✨✨June Testing Thread✨✨

Thank you, congratulations in your pregnancy for baby 2. Does it feel more relaxed now time ? I really want a maternity leave that isn't in a pandemic and for my famous and friends to meet my baby as a baby. Still hardly anyone has met Felix

Ah thanks, I’m so lucky and grateful to be having another baby but definitely nervous about the prospect of having a toddler and newborn! We don’t get any family help and we’ve never got a babysitter, I’m partially still breastfeeding the toddler (weaned her right down to one or two feeds for a minute or two) and she has only just started sleeping through the night last month, fun and games ha ha, next challenge is weaning her off the daytime nap as she’s up until 10 every night at the moment or even worse if her nap is after 1pm she can still be running around at midnight!
I’d love to say this pregnancy is more relaxed but I’m 25 weeks now and always worrying about movement lol, my placentas at the front this time which makes it harder to feel the movement, there’s always something for me to worry about! I hope you have an easy time getting pregnant this time, I will be stalking for some good news! X
Yes love this age. He wasn't well Thur Fri Sat, temp 40 degrees ended up doing PCR tests and at incall doc but covid free and he's back to normal today-I was so worried!

I am waiting for AF to show as this is only my 4th cycle. I am still breast feeding and my last 3 cycles been crazy irregular which isn't like me. Hoping they regulate soon? I am just hoping my body has changed in some way and can make this happen for me . Is it really hard when you go from 1 toddler to having 1 toddler and a baby? I'm a bit nervous. I'm back at work full time now and Felix has been a terrible sleeper . I'm still up every night until recently it was 2 hourly every single night ..has settled down to 1 or 2 more recently .

I have opks and can't decide if I just try without it all or test as I've no idea what my cycle is like now amd I know breast feeding can shorten your luteal phase ?

Sorry my reply is really late hahah but omg that must have been so scary waiting on covid results. It's so awful when they're unwell. I recently had my first experience of them both being unwell at the same time and it nearly destroyed me. I'm glad he's doing better!

I think its really subjective how you find going from 1 to 2. There are those who will say 0-1 is harder but honestly for us 0-1 was a breeze. We were actually amazed how easy it was. 1-2 nearly killed us hahaha I definitely think the personality of the child has a lot to do with it. Our first was a dream ...slept all night from 10 weeks. woke 4 hourly to feed before that. She was a proper textbook baby. She'd sleep in a car, a pram, a chair, the edge of a cliff. and most importantly in anyones arms!!! My second- totally different ball game and I wont lie for the first 8 weeks we were looking at each other in despair like "what have we done?!" . She woke every 2 hours, clung to me specifically, wouldnt go to anyone else, cried if anyone even looked at her that wasnt me. She wouldnt sleep in the car, wouldn't lie in a pram, a chair, not even a sling! She's 13 months now and still a total cling and at times only I will do, although she'll entertain my husband occasionally.

Massive congratulations on getting this far with BFing too! We had to stop at 7 months as I just couldn't handle the pain anymore. P has a high palate and had a terrible latch basically so it was 7 months of absolute agony. I can't say much on the cycles as after I stopped BFing mine came back about 3 weeks later and are regular but its different cuz obviously you haven't stopped.

I have just done my very first OPK today haha super proud arent you? It was completely blank so very anticlimactic xx

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