xXx . ~ + < * * July mummies 2015 * * > + ~ . xXx

While were on the subject..... have people exchanged numbers etc to update on labour? Seen a few threads with that. Is that what a bump buddie is for? Ive not got a clue! Xxx
I have with Lacey to keep updated on birth etc! Hubby can then txt her to up date you all! God this is getting real! X
Like your idea Bonze
No one on Facebook knows I'm pregnant and would like it to stay that way for the foreseeable also as I know people from my past are still very nosy too and I don't like it :( xx
Facebook is fab for staying in touch. I'm in a private group and friends with ladies from here from my last pregnancy. If anyone wants to add me I'm Amy Olszok xx
Right ladies ive created a group
I have called it July 2015 pregnancy forum mummies private group
I have just friend requested Jenny I will try and invite you now
If anyone else is friends with anyone on here in our group please feel free to add them xx

Hope your all ok with me jumping the gun and starting a group x

If you want a friend add and add to the group message me your Facebook details and I'll do adds xx
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It's listed as a secret group so any ladies concerned
No one can find the group or see posts x
Claire what's your Facebook name and pic I'll add you now x
This talk about FB groups makes everything so exciting!! I've enjoyed reading through yesterday's posts about what people have bought etc. makes me not so nervous about what I've got left to buy!! :-) I just want to get in our house and sort it all out,so I can see what else I need to get!! I slept so much better last night. 8 hours with only 1 wake up to turn over!! Beats the last few nights where it has been sleep for 2hrs and awake for the rest of the night!!

I got my changing bag from amazon. It's nothing special and cost me £20! There is a matching travel bag,changing mat and 2 insulated bottle bags!! I've also got the boots one as a back up in case the amazon one falls apart the minute I put stuff in it!! It's currently living at school in my stock cupboard. Along with the baby bath,gym ball and pram toys!!

Please may I join the FB group?? I have my privacy settings really high so you won't be able to find me-means that the children/parents can't find me either!! I'll private message my name to you Laura so then you know who it is adding you!! Xx

I have also got a very wriggly baby these last few days especially when having a cold drink. Baby partyiclaufly liked the lemon squash I had last night!!! :-) is it possible to love someone you've never met???xxx
I've added you as well Kayleigh. Pic of me and Boyd-he's got glasses on and I have a full fringe!!x
Laura you are a star! Just so I understand (bit of a dumbass when I comes to social media) I'm not going to be outed as beig pregnant if I join? X
No bonze it's set to a secret group
So there should be no way of people seeing you there
I'm not 100% up on it
Can anyone else clarify if bonze would be found to join the group from her profile? X
No I don't think so!! I'm pretty sure that if it's secret it won't say when you've joined or people can't search it either-I tried searching for it,but can't find it!! X

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