xXx . ~ + < * * July mummies 2015 * * > + ~ . xXx

Clothing so far I have in newborn size

1 romper outfit
3 tshirts
2 trousers
7 short sleeve body suits
6 sleep suits

Age 0-3

1 dungaree outfit
7 short sleeve body suits
6 sleep suits
1 t-shirt

Bits and pieces

2 booties
4 blue Muslins but I have 13 white ones off when I had DD
1 thin blanket (also have my cellular ones off DD and lots of others)
1 teddy comforter
2 hats
2 pairs of mitts
5 dribble bibs ( not sure I will use these)
3 pairs of socks
Big things and others I have the following:

Cot (had from DD)
Crib and bedding set also mattress
cot/crib mobile
Moses basket (mainly for downstairs)
Baby bath
top and tail bowl ( had that from DD)
Dummies (I didn't use them with DD but just incase)
6 tommee tippee bottles
Tommee tippee Microwave steriliser
Milk pots for out and about
Milton sterilising tablets for emergencies
Changing bag
Little hair brush set
Travel system and car seat
Monitor (had from DD)
12x baby wipes
3x water wipes and cotton balls for hospital
Nappy sacks
Changing mat
Baby sponge
Baby bouncer
For DS clothes I bought some ikea drawers
Thats a list! Thanks a lot for sharing:) have saved it for my further reference!

I was also wondering, as we having July babies, what are you going to dress them in once born??
Good question lol. It's what I'm struggling with as my DD was a winter baby I'm thinking feet less baby grow or vest and trousers all depends how hot it is I guess and you can always place a blanket over them in the car from hospital

Oh i also bought a thin cotton jacket from asda for DS not sure if it will be needed
Im fsr too prepared! And now im bored as have nothing to buy. Ive even packed my hosp bag - think it was all to pass the time when i had my low spell to try and cheer me up and now i just have to sit tight and wait for buba! Xxxx
Aww Claire you can help us lot haha ive a vague memory of what I need for hospital.
Oh before I forget Tesco baby event is on till the 29th :)
I've brought my hospital bag of that counts lol
I've not done a thing
Our house is still a mess and electricians are back again Monday the re wire is not looking to be completed till end of the month
Then we need a joiner in followed by a plasterer
Then decorating : ( I'm not feeling positive anything will be ready

But I have got baby 4 baby grows for hospital bag
4 vests for hospital
A cute little hat
And a beautiful blanket from tesco there really big and super soft it's pink with hearts on almost fleecy feeling
They do blue white and grey also only £8 well worth every penny my DD loves his

Besides that I have got a couple of bits for hospital bag but just haven't got time to pack it with DD and house and still working from home

Sorry for my moan :( x
Laura, our building work starts in May. What little I already have is probably going to be moved to a friends house to allow the work to take place without it getting messed up. Can't face getting anything else in before the work is done, due to storage and keeping it clean. It will be a manic June.
It sure will loretta
I don't want to buy anything or should I say I can because I have no where to put it :(
Just want the work done now so I can best and settle lol x
Hi ladies, finally got round to joining you here in tri 3, so used to just clicking on the tri 2 thread I completely forgot to look here too so have just caught up with you all.

We are totally unprepared really. We know we have everything we need for baby because we had it all for ds 1, but it's all in storage. So need to get it all out and sort it out. Will probably do that in June sometime. We're hoping to exchange contracts on new house tomorrow and looking like completion will be 1st July, so can't do anything nurserywise till we move. All baby stuff will go in spare room in boxes till then. So although we have most things we are not at all ready!

Well tonight is last night in Tenerife. Had a lovely holiday weather has been great. Ds is now brave enough to float in pool with his armbands on, so getting closer to swimming. Will have to start looking at lessons soon.
Wow, so many of us with house issues on top if the nursery / what stuff do I need anxiety. Fx for us all!

And yay for insomnia. OH is snoring like a freight train. Have turned him over twice and now retired to the spare room. Loooong day coming up.
I'm with you loretta!!! Insomnia strikes again and OH is sound asleep. I woke up crying and had 10 minutes of hysterical crying. In my dream my OH decided that he didn't love me or want to be with me anymore because I'd got too many stretch marks from being pregnant. He then told me that he'd never loved me and didn't want the baby and made the decision that he was gonna leave. To top all that off the house fell through again and the mortgage company pulled out,so I was left homeless and alone!! Then to top it all off my ex popped up in my dream telling me he told me so. When I woke up it all felt so real,so continued crying. Thinking 'what if the mortgage company do pull out again? Is that why things are taking so long??' Now I'm starting to panic that that is why our solicitor is being completely useless because they know that the mortgage company is gonna pull out!! I'm terrified!!!

