• May 2016 Mummies •

It's my birthday on 11th so I wonder if I'll share it with any babies :)

We survived our first night at home - so much easier than lukes first night was
How are you recovering Jojo??

Bobkat i hope the pains r the start of something!
I wasnt going to labour watch, ive not een thought about it before now.. But with EDD being tomorrow im constantly check for plug and any aches to see of they repeat again a few mins later lmaoo!
I have horrendous trapped wind which is painful enough but combined with the pain from section is awful... Apart from that OK. Anna slept well I honk and Luke slept brought her crying so that's good. I'm kinda surprised, I had hem both up and dressed and fed by 7:40am - managed it in 20 minutes so I'm happy lol Luke is being really cute big bro so I'm waiting for that to stop haha
Wahey check u out!!!!

Im still in my pjs haha! And Noah lmao!

Awa r u able to take anything to help pass it? Ur not preggy anymore get on the laxatives haha! Xx
Laxity ices won't work with trapped wind, I need windeaze or something so I'll get mum to pick some up today. I'm in my nightie today because pulling trousers up and down hurts haha midwife coming today but she'll just have to take us as she finds us
Sounds like you've had a fab first night at home Jojo :-) trapped wind is bad enough at the best of times, I feel for you having it after a section!!

Good luck with the MW Dani, fingers crossed they agree to a sweep and it gets things going for you.

I'm 38wks today :-) I feel like I've only got 8 days left before I'm 'overdue' as Oscar came at 39+1 so I never got to be officially overdue last time, thank god! So hoping it does the same way this time, but I just know she's going to keep me waiting. Funnily enough, I've had 12th and 17th in my head for a while - whether that's the date she might come, or that many days early/late, who knows!

I always thought I was going to have a June baby based on my over dates and previous babies, but now I have no idea because even if I'm not induced next week I don't think I will be allowed to go over my due date so likely induced whatever so I'm at the mercy of the hospital I suppose!

Jenni my friend had her 1st at 39+2 and recently her 2nd on her due date, I bet it will be odd going over 39+1 weeks if you do though xx
It's such a strange idea that we literally have no idea when these babies will come....it could be today, it could be 4 weeks from now, it's crazy.
It would definitely be strange going over 39+1, preparing myself to be in it for the long haul tho, anything earlier is a bonus! Going by my dates tho, Oscar came right on time. I think my dates this time out me at 22nd May, so three days later than scan dates, but that's my mums birthday so I'm really hoping she doesn't come then!

It must be so confusing for you not knowing if you're going to be induced or not. Hopefully you get more of an idea after your scan, either way he'll be here nice and safe within a few weeks :-) xxx

I know any of us could technically go into labour any day now and we just don't know it, it's crazy!

I think I have been mentally preparing myself for induction sometime next week based on my scan that I will be completely gutted if they don't and say they are will leave me til my due date. It is all based on the outcome of the scan. From reading online there are 3 possibilities.

1- baby's growth has slowed or stopped and they may admit me straight away to be induced (happened to my friend at the same hospital).
2- baby's growth has stayed steady so they will arrange a consultant appt and possibly offer induction as I'm over 37 weeks.
3- baby has a growth spurt and they just leave me, but probably not past my due date.

I think I would prefer option 2 so I could prepare a bit more before going into hospital as I may freak out if they say we need baby out now your staying here lol xx
I'm comforted knowing that in a maximum of 9 sleeps he'll be here, me and my 5yr old was laid working it out after he invaded my bed at 5.30 lol x
I still have 3 weeks but may be induced depending on the scan on Tuesday as scan on Tuesday showed low amniotic fluid level xx
How are you recovering Jojo??

Bobkat i hope the pains r the start of something!
I wasnt going to labour watch, ive not een thought about it before now.. But with EDD being tomorrow im constantly check for plug and any aches to see of they repeat again a few mins later lmaoo!

Me too, trying not to read anything into it, instead repeating in my head when my next mw appt is 40+3, and focusing on that as the next key date, not this Saturday. This Saturday is just going to be normal, hubby playing cricket, me sat in the sun watching with Freddie playing bat and ball with his pals on the sideline. Instead I know I'll be clock watching every bloody niggle!

Hope you get your sweep!
Had sweep yay!

2cm dilated, still thick but cervix central so on its way down lol!
Had some bloody show come away already so im hoping things may happen over weekend!
We shall see!

Hes fully engaged so hoping he stays there now and doesnt pop in and out lol! Xx
Exciting! Come on baby! I was quite far dial ayes when I went in for my section so baby prob would have come anyway which is crazy! Any news on Stanley since coming home?

I was looking at Anna today and realised that this little thing sleeping on my chest could have so easily been still inside me! How mad is that?!
I think Eaw had a HV over today for A review in Stanley so im sure shell update us later. I think hes doing well though, she was worried about his feeds but i think from what she said he was taking seems perfect really!

Aww i cant wait for newborn snuggles! Its crazy wen they r finally here isnt it!
Anna has taken an ounce an hour since 11am lol lets hope she doesn't continue her trend overnight
I've got to the point where I swear under my breath when I see someone pushing a pram, it's a lovely sunny day here and I've spent the whole day catching up on my sleep from last night.
I can now see every single movement Logan makes through my clothes as there is just no room.
Ive lost all confidence in my body of actually knowing how to go into labour without help. 9 days late last time, and still counting this time.
Yay for a sweep Dani, fingers crossed it gets things moving for you over the weekend. Especially with him being fully engaged pushing down too.

Emmam I bet you are frustrated especially as it looked as though he was going to come early.

I'm exhausted yet can't sleep. Tried to nap when James was asleep earlier and Harry was at nursery but no such luck. I just feel miserable and uncomfortable today. The numbness/ really painful tingling in my foot is just getting worse, it's getting more painful and harder to walk as can't put much weight on it and the pain/ pins and needles is spreading almost across my whole foot now.

I am finding myself very irritable and not very patient with the boys, wish we could get out but I can't walk anywhere or move quickly enough to keep them safe and our garden still needs sorting by the landlord so can't use it yet xx
Yay for a sweep Dani, fingers crossed it gets things moving for you over the weekend. Especially with him being fully engaged pushing down too.

Emmam I bet you are frustrated especially as it looked as though he was going to come early.

I'm exhausted yet can't sleep. Tried to nap when James was asleep earlier and Harry was at nursery but no such luck. I just feel miserable and uncomfortable today. The numbness/ really painful tingling in my foot is just getting worse, it's getting more painful and harder to walk as can't put much weight on it and the pain/ pins and needles is spreading almost across my whole foot now.

I am finding myself very irritable and not very patient with the boys, wish we could get out but I can't walk anywhere or move quickly enough to keep them safe and our garden still needs sorting by the landlord so can't use it yet xx

I feel guilty because our house is a 5 minute walk to the nature reserve but I cmstruggle to even walk across the road to tesco. Luckily I had my garden returfed about 5 weeks ago so although it's ready for a cut its playable so I'm gonna send them out there when they get home x

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