i just want to come round and support you.
The scales are winning at the moment. You are addicted to them, and addicted to the numbers coming down. You know it's wrong but you can't stop yourself.
I hope when you get your help it makes you see this and gives you ways to overcome it, i've been there. It's bloody hard, but you have to have a serious talk with yourself.
Millie deserves more than to see her mother struggle with food like this. Would you ever forgive yourself if she were to be like this when she is grown up? It's a horrible thought isn't it? It's what you need to keep in your mind when you 'forget' to take money for your lunch.
I know how hard it is. Just 2 days ago i had a lapse and didn't eat a thing for 36 hours. It was just too easy but doing it reminded me of what i used to be and who i was now- a better
healthier person.
Maybe write a letter of exactly what you do and how you would like to change. Do some research on the affects of anorexia in families and make it real in your head. Look at it whenever you are having a bad day...
Also remember that cakes, sweets etc DON'T count as food. They may be calories but they are doing jack for your body, which after all, created your utterly gorgeous daughter- shouldn't you be worshipping it, not destroying it?
On a random note, at my daughter's music class, there is a little girl called Mellissa, i thought it was your millie for a bit, as she was with her dad i wasn't sure, but then i thought it's an awfully long way for her to travel just for a 1 hour music class!