• May 2016 Mummies •

Even better Jem :-) she didn't say either way with me, just wrote 2/5 so who knows lol.
Let's hope it all kicks off properly for you all tonight. I want to wake up to baby news!

OH has finally blown up my ball, he's left me with strict instructions to 'bounce for the next three hours, I want baby out by morning' haha that's fine by me, but it will all change as soon as he wants a hand putting Oscar to bed in a minute. Xxx

Congrats kitty.

Good luck ladies who are starting to feel movement, slightly jealous!!

I check in everyday but dont always post coz the keyboard on my tablet is shite and it takes me forever to type one sentence!!

Stalking you all though and cant wait for more baby news xx
Finally updated my ticker also. Babyslog could you change my due date on front page to 21st please? x
Waiting in all the May babies. Anna is Wanting to know about her buddies!
I've filled in all my homebirth stuff tonight. Loads to read through but I've left it in the car and can't be bothered to go out now and get it!! Mum had a feel of baby too. She thinks that she's at least 8lb already, and could I please try everything possible to get her out this week preferably! I'm looking at a 10lb+ baby if she goes as late as her brother did. Uh oh! The scary shoulder dystocia stories are worrying me.

Hope baby gets here soon bobkat! It's exciting reading all these potential labours developing!!

I think I'll be the June mummy of all of us....!! Xx
Joseph William Alwyn Parkin born at 10.42pm on Fri 6th May so sneaked in just before due date. Although at 9lb 12oz he hardly sneaked. Quite amazed did it only on gas and air. Will update tomorrow properly but we are all fine, he's a 'little' smasher!
Congratulations bobkat....what a good weight.....ouch lol xxx
Woooo amazing!!! Love a good chunky baba! Congratulations hun!

Em ive joined you in the overdue club! Haa xx
Happy duedate to your little lady H4L!

Hope she doesnt keep you and ur OH waiting too long x
Babyslog thank you. Shes milking it though im sure of it. Haha
Woooo amazing!!! Love a good chunky baba! Congratulations hun!

Em ive joined you in the overdue club! Haa xx

I can think of better clubs to be in lol x

Logan won't be here this wknd as that would be too convenient, it'll be next week because my mums still on jury duty, my sister doesn't have her car, the kids are at school and between me and his dad we have appts mon, tues, weds and thurs x

So fed up of not been able to sleep, 3 nights in a row I've just laid awake x
Wow. Good chubby baba, bet you're glad you didn't go over! I doubt you'll need any nb stuff ;) congratulations!!

Ana celebrated by sleeping for 5hrs.
Congrats to those of you that have had your lovely babies xx

Good luck to those of you getting niggles and hope those that are overdue don't have to wait too long!

I'm still waiting but still not my due date yet! Keep getting painful Braxton hicks but I know they arnt more than that because they always fade off! Feel very heavy all the time and achy and periody.
Have to go for a growth scan next Thursday because my bump measurement is tailing off, been worried as I have to wait so long until the scan but he's wriggling around in there so all seems ok! Xx
Congrats to those of you that have had your lovely babies xx

Good luck to those of you getting niggles and hope those that are overdue don't have to wait too long!

I'm still waiting but still not my due date yet! Keep getting painful Braxton hicks but I know they arnt more than that because they always fade off! Feel very heavy all the time and achy and periody.
Have to go for a growth scan next Thursday because my bump measurement is tailing off, been worried as I have to wait so long until the scan but he's wriggling around in there so all seems ok! Xx

Aww Kim hope the BHs come of something!!! Hope scan goes well next week too, im sure hes fine :) he's been a lil monkey the whole pregnancy hasnt he haha! Xx
He really has! Likes to keep me on my toes. Just worrying not knowing what's going on in there, just want him here now so I can look after him ! Xx

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