how can i put weight on?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
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ive always been slim but since having Ami i have dipped too low on the scales. its always been a bit of a battle to keep my weight on, if i miss one meal i seem to lose weight. theres nothing medically wrong, ive already freaked out about that.

i cant overeat, i only eat small portions at a time, i must have a fast metabolism and coupled with all the stuff i have to do everyday i seem to burn everything off. now 8 stone - the lightest i have been in ages - at 5'8" i feel too thin. i can imagine people thinking i have an eating disorder but thats not the case. i just dont get as hungry as quicky as i probably should. im so busy and i guess smoking and drinking tea doesnt help but im not ready to give those up yet!

does anybody have any tips? is there a calorie enriched drink i could get?

please help, its getting me down. people keep telling me how thin and drawn i look and its so offensive. i dont go round telling people how fat they look. its making me feel crap :( i want my extra pounds back!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
hav u spoken 2 ur doctor about a referral 2 a nutritionist?
u gotta be careful when tryna put weight on that u do it healthily- or else u can get high colesterol (sp?) and BP and stuff like that.
i kno nuts are fattening yet healthy- do u like them?
my youngest sister has always been the same - even as a small child she was tested for everything going as she never put weight on. The only thing they ever found was that she constantly has high levels of white blood cells as if shes constantly fighting off an infection - but she's actually v healthy. She finds eating too much uncomfortable and although she eats 3 meals a day - she just eats less than average. On my wedding day I can remember early in the morning she drank a mug of tea and had to lie down as her tummy felt too full :rotfl: She can happily eat chocolate cake or a burger, but just less than others. The rest of us definatly don't have this problem :oops:
After her first child she came out of hospital lighter than before she was pregnant. The doctors advised her to use meal replacement shakes as a drink inbetween meals and this added a little weight. Maybe try that?
the best thing would be to use weight gain shakes between meals as used by bodybuilders and strength athletes- which are high in protein as well as containing carbs. Look for tubs saying 'Lean weight gain' so you know its not just full of sugar. Basically a lot of the mainstream meal replacements are fortified milk with sugar and vitamins which is crap really! Go for tested brands like Met-rx, EAS, USN . proper sports supplements. And make sure you're eating/drinking every 3 hours
hi ya grace, i know the problem im 5ft3 and only 6 and a half stone!! :oops: i do not have a eating disorder and the docs always say to me there is nothinh pysical wrong so there is no reason 4 me not put on weight i just dont. people come up to me and say god arent you thin, u must be anorexic, do you feel ok etc etc. i find it really rude as you wont go up to someone and say arent you fat!!! people dont see it as that though and people think we make ourselves thin and not all of us do xxx
I feel your pain, I was underweight up until 3 yrs ago, got called anorexic all the way through primary and high school and was always stared at in the street. I couldn't wear some clothes because they'd make me look even skinnier.

In the three years that I was on the pill I gained 12kg (sorry don't know what that is in pounds!) so now I look normal and I love having curves. I don't know whether it was because of the pill, or because of a life-style change (worked as a receptionist for a couple yrs so was sitting down all day) or because of diet change- I decided I would stuff myself till I was sick because I was so fed up of being skinny (not healthy I know). I would have bread and butter with everything, and lots of full-fat dairy, potatoes, pasta. I made all my meals bigger and had lots of snacks in between.

It might be worth seeing a nutritionist or your GP to see how to gain weight healthily. Good luck, I know how you feel!

Meg xx
Hi Grace, I am the same as you and having breast fed for a year, i am struggling with weight gain. I am 5' 4" and 6 1/2 st.

You shouldn't need to eat massive portions just choose healthy calorific foods as much as poss. Try these:

Add nuts and dried fruits to cereal.
Eat seeded breads.
Drink juices or fruit shakes instead of tea which has no calories.
Add things to cooking such as milk,cream, cheese, seeds etc where possible to increase calories.

That's all i can think of at the moment, if i remember any more i will post again. :hug:
Hi I know where you are coming from. I used to be 6 stone and once went under that and nearly ended up hospitalised. I saw a nutritionist who told me to eat properly, (obviously) I tried medicine to give me an appetite but it made me so drowsy I couldn't eat and then I used the weight gain drinks but they made me constipated. Eventually I just gradually ate more and ate high calorie foods. I hated being skinny. I used to wear leggings under my jeans to make me look "normal" and I longed to be fat. Now I'm a size 12 and trying to lose weight :roll: My whole body changed when I got pregnant. I prefer being this end of the scale though. Being thin totally controlled my life and I had no confidence, its like I wasn't a whole person. Was weird :?

I hope you get sorted soon. I'd say just keep trying diferent things and you will eventually find whats right for you.

P.S I used to smoke and drink coffee all day too which took my appetite away and didn't help.

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