Anyone else testing in January?

Hah, Littleperson-my husband didn't like the feel of the pre-seed either, actually, but he's OK continuing to use it during my fertile period. We really don't have much alternative, since I have some dryness issues and can rarely manage sex without lubricant of some kind. I think I liked the pre-seed better than our regular brand, actually, but that could just be because I was using it during ovulation time, when I'm naturally wetter anyway.

In any case, hope it pays off for both of us this cycle!

Also, I totally hear you about not liking being under pressure to have sex. It takes the spontaneity out of it and risks turning it into a chore.
It's been so hard not to say anything to the people I know!

My fiance and I decided not to mention we're trying for a baby or even pregnant until the 2nd trimester (we're a little nervous). But I went to my parents' tonight and told them we're planning on marrying soon, within 4 weeks, and I had to physically stop myself from hinting anything to my Dad.

The reason we're giving is health insurance (believable and also true but not the only or even main reason) but I've still been asked about 4 times if I'm pregnant. I just want to scream that I hope I am but I can't and it's been a challenge and it's only been a week.

Have any of you gone through something similar, any advice?

As a side note I have a superstition that when I'm really and truly excited for something and talk about it to people it then doesn't happen. This happened with our 1st cruise most recently and now I'm even more conflicted about wanting to talk but also being terrified to.
@Haikos, Yay! I really hope things go ahead for you and you get a sticky baby! <3

@flowerbomb No problem, just thought I’d mention it! I’ve never personally had to take it. I’m sure I see something on them! x

@baby1201, Certainly not mad. I am TTC number 8. If only 5 makes you mad, am I insane? Haha! Good luck for testing. I’ll add your testing date for Saturday 16th, no problem. x

@Littleperson, Wow, where did the blue eyes came from? Crazy how genetics work isn’t it? I have these weird little dots above my ears (both sides even more so rare) and none of my 6 children had it, my 7th child has it both sides too! :) None of them have my two coloured eye though! I know the chore of BD sometimes just because we ‘have to’… Hard!

@Kris402, I can’t say I have. There are only a select few people know that we are TTC, mainly these forums and members though. With my last pregnancy, I only announced after 12 weeks when I was pretty sure I’d not miscarry! x

@Maza1993, Looks promising!
As many of you will know, CD6 and I've passed quite a few clots today, one in particular very big (quite long and lots of it). I'm waiting for the doctors to ring me back and hopefully I can get some answers. 2 Miscarriages in a row is certainly not right. 14 - definitely not so. We deserve a healthy pregnancy and a sticky bean. I am just about ready to give up on the world. I'm really struggling right now. x
I don't see a testing in January thread, so thought I'd start this off.

I'm going to be testing 6th January 2021. This is my first cycle after another miscarriage.

Good luck to everyone! <3:bfp: Vibes!

Testing dates:

6th: RainbowMama :bfp: -5th (Missed Miscarriage) :angel2:
12th: Mrsbridge17 (AF) :hug:
16th: baby1201
18th: Donna88
23rd: Littleperson
24th: Charlotte9
25th: Kris402
27th: K M
27th: Liz85

To be confirmed testing dates:

I've added you @baby1201 <3
Yeah i just thought they would be stronger than this. This is first wee too

As many of you will know, CD6 and I've passed quite a few clots today, one in particular very big (quite long and lots of it). I'm waiting for the doctors to ring me back and hopefully I can get some answers. 2 Miscarriages in a row is certainly not right. 14 - definitely not so. We deserve a healthy pregnancy and a sticky bean. I am just about ready to give up on the world. I'm really struggling right now. x
I cant imagine how you must be feeling right now, I hope you're ok.
Hopefully the doctors can give you some answers. Try to stay positive xx
As many of you will know, CD6 and I've passed quite a few clots today, one in particular very big (quite long and lots of it). I'm waiting for the doctors to ring me back and hopefully I can get some answers. 2 Miscarriages in a row is certainly not right. 14 - definitely not so. We deserve a healthy pregnancy and a sticky bean. I am just about ready to give up on the world. I'm really struggling right now. x
Thinking of you
Well, the doctors just rang. They want to see me at 12:40 to check my abdomen and do a swab to check for infection. I've also been referred to gynaecology for the recurrent miscarriages. Hopefully I'll get answers soon.
Well, the doctors just rang. They want to see me at 12:40 to check my abdomen and do a swab to check for infection. I've also been referred to gynaecology for the recurrent miscarriages. Hopefully I'll get answers soon.
Thats great news that its being looked into so quickly. Xx
Im going to buy a digi one then atleast its black and white
We're very literally snowed in so I'm on the phone about to cancel the appointment for today, the pain has eased and I've not passed any more clots since this morning so I'm not too worried. I think the cramps were probably my bodies way of removing all it needed to - hence the clots?

I have the gynae referral so that's worth something at least! <3

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