enough to trigger a pregnant result.

I know you shouldn't read the strips - but if they are noticeably darker than what they should be; it's a good indication.
Yep - that's a LOT darker than a 'not pregnant' would return.
I just think you're too early for it to show as 'pregnant' yet.

I'd definitely keep POAS and I'm 99% sure this is your BFP.
Yes - I absolutely do! Please keep POAS and keep us updated! I'm emotionally vested in your BFP! <3
Good link @Charlotte9.
Your test is like the positive on that site, although your test line is lighter than the control line. Doesn't matter though, that HAS to be a positive. Following your journey very closely @Maza1993. I am refreshing every 5 minutes! :rotfl::pray:
Yes - I absolutely do! Please keep POAS and keep us updated! I'm emotionally vested in your BFP! <3
Awh thank you. Yeah im so confused why its not showing.
Iv never opened a digi before? What made u think i still could be?

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