xXx . ~ + < * * July mummies 2015 * * > + ~ . xXx

Not me, Laura (or at least, as far as I'm aware!). But I read only yesterday how common low iron is in pregnancy so hopefully nothing to be too concerned about xx
Hope so rang midwife she said doctors are fine to prescribe iron supplements so hopefully
Get them later when I go back for my other bloods :( starting to feel like a pin cushion lol

Thanks kwarbee x
Nothing to be too concerned about laura they are just to boost it back to what it should be I had low iron with DD I'm expecting it again this time too.
Oh also don't be alarmed because I was they can turn your stools black lol I was horrified as nobody told me
My iron was low at booking in. Has since got lower. I was on iron tabs but swapped to Spatone which is an iron liquid suppliment. Doesn't cause constipation or black poo! I used this after my first pregnancy as well as my levels were ridiculously low as I lost a lot of blood after my section and had to get a transfusion and this brought my levels up quite quickly. My mum(who is a midwife) has told me I need to get my levels up or I may need to end up getting an iron infusion. Xx
Caught a glimpse of myself walking today. I'm starting to waddle. Will be the size of a whale by July :(
Your not alone Loretta :) OH says I'm waddling :(
Midwife went well today no problems also booked in for my whooping cough vaccine on Friday. Only 3weeks till I see the midwife next.
Also got into see a doctor and was prescribed ranitidine for my acid reflux yay I hope it works and hopefully I might sleep better.
Started my iron tablets this evening will deff keep an eye out for black poop lol
Doctor did tell me and said I could get constipated too
No change there then lol

Had another set of bloods today to check for anti bodies against chicken pox
Will hopefully have results tomorrow fingers crossed

10 weeks till due date and counting
Scary no where near ready

Hope your all well this evening xx
I hope your results come back ok laura :) eeeek 10 weeks week so that means 12 for me oh dear it's not long is it.
I asked the midwife which way baby was and he's back to back head down OH said he better not be getting to comfy down there we don't want him to early haha
OH has to go into hospital for 12 noon which is so much better I'm trying to put on a brave face and say he will be fine ect but to be honest I'm so bloody scared, so god knows how he's feeling.
Girls how are you all? Sorry for radio silence, signal is shocking here!

Are you all ok? Iam having a div moment:..we are pregnant for 40week right?
Have I missed anything? Away until Sunday so may not be able to respond!

Hiya bonze how are you ?
Yep I believe we are meant to be pregnant for 40 weeks :)
Yeah 40 weeks takes us to due date!! 12 weeks until my due date!!! 28 weeks tomorrow:-) time is going so quickly!! Why do you ask Bonze?? Hope you're having a nice time away!!

My body is driving me mad. I just can't sleep every night for the last 3 days I've woken at about 2 and not been able to get back to sleep!! Keep thinking about all the house stuff we have to do and all the bits I still have to pick up for the baby!! Worrying if we'll ever get into our house. OH is getting stressed about it,so getting stressed at me about it!! It's driving me crazy!! I just can't get comfortable. I'm too hot,I'm too cold,I need a wee,I have heartburn,I feel heavy!! Arghhhhhh!!!!x
Baby hasnt really moved since yesterday morning. The odd poke now and again but not following its normal pattern. Think i whould ring mw or is that normal?
Normally goes mental at about 730/8pm.....nothing
And when im getting up.for work........nothing.

My gut tella me its all fine but abit of me is panicking

claire2602 there is no harm in giving your midwife a quick ring, put your mind at rest.

Claire just ring. Otherwise you'll be worrying all day. When I no movement at all the second I rang the midwife baby started moving-little bugger!! Midwife told me that they won't have quite established a fxed pattern yet until about 30wks!! But that's what your midwife is there for reassurance and support!!x
I rang and they called me straight in and of course as soon as i got there it started wriggling!! Xxx
That's good to hear. Always best to get these things checked xx
Any change in movement that concerns you always ring midwife. I had had no movement from Thursday tea time so went to my mums on Friday morning and she had a good feel and got nothing back and she rung her work to say I was going down to get checked and I was only 24+6 then. Everything was fine tho. Glad everything was ok Claire. Xx
Glad all is well Claire, always best to get checked if you have a worry.

Had 28 week midwife appointment this morning. Baby is head down, heartbeat was lovely and strong and bump measuring 27 which is just below 50th centile but in line with my other plots on my graph so all good.

Also, had the health visitor come to the house this morning. She was here about 45 minutes having a chat, giving me a load of leaflets and going through a couple of questionnaires. Don't see her now til 10-14 days after baby arrives, eek!

Hope everyone is well at the moment.xx
Good to hear all is ok claire :)

And glad to hear midwife appointment went well crawkay :)

I'm still waiting on a call from the doctors about my bloods yesterday as to weather I have enough anti bodies to fight chicken pox virus
If I haven't heard by 3 I'll call them hate the waiting

How is everyone today?

I have some horrible tmi
I have a varacious vein down there :( not nice x
Ordered my baby monitor today gone for the angel care one with sensor pad
Will be here tomorrow
Going to test it out in DS room for now make sure it's all ok
Excited about a monitor lol x

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