✨✨June Testing Thread✨✨

Leila I take Seven Seas - Trying for a Baby. My first baby I only took Folic Acid! I didn't realise there were so many different things, will have a look at the ones you mentioned.
So sorry Sugar10, let's hope next month is your month!
Fingers crossed for you RainbowMama! That chart looks good!
Welcome Eve! My only tip is to enjoy the baby dancing! It's so hard if you put lots of pressure on yourself, so enjoy having fun with your partner :ttc:
Fingers crossed for you too Clarkecharm!

My LH has FINALLY dropped really low, does this mean I'll likely have a period soon??? Never been so desperate for AF in my life!! :pray::pray::pray:
That’s good

but the fertility consultant told me additional vit d3 to the pregnancy vitamins - which are great - really helps

but coenzyme q10 is really important for egg quality - I swear by it

i also ate 4 Brazil nuts a day and my husband too for the selenium


I hope you get a BFP soon xxxx
Well I’m confused my bbt has dropped 3 days now and I’m only 8dpo. I’m still above my cover line, and convinced I could see a squinter when I took a test this morning! It’s not visible on pic though. Tried to put end of packet in line with line. Not sure it’s worked though! I’ll attach it so you can see. I’m Not due in til sat xx

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It’s so so so so so hard to not look in to all the signs and symptoms when trying to conceive, I still keep a log and compare month to month. Testijg and looking for lines, I’ve been there, I was a serial tester and spent a fortune.

But do test every 48 hours as it doubles every 48 hours rather than 24 hours - even though I didn’t follow this advice this cycle - I can see a shadow on your photo but I also get confused with evap lines and actual lines

if there is any colour in the line - even a hint it means you will have some hcg

And it’s still early to test so hopefully that line will darken over the next few days xxxx I’ll keep sending you positive thoughts

It’s so so so so so hard to not look in to all the signs and symptoms when trying to conceive, I still keep a log and compare month to month. Testijg and looking for lines, I’ve been there, I was a serial tester and spent a fortune.

But do test every 48 hours as it doubles every 48 hours rather than 24 hours - even though I didn’t follow this advice this cycle - I can see a shadow on your photo but I also get confused with evap lines and actual lines

if there is any colour in the line - even a hint it means you will have some hcg

And it’s still early to test so hopefully that line will darken over the next few days xxxx I’ll keep sending you positive thoughts

I will test in a couple of days. I just hope my temp comes up again xxx
I took a test this morning and saw a faint line. But now I’m spotting again. So I’m guessing it was an evap and I’m coming on. Argh. So annoying all the confusion. I’ve decided not to hold out on any signs and waste money testing and just wait 5 weeks and see what has happened with my next cycle. (Easier said than done!) 1BB37E05-8C3B-4C18-B7DB-8520BD47C800.jpeg8141D680-0EB3-49BA-97EA-80CE871FA27D.jpeg
I took a test this morning and saw a faint line. But now I’m spotting again. So I’m guessing it was an evap and I’m coming on. Argh. So annoying all the confusion. I’ve decided not to hold out on any signs and waste money testing and just wait 5 weeks and see what has happened with my next cycle. (Easier said than done!) View attachment 93071View attachment 93072

i can actually see a coloured line in your photo

the consultant told me a high percentage of pregnancies fail to implant and would sometimes get a faint positive on an early response pregnancy test… also sometimes enough hcg can be producers before implantation is completed… and most women would go on to have a period and never know they were even pregnant…


if you have spotting it might ALSO be implantation bleeding… this happened with my last pregnancy … I spotted and had a bleed… so just keep calm and maybe test closer to day of missed period. I do definitely see a faint coloured line there xxxx I hope it’s a successful BFP xxxx
Definitely looks like a BFP sugar.

I have everything crossed for you @Clarkecharm.

I am 10DPO with, for the first time ever - a triphasic chart. I might also be updating to a :bfp: in a day or so… (I’m cautiously optimistic after today’s tests!)
Fingers crossed RainbowMama, Sugar10, Leila and Clarkecharm!! Hope it's your bfps!

I'm feel fed up! I hoped it would be finally time for AF to show her face and then my LH went back up again :mad::confused::(

I'm sick of it now. The doctors keep telling me it's normal and to just wait but these male professionals have no idea how frustrating and upsetting this all is!! :doh:

Fingers crossed RainbowMama, Sugar10, Leila and Clarkecharm!! Hope it's your bfps!