On another note looking at your list Angela I have everything you've listed other than the cot ,mattress and bedding. Although we have picked out the one we want-we just don't have it yet due to the house situation!! I just then need to get mattress and a few bottom sheets!! I'm planning on using gro-bags instead if sheets and have ordered a couple-1 of my favs has a picture from the very hungry caterpillar-it's so cute!! I have re-written my list out 3 times because I love being able to tick things off!! It's my favourite time to sit down and tick things off!! I even add things retrospectively just so I can tick them off!!

I feel much calmer about the whole house situation now - it's great being able to write it all down. Thanks :-)

12 weeks and counting!! I realised yesterday that since starting all this stuff with the house our baby has doubled in age. I was 14 weeks when it all started and now 28-eeeek!! I feel like I'm wishing my life away 1 to get into our house and 2 to meet baby!!! I literally can't wait until either event!!xxx
Oh twinkle I'm sorry. I've woken after that kind of dream in the past. So upsetting. Hope you're doing better now.
I must have dropped back off but am now shattered.
Here's to a good day for us all.
So my list......incase anything will help -
Nursery and home-
Moses - for downstairs
wardrobe and drawers
Nappy dispenser
Rocking chair
Nappies - sizes 1-3
wipes ..... lots of wipes
Baby bouncer chair
Cot top changer
Clothes - neutral ranging from newborn all up for 12months
Cotbed,crib and moses bedding
breast pads
maternity pads
Groegg thermometor
car seat

Hosp bag
5/6 outfits for baby
'Birthing' outfit (top and bra)
Day 2 clothes
Cotton wool
Breast pads
Maternity towels
Hugeeee bridget jones pants
Nipple cream
Nappy rash cream
Just need to pack notes and snacks

Think thats it all..... im probs missing loadsssssss! Think i got all the essentials!
Hi everyone!

Seeing your list Claire has made me feel much better! Realised that we have more than I thought we did :) I still need to buy more nappies, wipes, cotton wool and stuff for my hospital bag but other than that I feel pretty prepared for 28 weeks. Still haven't got a changing bag, what have you all gone for?

I really feel for those of you who are moving house/decorating/renovating. We are decorating ours at the moment but at least it's all cosmetic, just a bit of painting here and there, nothing drastic. Hope all the work is sorted as soon as possible for you all. I'm sure they'll be looking lovely in time for baby's arrival.

Thanks for the tips about the Tesco baby event! I knew about the ASDA one but will now have a look at what Tesco have to offer too.

For those who were asking about my rib pain - I've had it since 22 weeks on the right side so I don't think it's where baby is laying but more just everything expanding and being pushed upwards. I have it every day but as my midwife kindly pointed out 'it's only going to get worse' so I'm just dealing with it :roll:

Had my 28w midwife appointment yesterday. All good. Measuring 28 weeks and baby's heartbeat was around 150. She's head down and quite low apparently :shock: might be why I've started to feel a bit of pressure down there. I've told her she's not allowed to come out for at least another 10 weeks!! :lol:

Hope you're all well. Happy Friday!

Oo changing bag! I have that too :)
Glad MW went well kwarbee. Ive got my appt on tues. Got physio beforehand as SPD is getting to the unbearable stage again. Seems to be in control for about 3/4 weeks then starts playing up again. Xxx
Which changing bag have you got, Claire?

Hope your appointments goes well on Tuesday and that the physio can suggest to something to help with your SPD xx
Ill try upload a pic l. Got it online as none of the cath kidston ones caught my eye.

Ooooo had a dream last night it was a boy and we were home and it wouldnt latch on! :(
This is my first boy dream since about 16weeks. Always always been a girl since maybe the first dream. Subconcience?!? Coinsidence?!? Or maybe i should stop over analysing things!hahahah xxx
I can't seem to find one that I really love the look of. Despite how popular they are, I'm not a fan of the Pink Linings one and my OH hates them :lol:

I've had boy and girl dreams. In one of my girl dreams she weighed 9lb 11oz, I hope that doesn't come true!!! I also had a dream that I went to visit a friend with baby in her pram and when I went to pick baby up, it was my kitten! In my dream I was thinking that I was such a terrible mother because my baby (aka the kitten) was laying on her front rather than her back, so I tried to turn her over. She didn't appreciate that at all!! :lol:


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