xXx . ~ + < * * July mummies 2015 * * > + ~ . xXx

Hi everyone,

Hope you're all well.

Laura, I've heard great things about the angel care monitor so hope it's good for you too! Ouch about the varicous vein :sad: is it painful?

Glad your midwife appointment went well, Crawkay. I have mine tomorrow. Pretty sure baby isn't head down but I know they've still got a bit of room to move about. I wonder if I'll have a health visitor visit??

Good to hear that everything is ok with baby, Claire. It's definitely always best to call if you're worried. Typical that your little one started wriggling once you got there :)

Ribs are sore again today for me and my feet are looking rather swollen :shock: combination of pregnancy, heat and new shoes, I think! xx
Thanks kwarbee
Vein isn't painful at all just something I noticed when having a look down there lol
Always making sure nothing drastic has changed lol

Had my bloods back turns out I'm deffinately immune to chicken pox so that's good news

Sorry to hear your ribs are sore kwarbee hope that eases soon hun

I may have to remove my rings on my fingers soon there starting to get puffy :(

Hope your all well this evening x
Kwarbee, what do you mean by sore? I've started getting a stitch-like cramp in my ribs. Blooming painful.
Just managed to find baby's heartbeat through an app on my phone!
First time I've ever picked it up. It says it works best from 30 weeks + but I've had a play around with it a few times since about 22 weeks.
Oooh, I'm all excited.

Never heard if varicose veins in that region, just another wonderful pregnancy surprise :/

Are your ribs sore due to position of the baby Kwarbee?
Crawkey what apps that?
Bubs been really active tonight - making up for scaring mumma xxx
It's called My Baby Beat on iPhone.
Think I paid about £2.99 for it but it was a couple of months ago so not sure.
It lets you record what you're listening to as well so that's nice to have.

I tried again just now and couldn't find it, obviously just got lucky before.x
One of my friends had her baby today!! She was having a surprise and had a little boy. Another of our friends found out and knows she's having a boy-due 22nd July and I'm convinced we're having a boy too!! All 3 will be able to play together-how cute!!xxx
Morning ladies hope your all ok

Just wanted to say that tesco direct have some fab stuff on there online baby event
I got Moses basket sheets cheap and bedding too
Also a beautiful pink blanket for lo for coming home from hospital
Worth a gander :) x
Laura, can I just like, employ you to do all my shopping? You bargin-eye is epic :)

Just been for my heart echo. Apparently everything looks fine, so, that's one more thing I can cross off my list :)

Going to the folks for the weekend again so probably won't be around much.
I'll catch up when I can.

Have a great weekend, y'all xx
Lol thanks lacey :)
I'm always looking for a bargain
Happy to help you ladies if I can

Glad to hear your heart echo went ok
Have a fab weekend with family
Anyone near a asda with clothing department they have a half price sale on
Got baby 5 pack of bibs for £2
7 vests for £4
And me some pjs for hospital for £5
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You beat me to it Laura our asda didn't have much choice for boys but I got a couple of bits :)
Had the doctors call I had to pick a prescription up for iron tablets 210mg twice a day I knew I'd need them so your not alone Laura :)

OH had his op he's home and in agony I had to pick him up at 9pm last night I'm just pleased he's ok.
Glad your oh op was ok Angela
Hope he gets well soon

I'm taking iron tablets too 3 a day 200's in fact you have just reminded me to go take one lol
Thank you x
Hi ladies, does anyone else feel really unprepared for the baby? We havent bought much at all and I feel that there is not enough time left at all... Feeling really anxious..:(
I'm useless with tablets Laura, I forgot to take my ranitidine last night only realised when the acid came back lol.

Ingridika, we started getting bits and bobs early on the big stuff anyways, past few weeks ive been getting bits of clothing ect there's still plenty of time and with the baby and toddler events coming up in Asda, Morrisons and Tesco you will get a few bargins :)

I'm now at a loss of what I'm missing off my list and what I still need

What have you got so far?
Ingridika - I do hun!
The Nursery is bare - the cupbaord is full with bits we have been given but I have no furniture which is making me more anxious by the day!

FIL is supposed to be making it for us but he hasn't even started it yet!! He said he's guaging it on the size of my bump :shock:, this is not a good guage!! what about the fact I leave work in 9 weeks and baby is due n 12!! :wall2:
Thing is I know when he does do it, it'll be perfect but I would like it before I go on leave!

I'm starting to look at buying it but it's catch 22 with not wanting to offend FIL and spending money and having my anxiety levels get worse as time ticks on!
Angela thanks for support! we have ordered the cot over Easter, which should be delivered next week and bought a chest of drawers from Ikea(which needs to be assembled)... I have few bits of clothings, all different sizes (I just cannot get my head around what exactly and in which quantity do I need for different sizes). Also bought nappy bin and baby monitor and I think thats it!! Apart from big staff, there are so many other things you need.. Nappies, baby medicine, toiletries etc etc! I hope my baby doesnt come too early, that I might just make the most of my maternity leave, which I will start at 36 weeks!
Boosh, I know exactly what you mean... Our nursery room is still a storage, full of rubbish...:(
We only started early as my OH seen the pram I wanted on offer and ive been spreading the cost since then, we didn't expect to fall pregnant so quickly to be honest.
I'm still at a loss on clothing on how much to get and in what sizes also baby nappies bedding things like that

I've also been bargain hunting bottles steriliser ect cost me only £19
I was going to compile a list to see if you girls can spot what I'm missing i know i don't have a lot left to get. But it may also help you ladies who are still buying

Don't feel to bad My nursery isn't no where near finished still boxes to go in the loft ect. I didn't have a nursery with DD as we were living at my parents at the time.
Angela, you will be a God Send if you post a list of what you have/still need :)

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