I'm feel fed up! I hoped it would be finally time for AF to show her face and then my LH went back up again :mad::confused::(

I'm sick of it now. The doctors keep telling me it's normal and to just wait but these male professionals have no idea how frustrating and upsetting this all is!! :doh:

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If you don’t mind me asking how long have you been trying

I mentioned before supplements… they really do work

have you had any blood tests to check your thyroid ?
Fingers crossed RainbowMama, Sugar10, Leila and Clarkecharm!! Hope it's your bfps!

I'm feel fed up! I hoped it would be finally time for AF to show her face and then my LH went back up again :mad::confused::(

I'm sick of it now. The doctors keep telling me it's normal and to just wait but these male professionals have no idea how frustrating and upsetting this all is!! :doh:

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The spotting has continued, and now looks like period. :( so I’m out. Really hoped my test was a positive too. I hate these early tests , can be an evap, and be so misleading! but fingers crossed for you all. I hope you get your period soon, the male doctors won’t have any idea and can be quite brutal. Hopefully soon for you. it just may take a few extra weeks , Xx
i can actually see a coloured line in your photo

the consultant told me a high percentage of pregnancies fail to implant and would sometimes get a faint positive on an early response pregnancy test… also sometimes enough hcg can be producers before implantation is completed… and most women would go on to have a period and never know they were even pregnant…


if you have spotting it might ALSO be implantation bleeding… this happened with my last pregnancy … I spotted and had a bleed… so just keep calm and maybe test closer to day of missed period. I do definitely see a faint coloured line there xxxx I hope it’s a successful BFP xxxx

Looks like my period now. :( but I’ll stay positive for next month. :)
We weren’t even trying until we had a MC in April, so I can’t complain. It’s probably just my body getting back to normal. I wish it was a positive but we will see what happens next time. ive never had implantation bleeding I don’t think. But it’s good to know for future. :) Thankyou. X x
Looks like my period now. :( but I’ll stay positive for next month. :)
We weren’t even trying until we had a MC in April, so I can’t complain. It’s probably just my body getting back to normal. I wish it was a positive but we will see what happens next time. ive never had implantation bleeding I don’t think. But it’s good to know for future. :) Thankyou. X x

Your test did look like a v faint positive

remember what I said before - as the consultant told me - many women don’t even know that their egg was fertilised and didn’t complete implantation - because they don’t usually test on or after their due date. But any trace of HCG can show up on a sensitive pregnancy test. … sooo possibility you had a fertilised egg that didn’t implant (that is if your period does come) - and remember a high percentage of fertilised eggs dont implant - and this goes for everyone..

if that’s the case it shows you can conceive …. Also worrying about it can affect implantation so you must really relax which I’m sure you do.

I’m so sorry to hear about your MC :( it’s not easy at all

I’m very sure you will get a BFP v soon xxxx

but I do highly recommend Coenzyme q10 ans eating 4 Brazil nuts a day ! Along with the other supplements I mentioned xxx
Leila I take Seven Seas - Trying for a Baby. My first baby I only took Folic Acid! I didn't realise there were so many different things, will have a look at the ones you mentioned.
So sorry Sugar10, let's hope next month is your month!
Fingers crossed for you RainbowMama! That chart looks good!
Welcome Eve! My only tip is to enjoy the baby dancing! It's so hard if you put lots of pressure on yourself, so enjoy having fun with your partner :ttc:
Fingers crossed for you too Clarkecharm!

My LH has FINALLY dropped really low, does this mean I'll likely have a period soon??? Never been so desperate for AF in my life!! :pray::pray::pray:

Thank you! I’m trying to not stress over it but because of my medical problems, I find myself constantly obsessing.
At what point do you stop testing LH?
Thank you! I’m trying to not stress over it but because of my medical problems, I find myself constantly obsessing.
At what point do you stop testing LH?
Once you’ve had your peak and levels are not existent hun. Usually 2/3 days ish after peak xx
The spotting has continued, and now looks like period. :( so I’m out. Really hoped my test was a positive too. I hate these early tests , can be an evap, and be so misleading! but fingers crossed for you all. I hope you get your period soon, the male doctors won’t have any idea and can be quite brutal. Hopefully soon for you. it just may take a few extra weeks , Xx
So sorry to hear this :( you sound really worn out with it all. Try to take some time to pamper yourself doing whatever makes you relax or feel better xx

And sorry to anyone else out who I've missed.

It won't be happening for us this month either as my husband still isn't really agreeing just yet :( I'm on cd14 and if he doesn't change his mind in the next few days ... which he probably won't and I'm not going to pressure him..then we never really were "in" anyway x
My spotting is getting heavier so think af will be full flow by tonight/tomorrow. Which means my luteal phase was only 9days this month. 10 if I’m in full flow :( this is so hard. I’ll try 1 more month then I’ll be in my 7th cycle. If not I’ll be contacting gp Xxx

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