• May 2016 Mummies •

Getting impatient. My wife isnt really taking me up on curry or sex.

You must be bored Dani!

Jojo glad to hear you're both doing well. Make the most of having nothing to do, it'll be none stop as soon as you get home! Get as much rest as you can.

Haha I'm pretty sure most men look forward to the end of pregnancy in the hope of getting some action....I know mine does lol. The poor bugger has nothing for months, then I get fed up and give in towards the end, just hope it gets this baby out the same as it did with her brother!!


Absolutely gutted for lou. We were going through ivf at the same time and she got her bfp a week after me. Cant imagine how they must be feeling. So heartbreaking x
Its so so sad isnt it :(
Just couldn't imagine!

Ive never had a loss, at any point in pregnancy. I cant imagine any point being easy. But to be so close to full term :( i just! God its heartbreaking xx
I've been thinking about her all day, it's just so sad :-(
I keep having moments of feeling sorry for myself, but then make myself snap out of it when I think how lucky I actually am compared to what people like Lou are going through. It's just awful.
We had an early mmc around 8 weeks before this pregnancy which was tough, but I can't imagine it being anywhere near as tough as such a late loss.

It's been on my mind all day too :( I just can't imagine it at all. I had a mmc at 11 weeks before Harry, (actually got my bfp in a couple days but obviously 5 years ago) and I still think about it. But losing this late on would be so so much worse.

Baby has moved loads today so I think he has been letting me know he is ok. Just want Monday to hurry up so I can see if baby is still growing like he should be xx
It's every pregnant woman's worst nightmare, I can't even begin to imagine what she is going through right now.
I'm fed up of been pregnant but then on the other hand I'm thankful that baby is safe in there xx
Getting impatient. My wife isnt really taking me up on curry or sex.


We did it on the Friday, lost my plug the sat, had baby on the Monday. Could be coincidence but sex worked this end
It's great. He wakes every 2 hours for a feed but i don't mind. He's not reaching his daily amount in feed yet which worries me, I have the HV coming tomorrow. I'm so scared he's goin to loose too much weight and we will be back in hospital. He adverages around 350ml a day. Do you think that's ok for now? He's technically a week old when it comes to feeding as he wasn't feed whilst being cooled etc
I would say thats ok!
Thats like 11/12oz right?

From what i remember when Noah was about 1-2wks old he was having 2-3oz feeds sometimes 4 but never always finished n that was roughly every 3-4hrs..
So some days hed have 12oz but others up to about 16-18..
He was a big boy tho, 9lb 9.5 born.. But he also had reflux and projectiled after nearly every feed so i never really new how much he was taking!

FX Stanley has gained, n then in which case id say hes doing just great hun! Xxx
I feel like the only one not on labour watch, as I'm only 37+2 and I've felt all along I'll go over again. However. Something weird is happening! I had absolutely horrific pain about 6-7pm last night, kind of in front of my hip to the right, so not all over. I then had quite a bad tummy. Then totally painless tightenings for an hour or 2. Then nothing.

Woke up at 1.30, couldn't get back to sleep - totally normal. About 30 minutes ago the horrific hip pain came back but it went round my whole bump this time - definitely felt contraction like. I've got pretty mild periody type pains now... This is just my body doing a bit of a "practise run" right? If I went over by 10 days last time, no chance I'm going 2+ weeks early this time? I'm totally not ready - her vests aren't even washed yet, or the car seat cover. And I still have a week and a half at work!!! Argh!!

My son also told nursery today (yesterday?) that baby Robyn will be here soon. We've managed to keep her name secret for months until then haha!!!
You never know tigger-baby's like to surprise us.

I'm back to Thursday again, after the last 2 ended in regular pains my best friend has her bets on him arriving today-can't see it myself, it's my sisters bday on Friday so he'll have to share his day if he comes then but again I can't see it, I've even agreed to dog sit for my mum on Friday whilst she's on jury duty as the spooky dog isn't used to been on his own all day-he's her mid life crisis son she never had lol x
I totally forgot how bloody painful constipation is when insured duty abdominal surgery... Bloody OW!!!
Every pain has died off - took a good few hours to get to sleep though, I'm exhausted now!! Im just totally unprepared right now, I don't WANT this baby here yet - I've still got too much to do at work for a start haha!!

Oh Emma I hope baby Logan hurries up for you. Bloody boys!!! Hopefully when it does happen it'll be super quick because your body has already done so much work?!
MW app today..
39+6.. Guna ask for a sweep! Although my plug has been non exsistant for a few days so i highly doubt im 'favourable' up there lol!
Noah will be over his dads tonight so that gives me peace later to bounce on my ball and down RLT and just hope for the best lol!

I will
Most definately go overdue, just know it.

Ive always had 11/12th May in my head as this was my own EDD before scan put me forward!
We shall seeee.

My poor SIL was due 29th April (1st baba) and she is still overdue! I do hope she actually goes before me love her! X
I've been awake since 3am, finally managed to drop back off about 7ish but now time to sort kids for school. I had a few tightenings in the night but don't think it's gonna lead to anything exciting. Roll on sweep on Monday x
Eaw so glad to hear Stanley is doing good at home. Don't worry about him meeting the hospitals daily feed amount, he knows how much he wants. Sounds like he is taking plenty.

Tigger I'm not on labour watch either as 37 weeks today, but just trying to be prepared just incase they want to induce next week so have been getting organised. But wouldn't be expecting baby to arrive my himself this early at all.

Good luck with the mw today babyslog, hope she will do a sweep for you.

I am completely exhausted again today, 3rd night on my own last night and both Harry and James were up and then I couldn't get to sleep either. It's making me appreciate how much my hubby has been helping out having to do it all by myself this week. Roll on Friday evening and him being home xx
Had my usual strong bhs in the evening yesterday that got crampier when I went to bed. Previous nights I've been thinking oooh maybe this is the start of something but last night so p'd off with them just fizzling out to nothing I just lay down and went to sleep as normal instead of propping myself up to try and encourage them and guess what........ Yep they fizzled out to nothing again.

I have the 12th in my head too as that was my date before I was put forward but I just know that it'll end up being Friday 13th!

Eaw that amount sounds fine to me and if he's happy in himself as a result I can't see any hv recommending they take him away from his home and getting undivided attention and taking him back to hospital, it wouldn't make sense.

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