• May 2016 Mummies •

Congratulations on your little boy bobkat, and he was an awesome weight!!

Emma it will be sods law that baby arrives now you have a million appts and everyone is busy lol I don't envy you not being able to sleep :( I slept better last night than I have all week as hubby was home.

Hope your growth scan goes well Kim, I'm sure he is growing just perfectly still. Although I know the worries, I'm in on Monday for my 4th growth scan and hoping my little man is still growing too xx
Aaah fab news bobkat, congratulations :-)

Little lady is playing me up again this morning, haven't felt her move yet. Laying on my left side at the minute while waiting for some breakfast. Then I'm planning on ringing triage and trying to go in anyway, she's been a bit off the last couple of days so would rather be checked. All seemed fine with the MW yesterday when she listened in with the Doppler, but I'd rather go on the monitor if i can. Pretty sure it'll be because she's moved her arms and legs behind the placenta again, little madam! Xxx

Yeah I would call Jenni if she hasn't moved as normal. Although you have just reminded me I haven't felt anything yet this morning either, so best have something to eat and try and get him moving xx
She's moved a little bit, but still not happy it's enough. MW yesterday told me to wait until early evening, then lie on my side with a cold drink and something sugary, then if I've still only felt 2 or 3 movements all day, to call triage. It's so frustrating that they give such different (and wrong) advice. Makes it feel like you're wasting your time when you do go in and they don't want to listen. I always go by my own baby's normal pattern and worry if anything different from that.

Dno dnt wait all day till evening what type of blinking advise is that lol!!!!

I follow what count the kicks site suggests n thats a change in their regular movements and if they seem quiet.

They r bound to move after something sugary so i wouldnt rely on that either hun.

I really hate this stage in pregnancy cos it gets so scary with all the what ifs!
We are so close yet really so far arent we! X
Eurgh what a crappy nights sleep. The cats have kept me up meowing in my face and my hips feel like they're on fire. Think I overdid the walking yesterday. Can't be bothered to do anything constructive and OH has gone to work so I'm getting out of this uncomfortable bed to move to the sofa and that will just have to do. Cinema tonight so I'm hoping labour starts then. Would be just our luck, we've been debating going all week haha

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That is ridiculous advice Jenni! I've always been told to phone up with any variation of not normal movements. The midwives have always been really good when I go in but hate doing it because they say baby is fine and ignore the fact it's happening on a regular basis.

Hubby isn't helping me this morning as he doesn't seem concerned and is just saying I'm paranoid because of what happened to poor lou. I think I've felt maybe one movement so far! xx
None of the midwives I've seen seem to have given any decent advice about movements. I follow count the kicks advice too Dani.
Hearing what happened to Lou has definitely made me more aware too, but I only see that as a good thing (obviously not what happened, but the fact that it is making so many of us much more aware of our own baby's movements).

My midwife always says anything unusual or if I'm even the slightest bit worried. Definitely give them a call if you're not happy jenni

Bit of pinkish blood looking like stuff (sorry tmi!) when wiping this morning - could be my plug? Oh God I hate labour watch, I'm not sure how long I can go be on alert for!!

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I think it is crazy that even the midwives can give such conflicting advice about it all. I've been in 4 times so far for reduced movements and they can't give me a decent explanation. They say it's because of my anterior placenta and the fact I have 2 young boys so "don't have time" to monitor movements is probably why. But neither of these seem acceptable answers to me. Still not had anything more movements but can't do anything until hubby gets organised and gets his car from work as mine broke yesterday xx
I think you just need to keep calling and bugging them until they take you seriously
Been having period pains for the last 3 hours, I'm currently in the bath and the pain has eased but can feel the tightenings still.
Had a drink, some food and tmi a clear out to rule any of those out lol x
What a ridiculous excuse, you're too 'busy' to notice movements?! The mw's etc are supposed to be there to reassure us, not fob us off with rubbish. Makes me so mad! Have you had any more movements yet Kanga?
I've just been bouncing on my ball, she seems to like it/or dislike it lol, she's been jabbing a foot or something into my side. Letting me know she's ok :-) I'll carry on keeping an eye on movements for the rest of the day tho. Little madam already!

Sounds like your plug Jem :-) shouldn't be too long now.

Come on Logan!! Surely this has to be it for you now Emma?! Got my fingers crossed for you.

So jealous of all you ladies with these signs, I want my turn now! I'm getting impatient already and still nowhere near due date lol xxx

Yeah I'm getting a few movements now but only because I'm jabbing him with my doppler. He sounds happy enough in there thankfully, can hear the accelerations in the heart rate as he moves which is what the ctg does, so I'm sure he is fine. Will monitor the movements the rest of the morning and see how I feel when hubby is organised.

Fingers crossed for you Emma, really hope Logan is ready to make his exit xx
I'll know by lunchtime...they're definitely contractions and definitely painful but not stopping me in my tracks and they're not lasting very long. Just hope they get moving and not fizzle out.
I've got plenty to do to keep me busy and Chris is coming to take the boys for their hair cut shortly so will have an hour or so kid free and I should know either way by the time he gets back with them x
i just used to ring up and cry... that usually worked. just show up and tell them you heave reduced movemtnts and don't take no for an answer.
It's great you are all being more aware, I would hate for anyone to go through what we are currently going through, I am really struggling well we both are, leaving Harrison at the hospital was heart breaking still cannot comprehend it, so angry it has happened to us after all we have been through. I am angry we were not high risk after all the struggles and bleeding. If we had been then a scan may have picked up that Harrison was small, we don't know for sure and have to wait 4 months for results. I can't imagine TTC again even though I feel so desperate to be a mum, the birth and meeting Harrison gave me an insight into how amazing it is to become a mum and I feel desperate to be going through that now.

Anyway I just wanted to say don't be fobbed off but with our baby he was moving overnight then I had a busy day but I always feel something at some point during the day but this day he was very quiet but I had my appt that evening after work so I could not have gone their much quicker but now I think maybe I should have gone earlier but then u wait to see if baby or when baby next moves, I go over and over that day and tie myself in knots.

Listen to your instincts and go with that and any good midwife should listen and do something straight away.

Enjoy ladies wishing you an amazing mummy experience I will probably come off here for a bit, feel lost at the moment but I imagine this site might become to painful, I just don't know what to do with my time!

Lou xx
Reduced movements is shitty. I was in on Thursday as a result of a quiet baby. Got fluid scan there, and a growth scan on Wednesday as per the rules here, but have to go for more CTG monitoring on Monday just cause the scan was so far away.

I always feel like a Muppet, and paranoid first time mum when I call, but they are always more than welcoming when I arrive at hospital, and always push the fact I should phone if I don't feel happy. They did saybkn Thursday that as we are now officially on labour watch, and baby is fully cooked, but I am back again with reduced movements then they will consider induction.

I'm not really sure I am comfortable with this information, cause it leaves it so open to abuse. Yes, im bored of being pregnant and just want to meet our little bundle, but at the same time I'd rather hopenit would happen naturally (It also reduces the time I have to panic about labour if I don't know when it's coming!!)
My heart goes out to you and your family Lou. I can't begin to imagine what you are going through, and how you are feeling. Try not to blame yourself. I know it's easier said than done. Take all the time you need to come to terms with everything, and hopefully you will get some answers soon.

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